=== arif-ali_ is now known as arif-ali [19:57] oh damn we lost diddledani D: [20:13] * davef pokes lucyllewy [20:13] OOOOOOH [20:14] i did just bring up the names and was all... hey i don't recognise that one [20:14] yeah, she's still about. [20:14] * lucyllewy waves! [20:14] yeah I changed my name again :-p [20:14] lucyllewy: ol' buddy, ol' pal... i know you despise that category of work these days... but my dentist pal has had his wordpress site suspended due to a malware infection D: [20:14] gah. I can have a look. [20:15] i'll have to try and snag a backup or something as it's just been disabled - he uses a German provider called Strato [20:15] can somebody remove my malware infection? [20:15] oh lord. I've heard of strato being a pain [20:15] their automated setup found something in wp-config.php so i tried stripping out some obfuscated looking string, but any repeat attempts to rescan the site seem to keep saying "nope, still bad" [20:16] only had a quick gander before we went for beer and Thai food in honesty [20:16] * davef received the latest human malware [20:16] i'll see if i can grab a dump [20:17] davef: o rly, any symptoms? [20:17] all of them [20:19] i thought they kept getting weaker! [20:20] well, i've had congestion, sore throat, cough, headache and runny nose. [20:20] which is akin to a cold, but not really a cold. [20:20] sense of taste still with you? that's the one that frustrated me the most [20:20] * penguin42 reformats davef [20:20] ruined a curry for me :( [20:20] didn't lose my sense of taste or smell [20:21] phew, well so long as you can still sample jaffa cakes... [20:21] here in lies the problem [20:22] say it ain't so? [20:22] the jaffa cake situation is critical [20:22] ohno [20:23] nobody has been making any deposits to dave's jaffa cake awareness charity [20:23] Nurse! 1kg of Jaffa cakes! Stat! [20:23] i can provide a PO BOX to anyone who wishes to donate [20:23] he's under house arrest? [20:23] presumably [20:24] you can call it that, but self inflicted. [20:24] ah har [20:28] lucyllewy: well tbh this webdev guy of my dentist pals who is going on holiday tomorrow, he pointed me to this 'updraft' directory which has backups in it, i just mooched all of them from the Strato SFTP - Jan, Feb and March - maybe i can get away with just grabbing a base WordPress zip, tinkering on a VM, transplanting the theme and importing the db - then hope for the best? xD he did tell me his [20:28] own approach would be to install some kind of malware scanning plugin [20:28] ok that was a long message [20:29] i presume it's down to a lack of updates of plugins that this occurred... webdev guy did tell me that my client doesn't have a contract with him so that's why it ended up like this [20:30] i feel like i may be able to spare you the pain xD [20:31] hmm interesting the way this thing does backups, separate zips for db, "others", plugins, themes, uploads [21:07] yeah, lack of updates or plugins that are abandoned are the main reason for malware getting in [21:09] updraft is a backup plugin so you should be able to install a new wordpress and then updraft and then restore the backups with that. It's not certain you will have a backup that is from before the infection tho, so YMMV [21:13] *nod* [21:15] LOL i just loaded the staged site and the login page is the suspension one [21:15] oops [21:15] <-- smrt [21:15] i didn't really do what i described above though [21:16] wait, you mean to tell me you're not a silly filly? [21:16] *shocked* [21:16] with all the beers from earlier i very much am [21:16] 🤭 [21:17] i wonder how they handle that suspension page [21:17] or whether i should just not care and step back through the backups [21:23] OH! [21:23] ok the beer was definitely winning because i didn't edit my hosts file, so of course i saw the suspension page xD [21:23] l o l [21:26] so who's donating to canadian jaffa cake relief? POBOX available upon request [21:27] any local sites that stock 'em? [21:28] sometimes but never guaranteed [21:29] I could use amazon, but damn 3rd party suppliers are shaky at best [21:38] yeah don't they hock stale ones sometimes? [21:39] yeah [21:39] i usually wait until i visit to buy more [21:39] hopefully this june i'll be back [21:39] oh man now i got the site working but i don't know an admin login do i? [21:40] ok found the SQL method [21:49] why on earth does it have translations for a billion languages for every plugin o0 [21:52] i'm gonna give this 'jetpack' plugin a try for malware scanning [22:15] well they all want to be able to reach the real site, don't they - ugh [22:19] i don't even get why pagelinks don't work, despite changing the permalink setting to basic - links on-page are still custom [23:05] oh damn i won [23:05] persistence++ [23:28] lucyllewy: thanks, you were the best rubber duck a guy could ask for! 8D [23:28] `o/ [23:28] \o/ [23:28] hell, the whole channel is :) [23:28] rub the duck! [23:28] i eventually found some plugin called CleanTalk that claims it's clean, but i don't know if it is [23:28] at some point in the future i will try and now backup what i produced and squirt it back onto the web hosting i suppose [23:29] 💟 \well done! [23:29] ty! [23:30] .htaccess and AllowOverride All were the final tricks it seemed [23:42] g'night all!