
ubottulotuspsychje called the ops in #ubuntu ()05:22
Guestagain20I accidentlatty got banned from #ubuntu20:02
Guestagain20can someone tell me how to get unbanned20:02
Guestagain20i pasted a terminal reply that was apparently too long20:02
krytarikYes, but three times.. :/20:03
krytarikDo you read me?20:04
Guestagain20Yes I do20:04
krytarikSo I'm willing to unban you, but please do use a pastebin site the next time..20:05
Guestagain20yes I got told about that after I got banned20:05
Guestagain20Thank you20:05
krytarikNo, you got told while getting muted two times before too.20:06
Guestagain20oh yes I was not aware that's the reason for ban20:06
Guestagain20I was informed that later but still my bad20:06
krytarikOk, hold on..20:07
krytarikBan lifted, try joining again now.20:08
Guestagain20Thank you20:08
Guestagain20appreciate your help20:08
Guestagain20Cannot send to nick/channel20:08
Guestagain20i get this back20:09
Guestagain20its working20:09
Guestagain20thank you20:09
Guestagain20thank you again20:09
krytarikSure, and please leave this channel now to make room for potential other issues.20:11
=== tomreyn_ is now known as tomreyn

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