[16:49] Looks like dailies are broken again [16:51] grr... [16:52] Oh, also, speaking of stuff like that, we need someone to do an upgrade test from Kinetic to Lunar. I'm a bit tied up at the moment with other things, but I'll try and get to that if no one else does. [17:20] [telegram] Just completed an Upgrade from Kinetic to Lunar - bare metal using TUI - all good no errors — :) [17:21] "Oh, also, speaking of stuff like..." <- Completed no errors ! [19:50] \o/ [19:50] OK, debugging ISO build failure. [19:51] rofl. [19:51] The following packages have unmet dependencies: [19:51] pipewire-alsa : Conflicts: pulseaudio but 1:16.1+dfsg1-2ubuntu3 is to be installed [19:51] pipewire-audio : Conflicts: pulseaudio but 1:16.1+dfsg1-2ubuntu3 is to be installed [19:51] E: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages. [19:51] Now we're in the same spot that Ubuntu MATE was in not too long ago. [19:52] Welp, guess that means we're going to probably be switching some deps around. [19:52] At any rate, I'll mark the upgrade bug as Fix Released. [19:57] Offender located, it's pavucontrol-qt. Looks like I just need to switch pulseaudio | pipewire-pulse around backwards and we'll be in business. [19:57] That will affect us, Kubuntu, and Ubuntu Studio though. [19:58] I know we'll be OK with that, not sure if that will work for the other two though. [19:59] arraybolt3: Ubuntu Studio hasn't been affected, so you might be crawling up the wrong tree. [19:59] Eickmeyer: I mean changing those deps will affect a package that you seed. [19:59] And I don't know enough about how your packages work to know if that's going to mess you up or not. [19:59] arraybolt3: What I'm saying is that I doubt that is pulling-in pulseaudio for you. [19:59] Eickmeyer: I mean I'm looking right at it in the logs. [19:59] https://launchpadlibrarian.net/659373791/buildlog_ubuntu_lunar_amd64_lubuntu_BUILDING.txt.gz [20:00] And I know it's pavucontrol-qt doing it because I just did a scan of all of the packages depended on and recommended by lubuntu-desktop and pavucontrol-qt is the only one that has the "pulseaudio | pipewire-pulse" thingy in it. [20:01] Then again, Kubuntu and Studio both use pipewire-pulse by default, right? [20:01] What I'm saying is that if it were the cause, it would be doing that for Kubuntu and Ubuntu Studio as well. [20:01] Yes. [20:01] pipewire-pulse is in the pre-seeds, FYI, so that it avoids these issues. [20:01] Eickmeyer: What you may be missing is that neither you nor Kubuntu have pipewire-alsa seeded. [20:01] We do. [20:02] (Via pipewire-audio.) [20:02] At least that's my current understanding of things. [20:02] That's correct, and that might be a factor. However, Ubuntu Studio has ubuntustudio-pipewire-config which has Breaks: pulseaudio. [20:03] Hrm. \ [20:03] s/\\// [20:03] I'm not against the change, I'm just saying that might not be the factor. [20:04] Well now I'm interested in why Studio isn't broken :P Isn't this what went south with Ubuntu MATE? They had pipewire-pulse and pulseaudio both getting pulled in and it broke the build, which is what it seems like is happening now. [20:04] We used to seed pipewire-alsa directly, which I guess gave Geminate enough info to keep Pulseaudio out of things. [20:04] But that broke upgrades, so we switched to the pipewire-audio metapackage, and now Geminate is trying to pull in conflicting stuff. [20:05] So maybe ubuntustudio-pipewire-config gives Germinate enough info to keep from going haywire? [20:05] That and having pipewire-pulse in the preseeds. [20:05] That makes sense. [20:06] Sigh. The real solution here would be for Germinate to work better :P [20:06] I honestly think the entire issue is a bug in germinate. [20:07] Agreed fully. But hey, it is what it is. If Kubuntu and Studio both use pipewire-pulse, then switching that dependency is probably harmless. [20:07] I'mma try it (maybe ask for your help with it if I can't upload directly) and then try a rebuild. [20:08] Nice, I can upload it myself. [20:09] Sweet. [20:21] -queuebot:#lubuntu-devel- Unapproved: pavucontrol-qt (lunar-proposed/universe) [1.2.0-1ubuntu2 => 1.2.0-1ubuntu3] (kubuntu, lubuntu) [20:26] arraybolt3: Looking at the diff, they might be OK with this, but since we're post beta freeze you might think about attaching a bug report to every upload just to make sure you've done due dilligence. [20:27] That's a good point. Thanks! [23:17] The new pavucontrol-qt is out, but it's only been out for 8 minutes. Me thinks I should wait a tad longer before triggering an ISO respin. [23:43] [telegram] yes you should [23:51] 42 minutes now. Sound like a good time for pressing the button? [23:52] * arraybolt3 pushes