[12:16] -SwissBot:#ubuntu-news- ::Planet:: Sean Davis: Enable Color Emoji on Xubuntu @ https://blog.bluesabre.org/2023/04/02/enable-color/ [21:13] UWN: Issue781 up for review and final edits: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Issue781 :D [21:38] Bashing-om: I think spelling out "Joshua Peisach" in the Cinnamon summary would be more proper. [21:41] https://9to5linux.com/ubuntu-touch-ota-25-released-for-linux-phones-with-minor-improvements - it'd seem to me this isn't in context to the OTA-1 Focal release. [21:42] (I only noticed because 9to5linux is featured with two posts there.) [21:46] krytarik: ack - will pull ^ :D [21:48] UWN: Next edits ? [21:52] Uhm, the Ubuntu Portugal podcast item is missing the title in the header. [22:00] Bashing-om: Did you miss the first suggestion of mine or do you just quietly disagree on it? :P [22:01] krytarik: Ouch - I missed that 1st - Tunnel vision again :( [22:20] i just go reply to 18.04 EOSS date in May (prior Canonical blog warning EOSS approaching); Canonical decision to move to may to avoid 'busy' due to 23.04 launch & LTS EOSS same ~time.. [22:24] guiverc: Thanks for that update // good to know :D [22:26] guiverc: krytarik: ^^ will edit the changed EOL advisory for "buntu 18.04 Updates". [22:28] response I got was from query on date on https://ubuntu.com//blog/18-04-end-of-standard-support from a prior UWN etc [22:35] guiverc: You said that you were - and pleaded that you did - and that you got that positive reply :D