jbicha | Trevinho: should we have gnome-control-center depend on libgtk-4-media-gstreamer for 23.04 then? | 00:09 |
Trevinho | jbicha: that's fine | 00:09 |
vorlon | jbicha: because it's a functional dependency or because you're trying to force picking it up on beta-installed systems that miss it? | 00:10 |
jbicha | I believe it's required to fix bug 2011849 | 00:12 |
-ubottu:#ubuntu-release- Bug 2011849 in gtk4 (Ubuntu) "gnome-control-center 44rc is missing graphics for Multitasking and Mouse & Touchpad" [Critical, Fix Released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/2011849 | 00:12 | |
vorlon | then that sounds fair. | 00:13 |
vorlon | if Recommends: is more correct for you, then adding it as a new Recommends post-beta would also cause it to be pulled in for users on upgrade | 00:14 |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: gnome-control-center (lunar-proposed/main) [1:44.0-1ubuntu3 => 1:44.0-1ubuntu4] (ubuntu-desktop) | 00:23 | |
jbicha | I added a todo task to investigate the gnome-remote-desktop SRU | 00:25 |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: ubuntukylin-meta (lunar-proposed/universe) [0.48 => 0.49] (ubuntukylin) | 01:07 | |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: ubuntustudio-meta (lunar-proposed/universe) [0.292 => 0.293] (ubuntustudio) | 02:15 | |
vorlon | Eickmeyer: ^^ looks like there were some seed changes for ubuntustudio that hadn't gotten uploaded | 02:15 |
Eickmeyer | vorlon: Weird... | 02:16 |
vorlon | doesn't inhibit the beta, unless you think the missing recommend means your testing is invalid and needs a respin | 02:16 |
Eickmeyer | looking... | 02:16 |
vorlon | (post-beta, the added recommends will get pulled in on upgrade) | 02:16 |
Eickmeyer | vorlon: I see the changes. Now I'm thinking. | 02:20 |
Eickmeyer | (forgot about those preseeds, was to mitigate pulseaudio being pulled-in) | 02:20 |
Eickmeyer | vorlon: Nah, I think post-beta is fine. No respin necessary. | 02:21 |
vorlon | ack | 02:21 |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: ubuntustudio-default-settings (lunar-proposed/universe) [23.04.24 => 23.04.25] (ubuntustudio) | 03:37 | |
Eickmeyer | ^ Can wait until after beta. | 03:40 |
arraybolt3 | Doing a live session beta test of Ubuntu MATE, and while I've found a few minor bugs, this one seems particularly bad: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/caja/+bug/2013138 Not sure it's a beta blocker, but is there anything upstream that might fix this before the release? | 03:59 |
-ubottu:#ubuntu-release- Launchpad bug 2013138 in caja (Ubuntu) "Ubuntu MATE application menu vanishes shortly after opening every time it is clicked on" [Undecided, New] | 03:59 | |
arraybolt3 | (It's not happening every single time in the latest beta RC, but it's happening quite a bit.) | 03:59 |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: otf2 (lunar-proposed/universe) [3.0.2-1ubuntu2 => 3.0.2-1ubuntu3] (no packageset) | 05:07 | |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: accepted otf2 [source] (lunar-proposed) [3.0.2-1ubuntu3] | 05:08 | |
vorlon | arraybolt3: might want to make sure you're addressing yourself to the mate flavor folks | 05:10 |
arraybolt3 | Mmm, good idea :P | 05:10 |
arraybolt3 | In which case -flavors might be more appropriate. | 05:10 |
LocutusOfBorg | so llvm-toolchain-16 failed also with parallel=3? | 06:30 |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: ibus (lunar-proposed/main) [1.5.28-2 => 1.5.28-3] (i386-whitelist, input-methods, ubuntu-desktop) (sync) | 07:17 | |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted oem-sutton-banagher-meta [sync] (jammy-proposed) [22.04~ubuntu1] | 07:32 | |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: oem-sutton-banagher-meta [amd64] (jammy-proposed/none) [22.04~ubuntu1] (canonical-oem-metapackages) | 07:34 | |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted oem-sutton-cappy-meta [sync] (jammy-proposed) [22.04~ubuntu1] | 07:35 | |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: oem-sutton-cappy-meta [amd64] (jammy-proposed/none) [22.04~ubuntu1] (canonical-oem-metapackages) | 07:39 | |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted oem-sutton-caressa-meta [sync] (jammy-proposed) [22.04~ubuntu1] | 