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ddstreet#startmeeting Ubuntu backporters team15:15
meetingologyMeeting started at 15:15:24 UTC.  The chair is ddstreet.  Information about MeetBot at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology15:15
meetingologyAvailable commands: action, commands, idea, info, link, nick15:15
ddstreetok shortened mtg today, let's run thru previous action items15:15
ddstreet#topic previous action items15:15
ddstreet#subtopic ddstreet get DEB_VENDOR=ubuntu dch --bpo to DTRT pls (carried over)15:16
ddstreet#action ddstreet get DEB_VENDOR=ubuntu dch --bpo to DTRT pls (carried over)15:16
meetingologyACTION: ddstreet get DEB_VENDOR=ubuntu dch --bpo to DTRT pls (carried over)15:16
ddstreet#subtopic ddstreet look at reviewer tooling such as 'queue' or other tools for reviewing/accepting/rejecting uploads, and closing the corresponding bugs (carried over)15:16
ddstreet#action ddstreet look at reviewer tooling such as 'queue' or other tools for reviewing/accepting/rejecting uploads, and closing the corresponding bugs (carried over)15:16
meetingologyACTION: ddstreet look at reviewer tooling such as 'queue' or other tools for reviewing/accepting/rejecting uploads, and closing the corresponding bugs (carried over)15:16
ddstreet#subtopic ddstreet reply to no-bug-required backport exception ML thread to keep thread alive15:16
ddstreeti did this one! let's all try to continue the thread by the next mtg if possible15:16
ddstreet#subtopic ddstreet sponsor lp: #199883415:17
-ubottu:#ubuntu-meeting- Launchpad bug 1998834 in memtest86+ (Ubuntu Jammy) "[BPO] memtest86+/6.10-4 to Jammy" [Undecided, Fix Committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/199883415:17
ddstreeti sponsored this and approved, thanks for the review teward15:17
ddstreet#subtopic mapreri upload (more of) all the tools (carried over, in progress)15:17
maprericarry over15:17
ddstreet#action mapreri upload (more of) all the tools (carried over, in progress)15:17
meetingologyACTION: mapreri upload (more of) all the tools (carried over, in progress)15:17
ddstreet#subtopic mapreri fix lintian to not complain about ~bpo suffix (https://bugs.debian.org/1001399) (carried over)15:18
-ubottu:#ubuntu-meeting- Debian bug 1001399 in lintian "lintian: adjust backports-upload-has-incorrect-version-number for ubuntu" [Normal, Open]15:18
maprericarry over15:18
ddstreet#action mapreri fix lintian to not complain about ~bpo suffix (https://bugs.debian.org/1001399) (carried over)15:18
meetingologyACTION: mapreri fix lintian to not complain about ~bpo suffix (https://bugs.debian.org/1001399) (carried over)15:18
ddstreet#subtopci mapreri review wiki page to see how we can highlight that backport requestors need to do the backport work and find a sponsor (carried over)15:18
ddstreet#subtopic mapreri review wiki page to see how we can highlight that backport requestors need to do the backport work and find a sponsor (carried over)15:18
maprericarry over as well15:18
ddstreet#action mapreri review wiki page to see how we can highlight that backport requestors need to do the backport work and find a sponsor (carried over)15:18
meetingologyACTION: mapreri review wiki page to see how we can highlight that backport requestors need to do the backport work and find a sponsor (carried over)15:18
ddstreet#subtopic mapreri start thread on ML about how to use bug status to define meaing in process (carried over)15:18
ddstreetcarry as well i assume?15:19
mapreriwell, that didn't happen either, yap15:19
ddstreet#action mapreri start thread on ML about how to use bug status to define meaing in process (carried over)15:19
meetingologyACTION: mapreri start thread on ML about how to use bug status to define meaing in process (carried over)15:19
ddstreet#subtopic mapreri to look into backporting dh-python (see unit193 and yt-dlp) (carried over)15:19
ddstreetwant to keep carrying this one too?15:19
maprerimhh, I could move it into my own private list, since it's not really team related15:19
mapreriso that I don't abuse of the meeting agenda u.u15:19
ddstreetack, works for me15:20
ddstreet#subtopic teward make sure there are no bugs in requestbackport and backportpackage tools (in lunar)15:20
tewardthere's brokenness15:20
tewardi pinged about it before but i'll double check15:20
tewardrequestbackport still includes all the interim releases in the checkmarks, etc.15:20
tewardwhich is a problem15:20
tewardbackportpackage hangs but I haven't dug deeply into why yet15:20
ddstreetis it lp: #2013237 ?15:21
