
luna-and Ubuntu 23.04 is in RC new images will be out tommorow16:59
Eickmeyerluna-: That's not for sure.17:06
EickmeyerThere's no absolute schedule on that.17:06
luna-Eickmeyer: oh okay?17:06
EickmeyerYeah. It all depends. Final freeze goes into effect, but there's no set schedule on RC images.17:06
luna-oh i see 17:07
EickmeyerSo, please, stop commenting on things you know nothing about. You do that often.17:07
luna-Ubuntu 23.04 Final Freeze 1, Release Candidate, Language Pack but yeah guess i should not comment when i don't 100% know the Ubuntu release process sorry17:10
EickmeyerI do because I am the release manager for two flavors.17:10
tsimonq2I mean, technically those are just labels we put on the daily images... :P17:18
EickmeyerExcept they stop spinning daily and spin on-demand only.17:19
ubuntubridgebot[telegram] <kewisch> It is ok to be wrong and stand corrected! Either way, looking forward to getting the RC out of the door. Last chance to find those critical bugs :-)18:12

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