08:00 | |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: oem-sutton-caressa-meta [amd64] (jammy-proposed/none) [22.04~ubuntu1] (canonical-oem-metapackages) | 08:03 | |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted oem-sutton-banagher-meta [amd64] (jammy-proposed) [22.04~ubuntu1] | 08:06 | |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted oem-sutton-caressa-meta [amd64] (jammy-proposed) [22.04~ubuntu1] | 08:06 | |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted oem-sutton-cappy-meta [amd64] (jammy-proposed) [22.04~ubuntu1] | 08:06 | |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted oem-sutton.newell-abdalah-meta [sync] (focal-proposed) [20.04~ubuntu1] | 08:15 | |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted oem-sutton.newell-abdulkareem-meta [sync] (focal-proposed) [20.04~ubuntu1] | 08:17 | |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: oem-sutton.newell-abdalah-meta [amd64] (focal-proposed/none) [20.04~ubuntu1] (canonical-oem-metapackages) | 08:17 | |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: oem-sutton.newell-abdulkareem-meta [amd64] (focal-proposed/none) [20.04~ubuntu1] (canonical-oem-metapackages) | 08:20 | |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted oem-sutton.newell-abe-meta [sync] (focal-proposed) [20.04~ubuntu1] | 08:25 | |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: oem-sutton.newell-abe-meta [amd64] (focal-proposed/none) [20.04~ubuntu1] (canonical-oem-metapackages) | 08:28 | |
LocutusOfBorg | hello, are we still on freeze? | 08:36 |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Builds: Ubuntu Core amd64 edge [Lunar Beta] has been updated (20230330) | 08:46 | |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted oem-sutton.newell-abedabun-meta [sync] (focal-proposed) [20.04~ubuntu1] | 08:48 | |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: oem-sutton.newell-abedabun-meta [amd64] (focal-proposed/none) [20.04~ubuntu1] (canonical-oem-metapackages) | 08:51 | |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted oem-sutton.simon-abednego-meta [sync] (focal-proposed) [20.04~ubuntu1] | 08:54 | |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: oem-sutton.simon-abednego-meta [amd64] (focal-proposed/none) [20.04~ubuntu1] (canonical-oem-metapackages) | 08:57 | |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted oem-sutton.newell-abeeku-meta [sync] (focal-proposed) [20.04~ubuntu1] | 08:57 | |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: oem-sutton.newell-abeeku-meta [amd64] (focal-proposed/none) [20.04~ubuntu1] (canonical-oem-metapackages) | 08:59 | |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted oem-sutton.newell-abdullah-meta [sync] (focal-proposed) [20.04~ubuntu1] | 09:00 | |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: oem-sutton.newell-abdullah-meta [amd64] (focal-proposed/none) [20.04~ubuntu1] (canonical-oem-metapackages) | 09:02 | |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted oem-sutton.simon-abdulrahman-meta [sync] (focal-proposed) [20.04~ubuntu1] | 09:04 | |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: oem-sutton.simon-abdulrahman-meta [amd64] (focal-proposed/none) [20.04~ubuntu1] (canonical-oem-metapackages) | 09:07 | |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted oem-sutton.simon-balin-meta [sync] (focal-proposed) [20.04~ubuntu1] | 09:08 | |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: oem-sutton.simon-balin-meta [amd64] (focal-proposed/none) [20.04~ubuntu1] (canonical-oem-metapackages) | 09:12 | |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted oem-sutton.simon-ballard-meta [sync] (focal-proposed) [20.04~ubuntu1] | 09:18 | |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted oem-sutton.simon-balint-meta [sync] (focal-proposed) [20.04~ubuntu1] | 09:20 | |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: oem-sutton.simon-ballard-meta [amd64] (focal-proposed/none) [20.04~ubuntu1] (canonical-oem-metapackages) | 09:21 | |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted oem-sutton.newell-abdalah-meta [amd64] (focal-proposed) [20.04~ubuntu1] | 09:23 | |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted oem-sutton.newell-abdullah-meta [amd64] (focal-proposed) [20.04~ubuntu1] | 09:23 | |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted oem-sutton.newell-abedabun-meta [amd64] (focal-proposed) [20.04~ubuntu1] | 09:23 | |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted oem-sutton.simon-abdulrahman-meta [amd64] (focal-proposed) [20.04~ubuntu1] | 09:23 | |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted oem-sutton.simon-balin-meta [amd64] (focal-proposed) [20.04~ubuntu1] | 09:23 | |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted oem-sutton.newell-abdulkareem-meta [amd64] (focal-proposed) [20.04~ubuntu1] | 09:23 | |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted oem-sutton.newell-abeeku-meta [amd64] (focal-proposed) [20.04~ubuntu1] | 09:23 | |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted oem-sutton.simon-ballard-meta [amd64] (focal-proposed) [20.04~ubuntu1] | 09:23 | |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted oem-sutton.newell-abe-meta [amd64] (focal-proposed) [20.04~ubuntu1] | 09:23 | |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted oem-sutton.simon-abednego-meta [amd64] (focal-proposed) [20.04~ubuntu1] | 09:23 | |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: oem-sutton.simon-balint-meta [amd64] (focal-proposed/none) [20.04~ubuntu1] (canonical-oem-metapackages) | 09:24 | |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted oem-sutton.simon-balint-meta [amd64] (focal-proposed) [20.04~ubuntu1] | 09:24 | |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Builds: Xubuntu Desktop amd64 [Lunar Beta] has been marked as ready | 09:32 | |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Builds: Xubuntu Minimal amd64 [Lunar Beta] has been marked as ready | 09:33 | |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: sox (lunar-proposed/universe) [14.4.2+git20190427-3.4ubuntu1 => 14.4.2+git20190427-3.5] (i386-whitelist, kubuntu) (sync) | 09:39 | |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: fever (lunar-proposed/universe) [1.3.4-1ubuntu1 => 1.3.5-1] (no packageset) (sync) | 09:40 | |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: accepted fever [sync] (lunar-proposed) [1.3.5-1] | 09:41 | |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Builds: Ubuntu WSL [Lunar Beta] has been updated (4563244362) | 10:45 | |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: gcc-11 (jammy-proposed/main) [11.3.0-1ubuntu1~22.04 => 11.3.0-1ubuntu1~22.04.1] (core, i386-whitelist) (sync) | 11:44 | |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: gcc-11-cross (jammy-proposed/main) [11ubuntu1.1 => 11ubuntu1.2] (i386-whitelist, ubuntu-desktop) (sync) | 11:45 | |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: gcc-11-cross-ports (jammy-proposed/universe) [8ubuntu1.1 => 8ubuntu1.2] (i386-whitelist) (sync) | 11:46 | |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: rejected tzdata [source] (jammy-proposed) [2023c-0ubuntu0.22.04.0] | 12:10 | |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: rejected tzdata [source] (kinetic-proposed) [2023c-0ubuntu0.22.10.0] | 12:10 | |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: rejected tzdata [source] (kinetic-proposed) [2023c-0ubuntu0.22.10.0] | 12:10 | |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: rejected tzdata [source] (bionic-proposed) [2023c-0ubuntu0.18.04.0] | 12:11 | |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: rejected tzdata [source] (focal-proposed) [2023c-0ubuntu0.20.04.0] | 12:11 | |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: rejected tzdata [source] (focal-proposed) [2023c-0ubuntu0.20.04.0] | 12:11 | |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: rejected tzdata [source] (jammy-proposed) [2023c-0ubuntu0.22.04.0] | 12:11 | |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: rejected tzdata [source] (bionic-proposed) [2023c-0ubuntu0.18.04.0] | 12:11 | |
ahasenack | hi release team, when the rush of the beta release is over, I would appreciate some eyes on this FFe for isc-kea: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/isc-kea/+bug/2007312 | 12:47 |
-ubottu:#ubuntu-release- Launchpad bug 2007312 in isc-kea (Ubuntu) "FFe: Unrestricted default RESTful interface on" [High, In Progress] | 12:47 | |