-ubottu:#ubuntu-meeting- Launchpad bug 2013237 in ubuntu-dev-tools (Ubuntu) "backportpackage incorrectly errors with 'Unknown distribution Ubuntu, can't guess target release'" [Medium, Fix Committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/201323715:21
tewardpotentially, but not confirmed, it literally just hung and never did anything so I have to run more tests15:21
tewardwelcome to "never enough cycles"15:21
ddstreetack ok, lol, let's carry this one then15:21
ddstreet#action teward make sure there are no bugs in requestbackport and backportpackage tools (in lunar) (carried over)15:21
meetingologyACTION: teward make sure there are no bugs in requestbackport and backportpackage tools (in lunar) (carried over)15:21
ddstreet#subtopic (unassigned) consider documenting an SLA for reviewing uploaded backport packages15:22
ddstreetshould we assign this one? or maybe move it to ML thread? or just carry it unassigned?15:22
tewardi'd move it to ML15:22
mapreriI'd carry i tover15:22
mapreriwe already have too much unfinished ml threads15:23
tewardbut either way works for me15:23
maprerilet's finish some first.15:23
ddstreetack sounds good, let's just carry then15:23
ddstreet#action (unassigned) consider documenting an SLA for reviewing uploaded backport packages15:23
meetingologyACTION: (unassigned) consider documenting an SLA for reviewing uploaded backport packages15:23
ddstreetok that's all previous items15:23
ddstreet#topic open mailing list threads15:23
ddstreetthere is the one i just replied to, to keep alive15:24
ddstreet#subtopic clarification on specific wording for no-bug-required backport exceptions15:24
mapreri("moving to ml" would mean moving it from the "previous items" to the "open ml threads" section, so… :P)15:24
ddstreetyeah...on the agenda either way :)15:24
mapreriindeed I don't think this one needs further words in irc right now15:24
ddstreet#action clarification on specific wording for no-bug-required backport exceptions15:24
meetingologyACTION: clarification on specific wording for no-bug-required backport exceptions15:24
mapreri(…*on* irc?)15:25
meetingologyRemoving item from minutes: ACTION15:25
ddstreetmaybe action in ML?15:25
ddstreeter, on ML?15:25
mapreriif there is a link add that perhaps15:25
ddstreetit's linked in the agenda, yeah15:26
ddstreet#link https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-backports/2022-February/022680.html15:26
maprerialright, then just move on, no #action needed imho ^^15:26
ddstreetare there other threads?15:26
ddstreetI suppose i'll just mention this one15:27
ddstreet#link https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-backports/2023-March/023048.html15:27
ddstreeti dont think any more action is needed, just fyi15:27
ddstreeti think it was just unawareness of the new process15:27
mapreriI have been having some troubles keeping up with emails in the past few months, that one slipped past me15:27
maprerithank you for bringing it up15:28
mapreriddstreet: there was no answer to that mail?15:28
ddstreetno, not that i saw15:28
maprerialso, how did you notice, ooi?15:28
ddstreeti highlight in irc on 'backports' so i saw in ubuntu-release the upload and approval (back-to-back) and wondered who was doing it15:29
ddstreetsince a back-to-back upload and approval is rare for the backports queue15:29
tewardunless prediscussed by the backporters team like for memtest15:29
ddstreetanyway i'm sure it was just honest misunderstanding15:29
mapreriI wonder if we could get something like the accept mails go to the ML15:30
mapreriand if we could, should we..15:30
tewardmaybe.  i know that cockpit was a special case in the previous backporters team before we were in charge and it had a special approval for always being backported because of whatever it was needed for being chaotic.15:30
tewardbut we reserve the right as the backporters team to redo that analysis and require them to refile for exceptions, etc.15:30
ddstreeti think there is a ML for uploads/approvals for updates pocket, isn't there? not sure if that includes backports pocket too15:31
mapreriindeed, and such exception if it's there should be documented in the "exceptions" section of our documentation15:31
mapreriI wasn't aware src:cockpit was special in any way…15:31
tewardit's shown up on the radar in the past and i remember it from that15:31
tewardbut i don't remember the reasoning nor do i have those emails anymore15:31
ddstreetshould we add an action for someone to look into 1) do uploads and/or approvals go to ML? 2) if not, do we want a ML for it?15:32
tewardso it wouldn't hurt to have them explain why it needs such15:32
mapreriddstreet: I'd say those + 3) check with somebody if cockpit needs some special handling…?15:33
