
fauustHi! I am searching for information on how to backup launchpad mailing list information and archive, any ideas?08:08
fauustwe are trying to move away from launchpad and it would greatly simplify migration to the new mailman instance...08:08
cjwatsonfauust: I think we can provide an export, though I don't quite remember the procedure - if you start by filing a support request (URL in the topic) then somebody will figure it out09:05
faust[m]ok great! is this the kind of support request? https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad/+question/70608409:06
cjwatsonOh yeah, that sort of thing.  I'm not completely up to date with my email this morning09:07
faust[m]no pb I have created the request after asking here09:08
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surfzoidNow i finished to build, is there an area to promote my pkg/software?17:58
jugmac00surfzoid: you can create a PPA and upload your package there in case you think about that; we do not have a dedicated way to promote your package though19:06

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