
rbasakHello! I'd like to see udevbot resurrected to manage the topic in #ubuntu-devel. Is that something an existing volunteer could trivially do?13:00
rbasakI found https://code.launchpad.net/~krytarik/ubuntu-bots/+git/ubuntu-bots - looks like it's a supybot plugin.13:01
rbasakOr do I need to make my own arrangements to run a bot for that?13:01
rbasakIt looks like this bot never moved over from Freenode. But some of us (at Canonical) are trying to reboot the patch pilot programme, and the bot was part of the coordination for that via the #ubuntu-devel topic.13:02
Eickmeyerrbasak: Hi! Looks like krytarik would have more information on that, and he probably won't be available for a few hours, unless he completely surprises me.14:22
Eickmeyer(He's been known to do that)14:23
tewardrbasak: i could take a stab at it if krytarik cant do it (see my pokes in -devel of arraybolt)14:32
Eickmeyerteward: Sounds like a great backup plan, but krytarik needs to be awake first to have first crack as to not re-invent the wheel.14:37
tewardjust making a note14:37
teward*hunts down coffee*14:37
beaverwhy can't I join the #ubuntu channel anymore?15:45
beaver because I changed my pseudonym ?15:45
beaver12/04/23 17:49:12 -!- Irssi: #ubuntu: Total of 0 nicks [0 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 0 normal]15:49
tomreyn<tomreyn> hi. trying again: could you please not do these apparently unneccessary > daily nickname changes?15:51
tomreyn<beaver> bye.15:51
tomreyn^ a quote from our conversation leading to this result15:51
beaver I changed my nickname once this week. What is the problem ?15:52
tomreynit is more often, i would think, i feel like it's at least daily15:52
tomreynwhy do you do it at all, is this a presence indicator?15:53
beaverno !15:53
beaver I don't change my nickname every day15:53
beaver please provide me the logs15:54
tomreynit was multiple times ths week15:54
beaver can I see the logs with the dates?  please15:54
tomreyni'll write it down for you, give me a minute15:57
beaverthank you15:57
tomreyn2023-04-12 16:32 UTC pong -> beaver, 2023-04-10 18:11 beaver -> pong, 2023-04-10 05:13 UTC pong_ -> beaver, 2023-04-09 14:52 pong_ -> beaver16:00
tomreynthose are all UTC, even though its doesn'T say16:00
tomreynnone of these happened directly after a reconnect or connect16:00
tomreynso the question of why you / your client does it remains16:01
beaverI use Tor,  it is normal for pong_ to appear sometimes. My cloak is beaver@user/pong16:01
beaver i use beaver and pong16:01
beaver it's forbidden  ?16:01
tomreyndo you use sasl login?16:01
tomreynthat should prevent you changing nicknames after joining channels16:02
beaveryes,  but what is the problem?16:02
beaver it's not systematic16:02
beaver if my client it ping timeout, it is possible that my client it uses pong_16:03
beaver and pong and my second nickname (see my cloak)16:03
tomreynas i just said, it happens out of nowhere, not related to channel joins or parts16:03
tomreynthe issue with how it's happening now: it adds 'spammy' nickname changes / channel activity. so it's generally preferred if you could prevent it. i *think* sasl logins would prevent it for tor.16:04
beaverolala … Bye thank you16:05
tomreynfor reconnects, you can just configure your client to first do any renaming / nick regaining, and only then join channels16:05
tomreynbut this doesn't seem to be the issue16:05
tewardtomreyn: they didn't see the last two msgs they left ;)16:39
tomreyni noted since, thanks teward16:50
krytarikrbasak, teward, Eickmeyer: Wrt the UdevTopic plugin, 1.) it's actually at <https://git.launchpad.net/~krytarik/ubuntu-bots/+git/udevbot>, and 2.) I think I've suggested before to just run it on an existing ubottu instance this time (in this case really ubottu proper, since it's what is in the channel already), because unlike how it was done previously the bot doesn't need to be opped all the  ...17:30
krytarik... time anymore and running a dedicated bot just for this plugin seems a bit overkill - and the maintainer of ubottu is Unit193, who should be up and around soon too. :P17:31
tewardkrytarik: makes sense to me.  If Unit193 doesn't incorporate it into the ubottu or ubots then just prod me, always happy to run stuff if necessary.17:39
teward*returns to the shadows*17:39
rbasakI'm happy whichever way. I'd just like "@pilot in" and "@pilot out" to work again to help with our efforts to try to resurrect the patch pilot programme.18:42
Unit193Sounds like I'm getting told to load that into ubottu, works for me.20:53
krytarikUnit193: But that also requires +t being added to its flags on the channel.20:57
krytarikrbasak: Same to you, since you seem to be able to give flags there.21:08

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