
=== Rahoul15 is now known as Rahoul1
telmacso I've been having trouble with both chrome and chromium under wayland in the last few weeks01:03
telmac(since I did an upgrade, I think)01:03
telmacthey both crash, not quite at random, fairly often01:04
telmaciirc one website consistently killed chrome, another time I tried to pull a tab off of the main window and it crashed01:04
telmacThis seems to be the error that happens soon they crash: [19021:19021:0326/180153.232447:ERROR:wayland_event_watcher.cc(38)] libwayland: xdg_wm_base@15: error 4: wrong configure serial: 248601:04
telmacchromium had been more stable for the last few days01:05
telmacgenerally, chrome would crash, and then each time I tried to reopen it it would crash either soon after the window appeared or sometimes without showing a window01:06
telmacinterestingly, today I was using chrome, it died, and I tried to open chromium and it would give a couple errors and never open a window01:07
telmacpkill'ing google-chrome sometimes solves it and sometimes not01:08
telmacanyway I'm pretty sure at this point it's a problem with wayland (or sway, just as well)01:09
=== chris14_ is now known as chris14
=== Whisky` is now known as Carnivorous`Boar
=== ssserpent2 is now known as ssserpent1
=== arraybolt3_ is now known as arraybolt3
HPENVyanyone can help me fix audi issu? i have HP envy 16xxx and the internal speakers are not working (4 of them)04:19
HPENVyi tried every possible way on web but nothing works04:19
=== wolfcock is now known as CUNT
HPENVyanyone can help me fix audi issu? i have HP envy 16xxx and the internal speakers are not working (4 of them). ive tried every possible way on web but nothing works05:44
ronson33[m]I don't know🥲05:44
HPENVyi have no choice but ask here... i hope there are active poeple in this channel05:45
ronson33[m]reinstall system?05:50

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