[00:27] * arraybolt3[m] uploaded an image: (665KiB) < https://libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/v3/download/matrix.org/NiPVlCAgEcmANyBnQNKtJaVs/image.png > [00:27] Getting ready to beta-test Studio :D [00:30] Found a minor bug in the installer, some text is rendering black on a black background. [00:30] https://i.imgur.com/C7sWe1l.png [00:33] Also, really happy about 32 GB RAM right now. [00:50] arraybolt3[m]: Pretty sure black text rendering is an upstream Calamares bug. I can't do a thing about that. [00:50] In other words, nothing in ubuntu-settings-calamares can fix that. [00:50] It uses the desktop theme. [00:50] Ah. Then I guess we change it to Calamares instead. [00:51] Fixed. [00:51] Yeah, you know Calamares more than I do. [00:52] I'll release note it for now. [00:52] arraybolt3[m]: For future reference, attach screenshots directly to bug reports, *do not* link to imgur. [00:55] Sorry, forgot I could do that. [01:28] Eickmeyer: Before I file a bug report, is Wayland actually supposed to work correctly on Studio? The option is there but *all* Ubuntu Studio theming is gone if I boot with it selected. [01:29] If it's unsupported, I'm not going to bother filing the bug, otherwise I'll go ahead and do it. [01:29] arraybolt3[m]: Strange, because I did *extensive* testing to make sure the theming was working. [01:30] It's only Wayland where this happens, X11 is fine. [01:30] Still experimental, but installed by default. [01:30] I put the configs in there according to the way Aleix Pol Gonzales himself told me to while we were standing together in Prague. [01:31] The way they're supposed to be so that the same configs work for Wayland and X11. [01:31] * arraybolt3[m] uploaded an image: (1230KiB) < https://libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/v3/download/matrix.org/pqGpifcqkntGsArHUqjvqfJe/image.png > [01:31] Infuriating. That means they changed something between 5.26 and 5.27 and I didn't have enough time to fix it. [01:31] :( That's crud. [01:33] I'll go ahead and file a bug report then. Package suggestion? I'm thinking of filing it against kwin since that's where the Wayland compositor is implemented (I think). [01:33] No, don't file a bug just yet. I just tested it here on an installed system and no issues. [01:33] K. [01:34] Hmm... I may have a borked VM then. [01:34] Possibly. [01:34] It was EFI + Secure Boot + Encryption + Internet access and I think I picked some weird timezone just for the sake of it. [01:34] I just logged in with X11 and the right wallpaper is there but the panel is stil lweird. [01:35] Hmm, nope. One where I logged in with X11 and everything worked just went wonky when I logged out and then back in with Wayland.. [01:35] Only now the wallpaper and theme is wrong but the panel is in the right place XD [01:36] Sounds like a wonky VM. [01:37] I have it on three out of four VMs now. [01:37] All from the same (verified) install media. [01:37] Ok, just tried the live session, and see what you see. I'm pissed. [01:37] I think whatever mode I log into first chooses where the panel goes. [01:39] Doesn't matter. The environment is messed-up. [01:39] I'm looking for the cause. [01:41] https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntustudio-default-settings/+bug/2013253 [01:41] -ubottu:#ubuntustudio-devel- Launchpad bug 2013253 in ubuntustudio-default-settings (Ubuntu) "Theming gets ignored when using KDE Wayland" [Undecided, New] [01:42] arraybolt3[m]: Yes, that's the issue, but I wasn't ready for a bug report on it! I was considering dropping Wayland from the seed. [01:43] Ugh, I thought once you said that it was verified as happening that it was ready! [01:43] I'm used to being too slow on making reports :-/ [03:24] arraybolt3[m]: I have the fix. There's a file that gets installed by gnome-session-common that does the trick that I can install via ubuntustudio-default-settings by another name. [03:24] Nice! [03:29] * arraybolt3 meanwhile is digging up bugs in Ubuntu MATE - I just found a really weird one where a window won't let me drag it above a certain point on the screen [03:33] Oof [03:33] We just won't announce Wayland support in Studio until final release. ;) [03:33] That way we don't have to respin. [03:34] Awesome, that means that my eight tests will hopefully remain valid :D [03:34] Sorry about the premature report earlier, I should have just asked again. [03:38] Well, I just wanted to see if it was even doable. According to Aleix (the president of KDE) it's doable (and he insisted I put this in for this cycle), so I wanted to give it my best shot.