
jhutchinsI wonder if that's the software, or manipulation of the network.00:14
arraybolt3I suspect either they downloaded an unofficial and unsafe Kubuntu image, or probably it's China's firewall doing what China's firewall does. Sadly, they left, so we may never know or be able to help them.00:15
jhutchinsUnsafe and Unoficial!!! Wow, that sounds scary!!!00:33
jhutchinsClearly the user's fault!00:33
=== shokohsc0 is now known as shokohsc
ThinkTank2Hello, I believe I have been mistakenly banned from this channel. I apologize if I did anything to warrant a ban, but I am not aware of any rules or guidelines that I have violated. I enjoy participating in this community and I would appreciate it if you could take a look into my situation and possibly lift the ban. Thank you for your time and02:22
ThinkTank2I am writing to appeal a ban that was recently imposed on me on [channel name]. I was banned on [date and time], and I believe that the ban was a mistake. I am writing to request that the ban be lifted so that I may continue participating in the channel.02:39
ThinkTank2I apologize if I violated any rules or guidelines, but I do not believe that I did anything wrong. I have been an active member community, and I have always tried to contribute positively to the discussions.02:39
ThinkTank2I would appreciate it if you could review my case and lift the ban if you find that there was no justification for it. If there was a misunderstanding or a mistake on my part, I would be happy to discuss the matter and take any necessary steps to rectify the situation.02:39
ThinkTank2Thank you for your time and consideration, and I hope to be able to rejoin the channel soon.02:39
deegohm, you forgot to say - signed [username]02:41
Guest9380yeah huhuhu brb02:41
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V1Aim trying to packup data from a system that doesnt boot aafter update04:51
V1Awhy would thunar file manager not display my files even ran in as sudo04:52
rboxbecause tehy're not there?04:53
V1Ai cannot see or access any files in thunar file manager but somehow it allows me to copy the emppty 170gb folder05:13
V1Aif that does it it05:14
V1Aok it is actually selfclosing thank god what a nice feature05:17
firewalldtHello, anyone can give me some software backup and restore virtual machines ?05:32
elias_afirewalldt: Virtual machines are saved as a single big file. Just backup/restore it.05:43
firewalldtelias_a, i want to backup server 1 and restore in server 210:04
elias_afirewalldt: Just install the VM software you are using in server 1 to server 2, copy the VM file to server 2 and import it using VM software.10:06
firewalldtI'm use vps10:07
firewalldtCan you can give me some VM software ?10:08
elias_aI use Virtualbox.10:37
firewalldtThank elias_a for10:42
=== vmuser_1 is now known as vmuser
yang_first time here, kind of nervous 0.010:55
gryi am also new, i think it is a help chat: do you have any bugs, issues or feedback?10:56
gryhere, often people ask a question about something broken or something new they would like to add10:57
yang_ok i got that, thank you10:58
=== teal-tabbycat is now known as tealtabbycat
vlmany other ubuntu podcast similar to the https://ubuntupodcast.org? Did those guys continue in another podcast or was it all over with ubuntupodcast?11:45
lotuspsychjebad idea^12:09
peirikWhenever I try to drag something in Ubuntu I experience significant lag. For instance when I try to drag and select a group of files, the starting position of the drag area is often way off from where I first pressed down the mouse button. Same when trying to drag and move files around - I often miss the file entirely. It seems like the down-event from the mouse is being captured very late. Does12:28
peirikanyone know what might be causing this?12:28
lotuspsychjepeirik: sounds like a graphics issue to me or wayland lag perhaps12:30
lotuspsychjepeirik: could you pastebin; sudo lshw -C video plz?12:30
peiriklotuspsychje: sure, thanks for responding. Here's the output: http://pastie.org/p/4oDSlFS1Z3IanxzfiN0dyF12:31
lotuspsychjepeirik: are you logged into wayland?12:32
peiriklotuspsychje: not really sure what that means?12:33
lotuspsychjepeirik: wich ubuntu release are you running?12:33
lotuspsychjepeirik: ok, logout and please check if you're on xorg or wayland on the login window ( press the little gear icon)12:35
lotuspsychjepeirik: default ubuntu desktop logs into wayland12:36
peirikI'm on X11 apparently12:36
lotuspsychjepeirik: your nvidia graphics driver is loaded, but that second card not sure what that device is12:37
lotuspsychjeproduct: EFI VGA12:37
lotuspsychjepeirik: you got secureboot enabled or disabled?12:38
peirikHm, me neither. Can it be the motherboard's internal stuff?12:38
peiriksecureboot is enabled12:39
lotuspsychjepeirik: ah, go disabled that please and try again your lags12:39
peirikok, i will try that :) thanks you very much for your help12:40
lotuspsychjenp, lets hope thats the culprit12:40
BluesKajHi all12:42
CTFFWhy I can't use my mouse to select or move the cruser in terminal?12:45
krumelmonsterI'm at a friends laptop running xubuntu 20.04.6. It has 26 old kernels installed and therefore /boot is almost full. Curiously apt autoremove won't offer to remove those kernels but neither are they listed in apt-mark showmanual12:52
lotuspsychjekrumelmonster: try bleachbit and clean your whole system12:53
krumelmonsterHow is it even possible that those kernels are neither manually installed nor dependencies of an installed package nor removed by apt autoremove?12:54
krumelmonsterThey are Priority: optional12:57
