[02:06] good morning [10:46] does xubuntu 20.04 have same end of life support as ubuntu 20.04 ? [10:47] ubuntu flavours to not get support through the complete LTS support cycle [10:47] xubuntu 3 years, ubuntu and server 5 years [10:48] so for flavors just update when the next LTS is available [10:48] but that is a good thing to do anyway [10:48] but what's the difference between installing ubuntu and replacing it with xfce desktop environment ? xubuntu is not maitaned by the same people of ubuntu ? [10:48] maintained [10:50] zxd: flavour desktops can be installed ontop another ubuntu base for several purposes [10:50] like you can install xubuntu-desktop ontop ubuntu desktop for example [10:51] official flavors are recognized by Ubuntu but are not necessarily maintained by the same people. usually a smaller team. thats why shorter support [10:51] logout, and login to your flavour desktop of choice [10:51] the core packages are the same [10:51] and those also get the full support [12:10] zxd, re: flavor support; maybe useful is the `ubuntu-security-status` command; it was written about on this post I wrote (https://discourse.lubuntu.me/t/lubuntu-20-04-lts-is-nearing-its-eol-end-of-life/4087) warning of lubuntu's approaching EOL; the box I used includes `xubuntu-desktop` too... ie. Xfce packages will be EOL but base Ubuntu 20.04 system still gets security fixes etc === arif-ali_ is now known as arif-ali === Guest3833 is now known as arraybolt3[m] [20:29] Eickmeyer: I thought you were an op? [20:30] leftyfb: Not in that room [20:30] leftyfb: I'm on the ops team, but not in that room [20:32] ...do I dare actually send ":q"... [20:35] he's clearly a troll and doesn't have any real questions [20:37] leftyfb: Except /part seemed to work, so I think just a novice user. [20:39] I find it a bit unlikely that a novice user accidentally opened two duplicate clients. Just sayin'. [20:40] Also run "hola sí comidas rápidas el chamo una hambutguesa por favor" through Google Translate. :P I don't think they came in asking for help but started out by talking about a hamburger. [20:41] arraybolt3[m]: Agreed, but the CoC mandates that we assume good faith. I think they just didn't read the channel topic first. Once I told them to read /topic their tone changed very quick. [20:41] Valid point. [20:42] Speaking of Vim though, if anyone asks how to exit and ":qa!" doesn't do the trick, there's apparently an even more complex sequence that will: https://stackoverflow.com/a/31028197/19474638