
=== meetingology` is now known as meetingology
holmanbminimal: I just noticed that kernel commandline cloud-init=disabled is defined in systemd service files - any clue if alpine / other non-systemd support this in some way that's out of tree?16:14
holmanbI'm inclined to see that standardized, if reasonable to do so16:16
minimalholmanb: There's nothing currently in the init.d files regarding that. Alpine is using the files from sysvinit/gentoo/*16:40
holmanbminimal: good to know - thanks16:43
meenaholmanb: is that a general systemd mechanism, or just something we got?16:57
holmanbmeena: ConditionKernelCommandLine is a generic systemd mechanism16:58
minimalholmanb: from memory when I first started testing cloud-init on Alpine I did use it in a "one shot" mode by having runcmd entries to disable the init.d services so it only ran once17:01
minimalI suppose the init.d scripts could be modified to check "/proc/cmdline" for such a setting17:02
meenaah, so this is instead of a permanent disabling 17:19
holmanbmeena: yeah, this is for the case that it is easier to pass in a different cmdline than it is to modify the image itself17:41
holmanboh geez, looks like we still have sysvinit scripts for debian/suse/rhel, I assume we could ditch some (all?) of those20:09
holmanbminimal: sounds reasonable to me20:11
holmanbminimal: I'll cook up a proposal for that unless you'd rather do it20:13
holmanbmeena: same to you for *bsds20:14
falcojrsysvinit is still supported in a debian LTS...not sure about the others20:15
meenaholmanb: kernel cmdline arguments are fairly… unsupported on BSD* right now20:20
holmanbfalcojr: TIL on debian - good to know - rhel/centos 6 was last to use svsv, should be safe there. I can check SUSE20:21
holmanbmeena: understood - I'm trying to document / standardize kernel cli at the moment.20:24
holmanbmeena:  Some of our kernel commandline args are systemd-only, which is a crummy UI to use / document 20:24
holmanbmeena: So I'd like to fix that while (before) I'm documenting.20:25
holmanbmeena: I'll propose a patch if you don't mind reviewing?20:25
holmanbspecifically for the option to disable cloud-init on the kernel commandline20:25
meenaholmanb: hmmm20:34
holmanbmeena minimal: something like this maybe -> https://github.com/canonical/cloud-init/pull/2112/files20:57
-ubottu:#cloud-init- Pull 2112 in canonical/cloud-init "Standardize kernel commandline disable" [Open]20:57
minimalholmanb: that PR looks fine22:30
minimalam wondering whether in the future to either (a) move sysvinit/gentoo to sysvinit/openrc, or (b) to add a sysvinit/alpine directory initially with the same contents as sysvinit/gentoo22:31
minimal(b) might be better in case there needs to be divergence of init.d contents between alpine & gentoo22:31

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