
guiverc[m]<yojeli> "Hello, I'm new to Xubuntu and..." <- Your release details is always helpful.  You can use `dpkg -i <package>` to install a *deb* package... but that will require all *depends* requirements for thee package to be already installed OR you adjust the command to install them as well.  You can also use `apt` to install a already downloaded package (*give a filepath instead of simple package name*) which has the capacity to attempt to01:19
guiverc[m]download the requirements (packages needed to meet the *depends* rules) for you if they're available in your pre-added sources.01:19
nikolamI have a mousepad process, using 100% of one core and not visible anywhere on Xfce desktop. 08:31
nikolamI have put machine into standby and back before and it resumed from suspend this morning.08:31
nikolamWhat would be the best way of debugging that 'undead' mousepad and ret it's debug information? 08:32
nikolamI attached with gdb on 'mousepad' process that was left on, after standby/resume with large cpu usage, now doesn't use large cpu time anymore but is still alive and can't see it in X session 11:45
nikolamAny suggestion how to debug it, catch info, before killing it, to get debug data why it is still on ? 11:45
nikolamOk, I just killed it, maybe another time. 11:53
=== xenoid_ is now known as xenoid

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