ddstreeti suspect the 'exceptions' where people can self-approve would be rarely useful, as the uploader would also need archive approval rights, which severely limits the number of uploaders who can self-approve15:33
maprerinot that I'm volounteering for any of them, but I'd write them down so that in the future somebody will u.u15:33
mapreriddstreet: rather, it would be an exception where those packages/uploaders wouldn't need our review and skip the bug filing stage.15:33
ddstreet#action (unassigned) check if backports pocket uploads and/or approvals go to a ML15:34
meetingologyACTION: (unassigned) check if backports pocket uploads and/or approvals go to a ML15:34
ddstreet#action (unassigned) if no ML for backports uploads/approvals, check on how to create one15:34
meetingologyACTION: (unassigned) if no ML for backports uploads/approvals, check on how to create one15:34
ddstreetmapreri so would still need one of us to approve it, but basically a 'no-review' approval?15:34
maprerito be defined/discussed in the exception granting process :)15:35
ddstreetso should we action specifically for cockpit, and/or should we action on adding generic wiki doc in the 'special cases' section for 'preapproved packages' (or similar wording)?15:37
ddstreetthe 'special case' generic i think probably should be discussed a bit more, maybe on ML though we don't seem to get thru much there recently :)15:37
ddstreetmaybe let's put an action for the next mtg to discuss the 'special case' for no-review-needed packages15:38
mapreriI was thinking for cockpit.  the discussion would be about "should cockpit be added to the "special cases" section?  If so, with what terms?15:38
ddstreetwe could consider cockpit first, though i suspect other pkgs would fall into a very similar category, e.g. gallery-dl comes to mind15:39
ddstreetwe do still have 20 min this mtg if we want to discuss now?15:39
ddstreetor we can action for next mtg15:39
mapreriI'd say next week15:39
maprerihold on15:40
ddstreet(this seems very similar to the 'no-bug-needed' ML thread situation too)15:40
mapreriwould most/all of this fall in the already open case of no-bug-required backport exception ML thread15:40
ddstreeti agree :)15:40
mapreriI have no idea about he cockpit case, so no clue15:41
ddstreetlet's roll it into that ML discussion if that sounds ok to you15:41
mapreripossibly, yes.15:41
ddstreeti'll send a follow up email on that thread specifically mentioning cockpit15:41
ddstreetso we don't forget15:41
ddstreet#action ddstreet send follow up email on no-bug-required ML thread mentioning cockpit15:42
meetingologyACTION: ddstreet send follow up email on no-bug-required ML thread mentioning cockpit15:42
ddstreetok any more for this ML thread, on cockpit?15:42
maprerinothing more from me15:42
ddstreetI think there is another thread that came from the memtest86+ upload15:43
ddstreet#link https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-backports/2023-March/023030.html15:43
ddstreetbasically, it took long enough for me to sponsor that there was a new upload in lunar, which required asking the backporter to provide a new backport version15:44
ddstreetgenerally, i think it's best to ask them for the latest version, but my concern is if it gets into long delays because the sponsorship (or review/approval) takes so long that the backport and/or upload becomes out of date15:44
mapreriI'd say that's fine, but still, part of the responsibilities of the backporters is to keep the bpo up2date, so a new one will come "soon enough" anyway.15:45
ddstreetyou're saying it's fine to accept the older-version upload, or to ask the backporter to provide a newer backport?15:46
ddstreeti also think it will (hopefully) be rare, so maybe we should wait until/if it is a problem to make any decision15:47
maprerihttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBackports#Future_Maintenance_of_the_Backport mentions that "The backporter is responsible for […] additional updates that should be backported" - which indeed is not quite clear on what those "additioanl updates" are, but to me it means that any further update done on the base suite should also be backported?15:47
mapreriif just the process takes too long, accepting an older version is ok for me, with the assumption that a newer one will be forthcoming.15:48
ddstreeti'm in agreement. maybe instead of a end-user policy for this, we should just add a team-internal policy roughly stating this?15:49
ddstreeti.e. something on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBackports/Policies instead of docs on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBackports15:49
