
=== tomg_ is now known as tomg
modemthat's nice02:39
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xenoid!keep xenoid19:19
novaDoes Unbuntu have a music player?20:09
rjv92pretty sure - rhythmbox20:10
novaOK thanks!20:11
rjv92or Parole if your use xfce20:12
rjv92what's the deal with HexChat? Like, why was it pre-installed on Xubuntu lol20:13
rjv92Just for old timers to get their IRC fix? lol20:14
diogenes_Vx15_rjv92, so you could find us if you need any help?20:14
rjv92cool, so a community support thing? NICE20:15
rjv92After weeks of trying, I finally figured out how to make XTerm startup with my default font and colors of choice. Literally the hightlight of my week. Otherwise I would have asked on here how to do it.20:16
diogenes_Vx15_rjv92, but you'd have felt less satisfied if you were given a ready-made solution than finding it yourself.20:19
novaLinux is a bretty cool dude, he does FOSS and doesnt give a hecl20:21
rjv92I understood no part of what you just typed lol :)20:23
diogenes_Vx15_rjv92, for instance FOSS means Free Open-Source Software which Linux is (so far).20:25
rjv92Thanks, didn't know the acronym.20:30
=== tomreyn_ is now known as tomreyn

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