
steinoHi, I have the following situation:11:19
steino  dhcp4: false11:19
steino  interfaces:11:19
steino    - eno111:19
steino    - eno211:19
steino  dhcp4: false11:19
steino  interfaces:11:19
steino    - bond211:19
steinoThis bridge is attached to a virtual machine which tags the eth traffic with a specific VLAN tag.11:19
steinoThe problem is that on the tcpdump I see the outgoing packets from the bridge and from the bond, but for some reason the incoming packets reach the bond (properly tagged) but don't get forwarded to the bridge.11:19
steinoSo the question is, on netplan, is it possible to configure a bond so that the layer2 traffic tagged with some specific VLAN ids get forwarded to a specific bridge?11:19
steinoDo I have to use openvswitch or netplan can handle this on its own?11:19
steinoto be precise: the VLAN tagging is handled inside the VM operating system11:20
steinoI was about to try the following:11:22
steino  bond2.5:11:22
steino    id: 511:22
steino    link: bond211:22
steino  bond2.6:11:22
steino    id: 611:22
steino    link: bond211:22
steino  dhcp4: false11:22
steino  interfaces:11:22
steino    - bond2.511:22
steino    - bond2.611:22
steinobut a colleague suddenly stopped me warning me that this would cause a loop.11:22

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