ddstreeti can draft something short and send to the ML15:49
ddstreet#action ddstreet send short policy wording proposal to ML regarding https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-backports/2023-March/023030.html15:50
meetingologyACTION: ddstreet send short policy wording proposal to ML regarding https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-backports/2023-March/023030.html15:50
mapreriI don't think it needs writing down, but guess that if there is doubts always better to clarify, so drafts welcome! :)15:50
ddstreeti think that's all ML threads, unless i missed something15:51
ddstreet#subtopic open bugs15:52
ddstreet#topic open bugs15:52
ddstreet#subtopic https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/jammy/+source/memtest86+/+bug/199883415:52
-ubottu:#ubuntu-meeting- Launchpad bug 1998834 in memtest86+ (Ubuntu Jammy) "[BPO] memtest86+/6.10-4 to Jammy" [Undecided, Fix Committed]15:52
tewardthat's gonna close as soon as it goes through15:52
ddstreetthis is done, i sponsored and per teward's prereview approved15:52
teward(sorry i have been quiet)15:52
ddstreetyep, thanks teward :)15:52
ddstreet#subtopic https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nfs-utils/+bug/201267615:53
-ubottu:#ubuntu-meeting- Launchpad bug 2012676 in nfs-utils (Ubuntu) "[BPO] nfs-utils/1:2.6.1-2ubuntu4 from kinetic" [Undecided, New]15:53
ddstreetthis is newish i think15:53
ddstreetbut looks like it needs a sponsor15:53
ddstreetso i think nothing for us to do, yet, except maybe subscribe ubuntu-sponsors?15:53
mapreritbh, the submitted doesn't look like somebody who would provide the update.15:53
mapreriso, possibly us asking what they want to do.15:54
ddstreeti suppose one of us should comment in the bug15:54
maprerialso, I wonder if we should be careful with nfs-utils?15:55
ddstreetyeah that as well, jumping major versions seems fairly dangerous to me15:55
mapreriis there a way for us to involve the server team or somebody…?15:56
mapreri… should we?15:56
ddstreetand the b/f versions *are* really old... lp: #187860115:56
-ubottu:#ubuntu-meeting- Launchpad bug 1878601 in nfs-utils (Ubuntu) "Merge nfs-utils from Debian experimental for 22.04 - version in Ubuntu is *very* old" [Critical, Fix Released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/187860115:56
mapreriand also they mention a bug, that really should be SRUed, if anything15:57
ddstreetahasenack handled the updating work, i suppose we should subscribe him to the backport bug for his evaluation15:57
ddstreetthat probably is their best approach, to get that specific bug fixed15:58
ddstreetif it's possible with the older pkg version15:58
ddstreetwe are almost at time - mapreri do you want to follow up in the bug?15:58
ddstreetor teward?15:58
ddstreetif not i can15:59
mapreri(btw, I need to run soon)15:59
tewardddstreet: you can follow up and say this should be SRU'd not backported15:59
mapreriI can take the follow up15:59
tewardor mapreri can15:59
ddstreetthnx, will action15:59
tewardin either case if it needs SRU it needs SRU15:59
tewardnot backports15:59
ddstreet#action mapreri follow up in https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nfs-utils/+bug/201267615:59
meetingologyACTION: mapreri follow up in https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nfs-utils/+bug/201267615:59
-ubottu:#ubuntu-meeting- Launchpad bug 2012676 in nfs-utils (Ubuntu) "[BPO] nfs-utils/1:2.6.1-2ubuntu4 from kinetic" [Undecided, New]15:59
ddstreetok no more bugs15:59
ddstreet#topic aob15:59
ddstreetanything else?15:59
maprerinone from me15:59
ddstreet#subtopic next mtg date16:00
ddstreet4 weeks would be may 10, that work for everyone?16:00
ddstreeti'll assume yes, since we're at time16:00
ddstreet#action ddstreet schedule next mtg may 10 same time16:01
meetingologyACTION: ddstreet schedule next mtg may 10 same time16:01
ddstreetany final business before we wrap?16:01
ddstreetok thanks mapreri teward o/16:01
maprerithe 10th is actually no good for me16:01
mapreriweek later?16:02
ddstreetthat's ok, may 3 or may 17?16:02
ddstreetsure may 17 works for me, teward?16:02
mapreri17 better for me :)16:02
tewardworks for me16:02
meetingologyRemoving item from minutes: ACTION16:02
ddstreet#action ddstreet schedule mtg may 17 same time16:02
meetingologyACTION: ddstreet schedule mtg may 17 same time16:02
ddstreetok we're done! thanks mapreri teward o/16:02
meetingologyMeeting ended at 16:02:50 UTC.  Minutes at https://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-meeting/2023/ubuntu-meeting.2023-04-12-15.15.moin.txt16:02
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