[00:01] [telegram] And then we hit release time and a critical bug or something is found xD (re @kewisch: It is ok to be wrong and stand corrected! Either way, looking forward to getting the RC out of the door. Last chance to find those critical bugs :-)) [00:01] [telegram] you know the evils :P [00:01] [telegram] https://matterbridge.thomas-ward.net/bdc32fe2/disappointed_disappointed_fan.mp4 [00:02] [telegram] Don't summon the kraken [00:04] [telegram] *has already summoned the chaos as part of his regular testing duties* :P [00:13] [telegram] https://matterbridge.thomas-ward.net/880f586c/pir_mano_meme.mp4 [23:48] -queuebot:#ubuntu-quality- Builds: Lubuntu Desktop amd64 [Lunar Final] (20230414) has been added