=== Lord_of_Life_ is now known as Lord_of_Life [07:23] How do I "load" a "security module" in chrome? I was able to do it in firefox via edit>firefox settings>privacy & security>certificates>security devices>device manager>load>...libeTPksc11.so - the wording is all different for chrome (or it can't do it). if this is wrong chat, let me know correct one please. it is ubuntu (5.19.0-38-generic) [08:06] I use Kubuntu 22.1. Folders no longer open on the Desktop. KSystemLog shows the lines below: [08:06] 13/04/2023 04:57 plasmashell grep: /proc/sys/fs/binfmt_misc/WSLInterop: No such file or directory [08:06] 13/04/2023 04:57 plasmashell WSL Interopability is disabled. Please enable it before using WSL. [08:06] 13/04/2023 04:57 plasmashell grep: /proc/sys/fs/binfmt_misc/WSLInterop: No such file or directory [08:06] 13/04/2023 04:57 plasmashell [08:06] 13/04/2023 04:57 kwin_x11 qt.qpa.xcb: QXcbConnection: XCB error: 3 (BadWindow), sequence: 38570, resource id: 25166027, major code: 18 (ChangeProperty), minor code: 0 [08:17] hi [08:18] in what logs can I see why Kubuntu 22.04 LTS fresh instalation ins't starting GUI [08:19] zxd, cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log [08:28] I found an entry that says chrome cannot add modules, only firefox can. is that acurate? [08:29] I use Kubuntu 22.1. Folders no longer open on the Desktop. What logs do I have to look at to identify the error? [08:31] Guest34, I assume you mean Kubuntu 22.10 (10=October release); proabably normal system logs, but I'd likely start dolphin at terminal & look for messages appearing on terminal [08:32] diogenes_Vx15: it is the same for Wayland? [08:37] zxd, tail -f ~/.local/share/sddm/wayland-session.log [08:37] also on TTY try: dbus-run-session startplasma-wayland [08:37] or better: WAYLAND_DEBUG=1 dbus-run-session startplasma-wayland [08:38] guiverc Thanks for your response. Using Dolphin the folders open normally. Some applications (in the panel) also do not open. [08:40] Guest34, better would be to create a new user and login as a new user and see if you get the same issue as a new user. [08:40] sorry; I imagined you meant 'dolphin' thus my comment on that.. I'm not using kubuntu/KDE currently so can't explore sorry [08:44] diogenes_Vx15: FATAL_ERROR: could not find a backend    Error: could not determine $DISPLAY [08:44] Yes diogenes_Vx15. I created another user as a test and the behavior is the same [08:46] Guest34, then i guess you have to reinstall the whole plasma kde stuff. [08:47] is there support for old SIS 771/671 onboard VGA display adapter? [08:48] <А> The music played for a short time, after the ubuntu update, the viber installed via flatpak stopped running at all. [08:48] zxd, probably you're missing: kwin-wayland-backend-drm [08:50] diogenes_Vx15.  I'm not an advanced linux user. I can run the command:  sudo apt reinstall kubuntu-desktop [08:51] Guest34, yep try that one and reboot afterwards. [08:51] diogenes_Vx15:  it's installed [08:52] Thanks diogenes_Vx15 i will try [08:53] zxd, what's your GPU? [08:58] diogenes_Vx15 . I did the reinstall/restart... It didn't work. Ru I noticed that every time I try to "open" a folder an icon appears in the Task Manager and then disappears... I could only see some information in the KSystemLog but I don't know if it is relevant to the problem. [09:00] diogenes_Vx15: SIS 771/671  it's very old [09:01] zxd, oh no, you gonna have issues with SIS graphics even in X11 left alone Wayland. [09:03] Guest34, now i've read your initial question, what do you mean you cannot open folders on desktop? i'm not sure i understood that part. [09:09] diogenes_Vx15 No item in the item on Desktop "responds" to the double click event. Some wingets in the task manager too: spetacle, kcalc... [09:09] KSystemLog now shows [09:09] 13/04/2023 04:57 plasmashell grep: /proc/sys/fs/binfmt_misc/WSLInterop: No such file or directory [09:09] 13/04/2023 04:57 plasmashell WSL Interopability is disabled. Please enable it before using WSL. [09:09] 13/04/2023 04:57 plasmashell grep: /proc/sys/fs/binfmt_misc/WSLInterop: No such file or directory [09:09] 13/04/2023 04:57 plasmashell [09:09] diogenes_Vx15: I read there is hardware acceleration on version 12.04  maybe there are drivers from what version that still work today [09:10] ported to 22.04 [09:10] I don't mind installing 12.04 as long as chrome continues to update it dosen't anymore on WindowsXP [09:12] zxd, first of all you need to boot to a desktop, X11 session. [09:12] !pastebin | Guest34 [09:12] Guest34: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://dpaste.