
=== shokohsc1 is now known as shokohsc
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brycehathos, no objections, if you think they're valid for SRU then they're probably safe at this point in the release.06:16
brycehathos, less certain on the patch to prevent running with php7, such things can sometimes have unpredicted side-effects, so better to land those early in a release rather than at the end06:17
rfmnot that I have any stature here, but is it possible that somebody is running ok with php7 under phpmysystem? Seems damn rude to kill them with no warning.06:25
rfmI would only go for "deprecated" warnings on old releases, and even on lunar seems too late.  06:27
rfmOTH, if it's true that running current phpmyadming on php7 will always fail, then it's fine to make it fail fast.06:29
brycehrfm, the situation is that in Debian they support several different versions of php in parallel for one of their releases, whereas in Ubuntu we narrow support to just one specific version per release.  So in lunar we support only php8.07:10
brycehrfm, so if a user *did* have phpmyadmin installed with php7 on lunar, they'd already be doing something a bit frankenstein07:11
brycehbut like I mentioned, preventing running with php7 could have side-effects so may be worth thinking if we really need that.07:14
Toni13Hello support, I don't know if you remember but yesterday, I did all of my ubuntu software update on my terminal, and after restarting the server, the cockpit stopped as well as phpmyadmin and I got a 522 error on my website, https://imgur.com/a/WQFtp3Z do you have any idea of what I can do?09:50
IoloToni13, is the webserver service up and running?09:57
Toni13this is a pic as it is running https://imgur.com/a/jgxUm7B09:59
ravagethere is no webserver running on or
ravageat least it is not reachable from my location10:03
Toni13ohh, so what do I do?10:08
ravagelog in via ssh. check your server status and logs10:09
athosbryceh: I decided to wait for the next cycle (or for an SRU) as you suggested. 11:44
athosThe issue there is that phpmyadmin does not work well with php 7 due to our symphony/PSR stack11:45
athosso William (phpmyadmin upstream) decided to explicitly drop support for that use case in Ubuntu (he is the one proposing the patch). I will have a closer look though (maybe a user will combine our phpmyadmin package with a custom symphony install and that would do it for them)11:46
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Toni21Hey experts, I have a question plz, I am getting these error messages always after rebooting my server, although I can access my website, how can I fix it? https://imgur.com/a/GSuaLHo15:44
tomreynToni21: and please do not cross-post. choose one channel, post there.15:46
Toni21I thought they were different servers15:48
tomreynthis is, fortunately, not discord.15:52
luna-surely is irc16:03
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