ahasenack | it's not seeded, nor in main | 12:47 |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: libsigc++-3.0 (lunar-proposed/universe) [3.4.0-1ubuntu3 => 3.4.0-2] (no packageset) (sync) | 12:55 | |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: accepted libsigc++-3.0 [sync] (lunar-proposed) [3.4.0-2] | 12:56 | |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: rejected livecd-rootfs [source] (lunar-proposed) [2.818] | 13:08 | |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: feedbackd (lunar-proposed/universe) [0.0.3-1 => 0.1.1-1] (no packageset) (sync) | 13:11 | |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: accepted feedbackd [sync] (lunar-proposed) [0.1.1-1] | 13:11 | |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: rejected ubuntu-advantage-tools [source] (bionic-proposed) [27.14.1~18.04.1] | 13:12 | |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: rejected ubuntu-advantage-tools [source] (focal-proposed) [27.14.1~20.04.1] | 13:12 | |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: rejected ubuntu-advantage-tools [source] (jammy-proposed) [27.14.1~22.04.1] | 13:12 | |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: rejected ubuntu-advantage-tools [source] (kinetic-proposed) [27.14.1~22.10.1] | 13:12 | |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: rejected ubuntu-advantage-tools [source] (bionic-proposed) [27.14.1~18.04.1] | 13:12 | |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: rejected ubuntu-advantage-tools [source] (jammy-proposed) [27.14.1~22.04.1] | 13:12 | |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: rejected ubuntu-advantage-tools [source] (focal-proposed) [27.14.1~20.04.1] | 13:12 | |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: rejected ubuntu-advantage-tools [source] (kinetic-proposed) [27.14.1~22.10.1] | 13:12 | |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: rejected ubuntu-advantage-tools [source] (xenial-proposed) [27.14.1~16.04.1] | 13:12 | |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: rejected ubuntu-advantage-tools [source] (xenial-proposed) [27.14.1~16.04.1] | 13:12 | |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: accepted im-config [source] (jammy-proposed) [0.50-2ubuntu22.04.1] | 13:37 | |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: accepted pyroute2 [source] (jammy-proposed) [0.6.4-3ubuntu2] | 13:51 | |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: tzdata (kinetic-proposed/main) [2023b-0ubuntu0.22.10.0 => 2023c-0ubuntu0.22.10.0] (core) | 13:54 | |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: accepted rocr-runtime [source] (jammy-proposed) [5.0.0-1ubuntu0.1] | 14:02 | |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: livecd-rootfs (lunar-proposed/main) [2.817 => 2.818] (desktop-core, i386-whitelist) | 14:07 | |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: openstack-trove (lunar-proposed/universe) [2:19.0.0-0ubuntu1 => 2:19.0.0-0ubuntu2] (openstack) | 14:21 | |
bdrung | rbasak, Thanks for the detailed response. I stripped down the tzdata SRU to the absolute minimum. Can you review the kinetic tzdata SRU? If you are happy with that, I will prepare it for the other releases as well. | 14:25 |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: accepted livecd-rootfs [source] (lunar-proposed) [2.818] | 14:25 | |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: accepted ubuntu-settings [source] (lunar-proposed) [23.04.4] | 14:25 | |
rbasak | bdrung: yes, but I have meetings starting in a bit. I'm not sure if I'll be able to finish that review today. | 14:30 |
vorlon | omg omg the kernel testsuite migrated to python3, I can finish removing python2 from lunar now | 14:38 |
vorlon | jbicha: really, there was no reason to manually forcesync libsigc++-3.0 during feature freeze. It just causes archive+autopkgtest churn | 14:39 |
Eickmeyer | vorlon: I'll break out the champagne bottles for you. | 14:53 |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Builds: Ubuntu Unity Desktop amd64 [Lunar Beta] has been marked as ready | 14:57 | |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Builds: Edubuntu Desktop amd64 [Lunar Beta] has been marked as ready | 14:58 | |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Builds: Ubuntu Studio DVD amd64 [Lunar Beta] has been marked as ready | 15:11 | |
