
harysazhello all ...06:32
kladizkovHow can I automate the installation of xubuntu desktop? I already have the ISO booted using PXE. But it doesn't read the user-data to autoinstall Xubuntu. Is there anyway to make Xubuntu desktop autoinstall like Ubuntu Server?07:32
tomreynkladizkov: my info may be outdated, but i assume the xubuntu installer does not support the autoinstall format for unattended installations, yet07:52
tomreynyou could, however, use the ubuntu server installer and then just install xubuntu-desktop on top, and make some more changes as needed to get to what's similar to a default xubuntu installation07:53
tomreyni'm not sure whether the xubuntu installer supports (a subset of) "debian-installer"'s "preseeding", as ubuntu desktop does.07:54
tomreynthis said, ubuntu desktop has, for a  loooong while now, planned to introduce a new installer, which would also provide autoinstall compatibility.07:57
tomreyn(i do not know whether such is planned for the xubuntu installer)07:58
kladizkovWith the xubuntu autoinstall it could have been better. I already did with Ubuntu server autoinstall with Xubuntu desktop. But looked bloated with gnome and other extra packages. Xubuntu install could have been real minimal. Thanks tomreyn08:09
tomreynkladizkov: ubuntu server doesn't install gnome, so if xubuntu-desktop depends on gnome (libs) then that'll be for a reason. note you can choose not to install recommended dependencies08:11
tomreyn23.04 will introduce a package xubuntu-desktop-minimal08:12
kladizkovNow I see some gnome packages exist in xubuntu 20 as well. So only gdm, gnome-shell and some packages has to be purged.08:14
tomreynthere is not "xubuntu 20"08:14
kladizkovOur present desktops were based on Xubuntu 20. This one - https://xubuntu.org/release/20-04/08:15
kladizkovNow we're planning a fresh (auto) install of 50+ desktops with Xubuntu 22. Seems Ubuntu server autoinstall is the only way to go.08:16
tomreyn23.04's xubuntu-desktop-minimal reduces its dependencies on gnome software compared to xubuntu-desktop, such as it does not depend on gnome-software update-manager and language-selector-gnome 08:16
ubottuUbuntu version numbers are: YY.MM (YY=release year,MM=release month). Each year sees two releases, so just specifying YY is imprecise. See also https://www.ubuntu.com/about/release-cycle08:17
kladizkovThats a great leap.08:17
kladizkovSorry, I meant Xubuntu 20.04 LTS. We use only LTS here.08:17
tomreynoh i see08:18
tomreyni must admit i don't even remember which installer xubuntu uses to date08:18
Unit193ubiquity, also xubuntu-desktop-minimal is just a renamed xubuntu-core.08:26
nikolamI can't start mousepad anymore. (mousepad:155686): Mousepad-WARNING **: 13:57:20.957: Some 'autosave-*' files in directory '/home/sima/.local/share/Mousepad' do not correspond to any session backup anymore. They will not be deleted automatically: please do it manually to remove this warning.11:57
nikolammousepad do not start and is locked as a process as it seems . Can't close it with Ctrl+C , can't kill it with kill , uses 100% cpu time on one clu core. 11:59
nikolamonly kill -9 works on process ID (ps -A | grep mousepad) 12:00
tomreynhave you tried doing what the warning suggests?12:00
nikolamI just removed autosave-* to some temp dir and mousepad starts. Why it even refuse to start, is it when amount of autosave files goes over some amount? Seems like very surprising behavior 12:03
nikolamI catched it last time , when system were coming back from the sleep mode, and wondered what's one cpu core doing something at 100% and found out it is mousepad. 12:04
tomreyni would not know. i can make a guess: it seems these files, and tries to recover data from it. one or more of those files contains data or data structures which it tries to interpret, but instead of doing so successfully, or failing to do so, it ends up in a loop.12:05
tomreynthat'd be a bug, obviously, and if you are able to pinpoint the file triggering it, and can share it, the developers might appreciate that12:06
nikolamOh, nice, I might then figure it out if file or files makes a problem for it. 12:07
nikolamI just opened all of them on another place in mousepad and trying to see if there is some info on them for me to save. 12:08
tomreynyou could copy those files back one by one, always closing mousepad before you do, then opening it again, and see which one triggers it12:08
nikolamWill check if any of them in .local/share/Mousepad triggers it12:08
nikolamYup will do just that. 12:08
tomreynkeep in mind this could also be a bug that's already known and closed upstream, i.e. in newer mousepad versions12:09
nikolamyup, this is 22.04 here12:10
evgenhi. firefox don't update 16:37
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xu-help95wHello all,19:29
xu-help95wI'm new to the tech world and I've been following along with the beginning of the odin project. I downloaded and installed Oracle vm virtualbox and xubuntu to the peramiters that the lessons stated.19:29
xu-help95wWhen I went into sudo to try to add myself to sudo permissions. It asks me for a root password.19:29
xu-help95wI tried my password, no password, and the changeme defult password. None of this is working.19:29
xu-help95wI tried rebooting the system and running it in recovery menu. When I went to the "drop to root shell" promt, where I see most people just press enter, mine requires a root password that I do not know and have not set. I've been at this for a little over 2 hours so any h19:29
xu-help95whelp would be greatly appreciated, please let me know if there is any additional info I can provide and I will do my best to do so.19:30
diogenes_Vx15xu-help95w, try: su (and hit enter)19:41
