
rbasakkrytarik: Thanks! I might have been given some permissions at some point but I have no idea how to use them. Any chance you could tell me what to type? :)11:00
krytarikrbasak: Well, I've since come to realize the channel is still set -t, which means anybody even without being an op can edit its topic - but I guess it wouldn't hurt to prepare ubottu's access to it for a time where this might not be the case anymore, in which case the command to run for this should be like "/msg ChanServ flags #ubuntu-devel ubottu +t"16:27
rbasakThanks, but...16:39
rbasak-ChanServ(ChanServ@services.libera.chat)- You are not allowed to set +t on ubottu in #ubuntu-devel.16:39
tomreynthat'll be fmode16:42
krytarikrbasak: Huh, that's surprising since you definitely got +f on yourself there, which means you should be able to modify flags on it.. :o16:43
tomreynuh fmode doesn't exist, ignore me.16:43
tomreynset #ubuntu MLOCK16:45
krytarikrbasak: Waiting for the network staffer among us in the form of Unit193 might be an option here. >_<16:46
rbasakSure. No hurry :)17:04
krytarikrbasak: At a hunch we could try "/msg ChanServ flags #ubuntu-devel ubottu -*+eort" though (the idea here being that it's currently set to a template, which may need removed from it first)17:26
ubottuEickmeyer called the ops in #ubuntu ()20:29
ubottuEickmeyer called the ops in #ubuntu (invitado spam in foreign languages between two clients)20:29
Eickmeyerinvitado just ended up being a novice user and didn't read the channel topic, and legitimately needed help exiting vim and knowing how to navigate IRC.20:39
krytarikBut tbh, not the most intelligent behavior as a novice user to join the channel with two connections and starting to flood in a foreign language.. >_<20:43
Eickmeyer100% agreed, and they were definitely on their way to a ban before I told them to read /topic. At that point, they calmed down REAL quick.20:45
krytarikYes, I already had the proper command typed out.. XD20:45
EickmeyerI *knew* I had a spherical glass somewhere! XD20:46
Unit193krytarik: Updated the template, and now [18:57:07] ChanServ(ChanServ@services.libera.chat): Flags +t were set on ubottu in #ubuntu-devel.22:57
krytarikUnit193: Uhm, but now Drone is off the template instead.. XD23:00

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