LocutusOfBorg | vorlon, removing python2 makes me feel... old | 15:19 |
vorlon | doko: dict-zu is an Ubuntu-only package containing a zulu dictionary that build-depends on python2. It feels wrong for Ubuntu to drop this. You are by far the most frequent uploader of the past 15 years ;) Do you want to take a look at porting | 15:29 |
vorlon | ? | 15:30 |
ginggs | vorlon: i wonder if that python3 dependency is no longer used, the other dict-* packages don't have it, e.g. dict-af, dict-xh | 15:58 |
ginggs | i'll take a look | 15:58 |
ginggs | err, i mean python2, fingers autocorrected | 15:59 |
jbicha | ubuntu-release: please mark Ubuntu Desktop's beta images as Ready except for raspi | 16:16 |
Eickmeyer | ubuntu-release: ItzSwirlz might not be available to say so, but Ubuntu Cinnamon will need a respin for the Friefox snap as he had it in parentheses following the pattern for recommends. | 16:18 |
Eickmeyer | bug 302 | 16:19 |
-ubottu:#ubuntu-release- Bug 302 in libflash (Ubuntu) "firefox hangs with flash plugin installed on certain sites" [Medium, Fix Released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/302 | 16:19 | |
Eickmeyer | ioe | 16:19 |
Eickmeyer | ope | 16:19 |
Eickmeyer | bug 2013368 | 16:19 |
-ubottu:#ubuntu-release- Bug 2013368 in ubuntucinnamon-meta (Ubuntu) "Firefox is missing in Ubuntu Cinnamon" [Undecided, New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/2013368 | 16:19 | |
Eickmeyer | Although, arraybolt3[m], considering ItzSwirlz already fixed that, it just needed a respin and snaps can't be fixed in the metapackage. | 16:20 |
arraybolt3 | Eickmeyer: Didn't know how to file a bug against the seed, so the metapackage was the closest I could figure. | 16:28 |
arraybolt3 | (The seed won't let me report a bug against it directly. | 16:28 |
Eickmeyer | arraybolt3: Yeah, you can't. He already had it fixed, though. | 16:29 |
Eickmeyer | There just hasn't been a respin since. | 16:29 |
arraybolt3 | Ah. | 16:29 |
ginggs | respinning cinnamon... | 16:34 |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Builds: Lubuntu Desktop amd64 [Lunar Beta] has been marked as ready | 16:35 | |
tsimonq2 | Lubuntu ✅️ | 16:40 |
Eickmeyer | *a wild tsimonq2 appears!* | 16:41 |
tsimonq2 | Oh hi! | 16:41 |
Eickmeyer | o/ | 16:42 |
ginggs | jbicha: done | 16:54 |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Builds: Ubuntu Desktop (Legacy) amd64 [Lunar Beta] has been marked as ready | 16:54 | |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Builds: Ubuntu Desktop amd64 [Lunar Beta] has been marked as ready | 16:54 | |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Builds: Ubuntu Desktop arm64 [Lunar Beta] has been marked as ready | 16:54 | |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: dict-zu (lunar-proposed/main) [20070207-5ubuntu3 => 20070207-5ubuntu4] (ubuntu-desktop) | 17:05 | |
bdmurray | Where are the cinnamon seeds? | 17:07 |
bdmurray | https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntucinnamon-dev/ubuntu-seeds | 17:07 |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Builds: Ubuntu Cinnamon Desktop amd64 [Lunar Beta] has been updated (20230330) | 17:08 | |
bdmurray | manifest looks good https://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntucinnamon/daily-live/20230330/lunar-desktop-amd64.manifest | 17:09 |
Eickmeyer | bdmurray: I've got https://git.launchpad.net/~ubuntucinnamon-dev/ubuntu-seeds/+git/ubuntucinnamon/ | 17:12 |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: accepted libreoffice [source] (jammy-backports) [1:7.4.6-0ubuntu0.22.10.1~bpo22.04.1] | 17:12 | |
Eickmeyer | Is the script activated? | 17:12 |
Eickmeyer | I'll give Cinnamon a smoke test. | 17:13 |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: accepted libreoffice [source] (focal-backports) [1:7.4.6-0ubuntu0.22.10.1~bpo20.04.1] | 17:13 | |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: accepted libreoffice [source] (bionic-backports) [1:7.4.6-0ubuntu0.22.10.1~bpo18.04.1] | 17:14 | |
vorlon | ginggs: utils/csv2acor.py is /usr/bin/python2. so some source changes are needed here beyond simply removing the build-dep | 17:20 |
ginggs | vorlon: that's not used in the build though | 17:21 |
vorlon | zu/myspell/zu_aff.py either? | 17:21 |
ginggs | i ran 2to3 on zu/myspell/zu_aff.py | 17:22 |