xu-help95wit asked for my password and when I put it in, it said authentication error19:44
xu-help95wsorry, authentication failure19:44
diogenes_Vx15xu-help95w, so this is a virtual machine?19:46
xu-help95wyes its in virtualbox19:47
diogenes_Vx15xu-help95w, then you must have done something wrong during the installation, don't waste your time especially if this is a VM, just reinstall and choose a root password this time.19:49
xu-help95wThats what I figured. I tried to uninstall and reinstall, it came back up with all the same information as before, same problems. (Sorry, im super green to all of this)19:51
diogenes_Vx15xu-help95w, just remove this Xubuntu VM and let's start from the beginning.19:52
xu-help95wOkay, I went in and deleted the files for the xubuntu vm. Does that work?19:56
diogenes_Vx15xu-help95w, first what Xubuntu ISO are you using and where did you get it from?19:58
xu-help95wxubuntu-22.04.2-desktop-amd64.iso from mirror.us.leaseweb.net19:59
xu-help95wIts the reccomended path for the odin project. I've just been trying to follow along with that the best I can.19:59
diogenes_Vx15xu-help95w, ok follow this guide: https://lmtools.com/setup-ubuntu-virtual-machine-in-windows-using-oracle-virtualbox20:01
diogenes_Vx15especially pay attention to this dialog: https://lmtools.com/sites/default/files/lm-imgs/virtualboxbinstall-23.PNG20:01
diogenes_Vx15but choose "login automatically"20:02
diogenes_Vx15and don't choose any encryption.20:02
xu-help95wso, the prompts popping up on the guide are not exactlly the same prompts that I'm getting while creating a new VM, is that an issue?20:04
xu-help95win my iso image selection it should be this one right?20:06
diogenes_Vx15xu-help95w, for anything that doesn't match, provide a screenshot.20:06
xu-help95wSorry, im not sure how to send a screenshot on this website20:08
diogenes_Vx15xu-help95w, i mean a screenshot of your screen with the VM.20:09
xu-help95wyes, I took a screenshot Im just not sure how to post it here20:10
diogenes_Vx15!screenshot | xu-help95w 20:10
ubottuxu-help95w: Screenshots can be made with the [PrtScr] button. Want to show us a screenshot of your problem? Upload an image to http://imgur.com/ and link the created page here.20:10
diogenes_Vx15i see, so i haven't used a VM in a long time, they've changed the interface, ok on ISO Image select your xubuntu-22.04.2-desktop-amd64.iso20:14
xu-help95wGot it, leave everything else alone?20:15
xu-help95wokay, here should I create a user and pass again or should I leave it alone?20:18
xu-help95wand is there anything else I should make changes to?20:18
xu-help95w(I'm so sorry for putting you through all this but I really appreciate your help. I've been at this for about 4 hours now)20:19
diogenes_Vx15xu-help95w, this is a new feature i'm not familiar with but i think you must not provide any password in here and tick on "guest addituions"20:22
diogenes_Vx15clear the username and password fields.20:23
xu-help95wIt wont let me continue without a user and pass20:24
diogenes_Vx15ok that's a weird feature, i suggest choosing some simple password and continue.20:25
xu-help95wOkay, next screen is base memory and processors. Base memory I have set to 4096 (about half of what I have)20:27
xu-help95wCpu's is set to 120:27
xu-help95wand theres a box to tick marked enable EFI for special OS only20:27
diogenes_Vx15i don't think you need EFI for a VM so continue.20:29
xu-help95walright, I'm on the virtual hard drive screen20:29
xu-help95wDoes all of this look correct?20:30
diogenes_Vx15yes, look good.20:31
xu-help95wAlright, I'm at the finishing screen. Fingers crossed.20:31
xu-help95wit's taking quite a while to install, sorry for the delay20:38
diogenes_Vx15no problem, did you enter the details here: https://lmtools.com/sites/default/files/lm-imgs/virtualboxbinstall-23.PNG20:39
xu-help95wI remember filling that out the first time I installed, I havent gotten that prompt yet this time around.20:40
diogenes_Vx15xu-help95w, ok show us a screenshot.20:42
xu-help95wwill do, right now its just a loading bar copying files.20:43
diogenes_Vx15xu-help95w, but i don't understand how did you get to that loading bar without going through the installation process like: choosing keyboard, location, user, password and so on.20:46
xu-help95wI'm not sure. Once I hit finish it opened the vm and started loading the install process.20:47
xu-help95wIt does seem to be taking much longer than the first time around20:47
diogenes_Vx15oh damn, they've introduced and unattended install for certain distros that's why you didn't get any prompts.20:52
xu-help95wAh gotcha20:53
diogenes_Vx15so now oracle thinks it knows better than the user and provides it's own way to install a distro skipping the native distro installer? that's bad if there's no way to disable that.20:54
xu-help95wI'm not familier with any of it.20:56
xu-help95wI just have to assume I made a mistake installing because nobody else seems to have run into the same issues.20:56
diogenes_Vx15ok let's see what happens this time/20:57
xu-help95wsure thing, still installing21:03
xu-help95wsure thing. It seems to be loading up now21:05
xu-help95wHoly hell its finally working. Not sure what the issue was the first time but it's granted me sudo permissions and the root password is gone. Thank you so much21:16
diogenes_Vx15_xu-help95w, so what's the progress?21:17
xu-help95wIts running, I went and gave myself sudo permissions and it went without any root password problems. Everything seems to be in working order.21:18
xu-help95wStill have no idea what went wrong the first time21:18
diogenes_Vx15_xu-help95w, ok then we can mark this as "solved".21:19
xu-help95wHaha absolutly! Thanks for your help!21:20

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