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. [09:13] : Ok ubottu Thanks [09:13] Guest34, wait a bit, are you on windows and trying to run KDE in wsl? [09:14] diogenes_Vx15: how do I find out the latest version of X with hardware acceleration support for SIS 771/671 [09:16] zxd, before we can say anything you need to boot into X11 session, it will attempt to boot with the generic VESA driver, without acceleration and with a small resolution but that would give us the opportunity to investigate your case and see what can we do. [09:18] diogenes_Vx15: what do you want to investigate that isn't possible from the console [09:19] zxd, i want to see if it can even boot anything, otherwise it's not worth any efforts. [09:22] diogenes_Vx15 I'm not running directly on a Kubuntu. This is my Desktop :https://imgur.com/a/aphL5Dm . And yhis is a log Image from KSystemLog: https://imgur.com/a/WZ7u4yl [09:24] Guest34, i asked you if you are runnig it on windows via wsl. [09:25] diogenes_Vx15 No im dont runnig Windows Subsystem for Linux [09:28] Guest34, run in terminal: xdg-open /patho/to/someimagefile.jpg and see if it opens up the picture. [09:30] diogenes_Vx15: I did some google searches it turns out if I can get a version of ubuntu with Xorg 1.20   I can't compile hardware accelerated driver patched for this from https://github.com/rasdark/xf86-video-sis671/ [09:31] s/can't/can [09:32] diogenes_Vx15 xyko@xyko-A520M-S2H:~$ xdg-open /home/xyko/Desktop/Screenshot_20230413_061818.png [09:32] grep: /proc/sys/fs/binfmt_misc/WSLInterop: No such file or directory [09:32] WSL Interopability is disabled. Please enable it before using WSL. [09:32] grep: /proc/sys/fs/binfmt_misc/WSLInterop: No such file or directory [09:32] [error] WSL Interoperability is disabled. Please enable it before using WSL. [09:32] [error] This protocol is not supported before version 1903. [09:32] zxd, you could try antiX Linux which has support for older hardware and if you are lucky you might be covered. [09:33] Guest34, don't paste here in the chat some text longer that 3 lines. [09:35] Guest34, run in terminal: ls /usr/share/applications/wslview.desktop [09:35] what is the output? [09:35] xyko@xyko-A520M-S2H:~$ ls /usr/share/applications/wslview.desktop [09:36] xyko@xyko-A520M-S2H:~$ ls /usr/share/applications/wslview.desktop [09:37] The output is: /usr/share/applications/wslview.desktop [09:38] Guest34, now run: cat /usr/share/applications/wslview.desktop | nc termbin.com 9999 [09:38] paste here the link you gonna get in terminal. [09:38] https://termbin.com/d9vp3 [09:39] [Desktop Entry] [09:39] Name=WSLView [09:39] Comment=Open files and addresses in Windows [09:39] Icon=windows [09:39] Exec=/usr/bin/wslview %U [09:39] Terminal=false [09:41] Guest34, i've told you not to paste here multiline text, paste only what i ask you to. [09:42] Ok.. sorry My first time here [09:50] Guest34, run: sudo apt purge wslu [09:53] diogenes_Vx15 Thanks. the purge worked. It started running correctly again. Was it in the Plasma update? Installation is now at version 2.25.5 Framework 5.98.0 [09:56] Guest34, if you personally didn't install that package and it got installed automatically then Ubuntu is really going astray beause that package is meant to be used only by the users who run Ubuntu on windows via wsl. [09:59] diogenes_Vx15 I didn't really install it. There was recently a Kubuntu update, I applied it straight without looking. I learned the lesson. In the next ones I will first investigate what is being installed or updated. Thanks again [10:00] no problems, good luck. === joan_ is now known as chatus === joan_ is now known as chatus === joan_ is now known as jejejeje === joan_ is now known as sahdahsd [11:18] asd [12:06] Hi all [14:00] Hi [14:00] I have sddm service running but no kde [14:00] no gu [14:00] i [14:03] do you have a terminal or TTY? if so install kubuntu-desktop [14:04] what I did is , aptitude insall kubuntu-desktop , then aptitude remove ubuntu-desktop, then aptitude purge ~c [14:04] and reboot [14:07] why did you use aptitude, apt is best [14:07] oh really? I thought aptitude resolves dependecies best [14:08] perhaps it was a few yrs ago, but that's no longer the case [14:09] so it's apt-get or just apt [14:10] try installng kubuntu-desktop again, this time with just apt [15:15] <А> Viber earned after a long torment [16:34] Can't get rid of Kate. never wanted it, have not found a use. Have a very small window to go online. It has messed up my taskbar something awful. [17:25] are ubuntu and kubuntu drivers are same? [17:32] Yes, the drivers come from the linux kernel, which is the same [20:09] diogenes_Vx15: Hi!) im find solution in my case) [20:11] diogenes_Vx15:https://bugzilla.kernel.org/show_bug.cgi?id=217333 [20:11] -ubottu:#kubuntu- bugzilla.kernel.org bug 217333 in Drivers "No sound from laptop speakers, ALC294 codec" [High, New] [20:11] As I suspected, this error is in the drivers. [20:12] https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/ASUS_ROG_G533QS it worked [20:14] Keksimus, so what you had to do? [20:15] diogenes_Vx15: https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/ASUS_ROG_G533QS this. [20:17] diogenes_Vx15: I changed the audio output ports, if I may say so.) [20:18] i'd sell that laptop and buy something more Linux compatible. [20:19] Now I need to somehow reach out to the kernel developers to have them fix this in the upcoming releases :) [20:22] diogenes_Vx15: I know that laptops are not the best option, but I am currently "traveling", so only a laptop is suitable for me at the moment. [20:25] Well then, I guess it's time to fully test out Linux). Good luck ! [20:25] Keksimus, i prefer laptops over desktops, actually few days ago there was another user who had sound issues but on a desktop PC. [20:30] diogenes_Vx15: I think these issues with Linux will be resolved over time :)