ginggs | vorlon: oh, you aren't looking at my upload | 17:22 |
vorlon | ginggs: no :) | 17:22 |
ginggs | ah | 17:22 |
vorlon | if you've sorted it, great, thanks! | 17:23 |
ginggs | vorlon: np | 17:23 |
vorlon | and https://ubuntu-archive-team.ubuntu.com/proposed-migration/lunar_uninst.txt is now beautiful | 17:23 |
vorlon | (no more python2.7) | 17:23 |
Eickmeyer | vorlon: Congratulations! | 17:24 |
Eickmeyer | arraybolt3: Latest Cinnamon image has Firefox. | 17:25 |
bdmurray | Eickmeyer: Can you close that bug then? | 17:26 |
Eickmeyer | bdmurray: Already done. | 17:26 |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: libreoffice-voikko (lunar-proposed/main) [5.0-4build1 => 5.0-4build2] (ubuntu-desktop) | 17:37 | |
arraybolt3 | umm... the ISO tracker is still pointing to the 20230329.1 image for Cinnamon, not the 20230330 one I'm pulling now. | 18:06 |
ginggs | arraybolt3: what URL are you looking at? | 18:11 |
arraybolt3 | ginggs: The one my browser's back button took me to which is now outdated. :facepalm: | 18:12 |
arraybolt3 | I even hit Refresh thinking that would make sure it wasn't outdated. | 18:13 |
ginggs | arraybolt3: ok :) | 18:16 |
seb128 | vorlon, hey, is https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/iwd/+bug/2012081 still on your list or did I miss something to get it back to the release team for consideration? | 19:04 |
-ubottu:#ubuntu-release- Launchpad bug 2012081 in iwd (Ubuntu) "[FFe] update to the current upstream version 2.3" [Undecided, Confirmed] | 19:04 | |
jbicha | vorlon: are you leading the Beta release? | 19:06 |
vorlon | jbicha: ginggs is | 19:08 |
vorlon | seb128: well the bug report talked about pre-beta and I was unable to get back to you before beta freeze so I wasn't sure whether you still wanted to proceed | 19:09 |
vorlon | I'm still wibbly about the regression risk but would be willing to take it immediately post-beta if that's what you want | 19:09 |
seb128 | vorlon, it's in universe and not on any image so technically if doesn't make a real difference if it made it in time for the ISO builds | 19:09 |
vorlon | true | 19:10 |
seb128 | I would be fine with landing it after beta yes | 19:10 |
vorlon | but you had said "the change would land before beta" and as this is no longer true, I was unsure | 19:10 |
vorlon | seb128: acked on the bug | 19:11 |
seb128 | right, I would have preferred to have it reviewed earlier but I still think the rational for updating stand | 19:11 |
seb128 | I can update the description | 19:11 |
seb128 | vorlon, thanks | 19:11 |
jbicha | ginggs: maybe we don't release raspi images for Ubuntu Desktop Beta anyway? so it doesn't matter whether it's marked ready? | 19:14 |
waveform | if you can give me 30 minutes, I'll have the raspi images marked on the ISO tracker | 19:15 |
ginggs | waveform: sure | 19:16 |
AlsoItzSwirlz | \o/ Cinnamon doesn't have a release team on launchpad, so, can someone mark Ubuntu Cinnamon Beta image as ready? | 19:23 |
ginggs | AlsoItzSwirlz: . | 19:35 |
AlsoItzSwirlz | *cueue jeopardy music as we wait for queuebot to send the message* | 19:36 |
AlsoItzSwirlz | ginggs: thanks | 19:36 |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Builds: Ubuntu Cinnamon Desktop amd64 [Lunar Beta] has been marked as ready | 19:36 | |
waveform | ginggs, done Pi 4 4GB and Pi400 tests of the raspi desktop image, marked in ISO tracker as passed with the usual issues | 19:47 |
ginggs | waveform: ta! | 19:48 |
AlsoItzSwirlz | when was ubuntu desktop arm64 approved? | 19:57 |
AlsoItzSwirlz | I'm running it in a VM right now and I'm stuck at gdm3 login (yes, username ubuntu and passord ubuntu didn't work) | 19:57 |
jbicha | waveform: ^ | 19:57 |
AlsoItzSwirlz | (I'm on an M1 and I'm glad I can at least virtualize this instead of go through the pain of emulating it) | 19:58 |
bdmurray | Ubuntu desktop arm64 should not be listed | 20:00 |
* AlsoItzSwirlz sighs realizing he downloaded a pointless image | 20:00 | |
AlsoItzSwirlz | bdmurray: http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/444/builds/275083/testcases | 20:00 |
AlsoItzSwirlz | maybe i can virtualize a raspi? | 20:01 |
AlsoItzSwirlz | well the tests are meant to be done for real hardware, hm | 20:01 |
waveform | I doubt you can virtualize a raspi -- the boot sequence is very "special" (starts on the GPU, custom bootloader, etc.) | 20:04 |
arraybolt3 | Great. Looks like Ubuntu MATE OEM installation is b0rked. | 20:04 |
arraybolt3 | Not too bad though, a couple of reboots and I managed to get it to get through. | 20:04 |
jbicha | yeah, Desktop arm64 wasn't present for Kinetic Beta http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/439/builds | 20:04 |
arraybolt3 | That crummy Caja bug is causing some problems. | 20:05 |
AlsoItzSwirlz | going to try ubuntu base on macos, hopefully nothing goes wrong! | 20:05 |
arraybolt3 | AlsoItzSwirlz: That's probably going to be running an Ubuntu userland on a Darwin kernel, just fyi. | 20:06 |
arraybolt3 | Not sure if it will work, and it is likely not the test case the Ubuntu team had in mind. | 20:06 |
AlsoItzSwirlz | yeah thats what it is basically, and it is definitely not what the team has in mind but i'll do it | 20:06 |
AlsoItzSwirlz | *try | 20:06 |
arraybolt3 | :) Good luck! | 20:07 |
arraybolt3 | I'm over here doing wacky testing too :P Don't ever mix an OEM install with no Internet, lesson learned. | 20:08 |
AlsoItzSwirlz | exec format error on an arm host, nice | 20:10 |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Builds: Ubuntu Server Subiquity amd64 [Lunar Beta] has been marked as ready | 20:32 | |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Builds: Ubuntu Server Subiquity arm64 [Lunar Beta] has been marked as ready | 20:32 | |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Builds: Ubuntu Server Subiquity ppc64el [Lunar Beta] has been marked as ready | 20:32 | |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Builds: Ubuntu Server Subiquity s390x [Lunar Beta] has been marked as ready | 20:32 | |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Builds: Ubuntu Budgie Desktop amd64 [Lunar Beta] has been marked as ready | 20:50 | |
ItzSwirlz | wsl is done | 21:19 |
ItzSwirlz | in about an hour and a half ill start knocking out kubuntu manual partitioning + non-english | 21:20 |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: libcupsfilters (lunar-proposed/main) [2.0~b4-0ubuntu5 => 2.0~b4-0ubuntu6] (no packageset) | 21:35 | |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Builds: Ubuntu Base amd64 [Lunar Beta] has been marked as ready | 22:02 | |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Builds: Ubuntu Base arm64 [Lunar Beta] has been marked as ready | 22:02 | |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Builds: Ubuntu Base armhf [Lunar Beta] has been marked as ready | 22:03 | |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Builds: Ubuntu Base ppc64el [Lunar Beta] has been marked as ready | 22:03 | |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Builds: Ubuntu Base riscv64 [Lunar Beta] has been marked as ready | 22:03 | |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Builds: Ubuntu Base s390x [Lunar Beta] has been marked as ready | 22:03 | |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Builds: Ubuntu Desktop arm64+raspi [Lunar Beta] has been marked as ready | 22:03 | |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Builds: Ubuntu WSL [Lunar Beta] has been marked as ready | 22:03 | |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Builds: Kubuntu Desktop amd64 [Lunar Beta] has been marked as ready | 23:24 | |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Builds: Ubuntu Kylin Desktop amd64 [Lunar Beta] has been marked as ready | 23:30 | |
ItzSwirlz | downloading server subiquity riscv64 for testing | 23:50 |
ItzSwirlz | will be slow but oh well | 23:50 |
arraybolt3 | ItzSwirlz: I don't think you can test those. All of the test cases for riscv are for specific physical hardware. | 23:54 |
arraybolt3 | nvm, I was wrong. | 23:55 |
arraybolt3 | Proceed, sorry for the confusion. | 23:55 |
* arraybolt3 stops being frustrating on accident | 23:55 | |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Builds: Ubuntu MATE Desktop amd64 [Lunar Beta] has been marked as ready | 23:56 | |
ItzSwirlz | arraybolt3: np i was surprised when i found someone with a testcase submission for riscv and i was like "how do they have one" but it was a qemu case | 23:57 |
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