krumelmonsterI know how I could uninstall those kernels but I'd rather solve the underlying problem so future kernels can be autoremove'd12:58
BluesKaj sudo apt remove --purge 2.6.24-25-* (example)12:58
krumelmonsterI don't understand why but I believe `sudo apt-get dselect-upgrade` (never heard of this before haha) solves the problem. Does it sound sane to excecute this?13:05
krumelmonsterthat did not do it. I don't get it. Those kernels are marked as "deinstall" in dpkg --get-selections. Whatever that means it looks like I'll just have to "apply" this deinstall somehow...13:09
alkisgkrumelmonster: what's the output of this command? dpkg -l | grep linux- | nc termbin.com 999913:54
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realivanjxcan ubuntu 22.04 use gnome 44? how to get the new version of it? thanks14:43
ravagerealivanjx: no. Ubuntu 22.04 only uses gnome 4214:44
ravagefor newer gnome versions you have to upgrade to a newer ubuntu release14:44
realivanjxguess i will wait 5 more days then14:44
ravageUbuntu 23.04 has 4414:45
ravagekeep in mind that you swutch from LTS to an interim release cycle and that you cant directly update from 22.04 to 23.0414:45
realivanjxyea i plan to do a reinstall anyways14:46
ravagerealivanjx: i dont know the current state of lunar but my guess is that a daily-live image should be ok to install today already. ask in #ubuntu-next or wait until the final relesse soon14:50
realivanjxwhere can i get the iso?14:51
realivanjxmaybe i will try on my laptop first14:51
leftyfb!next | realivanjx14:53
ubotturealivanjx: Lunar Lobster is the codename for Ubuntu 23.04. For technical support, see #ubuntu-next. For testing and QA feedback and help, see #ubuntu-quality.14:53
bleiis there a better video blocking chrome extension than https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/video-blocker/kkgpdmegkhdheglikjleejknplhdpbck?hl=en   this extension still shows a video splash image15:31
=== remy_ is now known as Remy
TheSHADOWHowdy.  I'm trying to access a samba share on a windows 7 machine, but it looks like buntu has old versions of samba locked out.  Google tells me to edit /etc/samba/smb.conf - which folder doesn't exist.  Help?16:43
tomreynTheSHADOW: you may need to create it there (or copy a template and modify that) if the file does not exist. I would assume that "man smb.conf" will provide more details, or documentation and configuration samples in /usr/share/doc/samba-common (and, in this case, /usr/share/samba/smb.conf)17:03
rfmTheSHADOW,  the starter smb.conf is in /usr/share/doc/samba-common/examples/smb.conf.default, you could start with that17:03
TheSHADOWHm.  TY17:04
TheSHADOWAnother question, how do I restart samba services in 20.04?  services smbd restart doesn't work.17:05
tomreynuse systemctl for systemd service management17:05
tomreynhttps://ubuntu.com/server/docs/how-to has several samba related docs btw.17:06
TheSHADOWWent looking for the name for the samba service in systemctl, couldn't find that either.17:06
tomreyndo you have samba installed?17:07
TheSHADOWAnd the folder cited for smb.conf.default doesn't exist...17:07
TheSHADOWLOL apparently not.  Got cifs, not samba.17:07
ravageTheSHADOW: https://i.imgur.com/Y0ENW9o.png https://p.haxxors.com/dug7q0gc.txt17:15
TheSHADOWOkay.  I'm in.  Thank you!17:17
ravageor is the share on your ubuntu?17:17
ravageok great17:17
latewswhat's up17:21
=== aman is now known as Guest348
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Guest348I just installed linux mint.17:38
Guest348Can you tell me some useful programs to install in my fresh linux mint install?17:39
Jeremy31Guest348: Try the Mint forums17:40
ubottuThe Ubuntu channels can only provide support for Ubuntu and its official !flavors. Derivatives and other distributions use different software repositories and other software. Please use their dedicated support venues, such as: Linux Mint: #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org, Pop!_OS: https://support.system76.com/ , Kali Linux: #kali-linux on irc.oftc.net, LXLE: https://lxle.net/support-options/17:40
Guest348No problem, I will ask there :)17:41
FossilTrying to rsync a hardlinked file from 1 dir to another (also hardlink it there). Worked fine for years but since today I keep getting "rsync error: some files/attrs were not transferred (see previous errors) (code 23)" whern using --remove-source-files. Running this as root, files owned by root too.17:44
EriC^^Fossil: what's the complete command you're using? it might help others to diagnose17:49
Fossilrsync --link-dest=/home/user/tempfiles --remove-source-files /home/user/tempfiles/filename.mkv /home/user/cleanedfiles/.17:50
FossilWhatever I use, it never works with --remove-source-files enabled. It will copy/link the file but not remove the source file17:50
FossilAnd this script worked forever lol so I am kinda puzzled17:50
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realivanjxjust installed 23.04. looking good so far17:54
rfmFossil, that message says "see previous errors".  Are there any? Maybe run with -v to get more messages?17:55
Fossilrfm It only says "ERROR: Skipping sender remove of destination file"17:55
rfmFossil, that "code 23" is strange. If it's an errno, its "ENFILE" which says the system-wide limit for open files was exceeded, which seems highly unlikely.17:56
FossilThat could actually be. But how did I not find that thru Google haha. I found some other explanation for code 2317:57
Fossilrfm # cat /proc/sys/fs/file-max    = 104857618:01
Fossillsof | wc -l = 2087818:01
rfmFossil, it might not be a errno, would have to read the rsync source to be sure I guess.  I find it hard to believe, though, it's really hard to get ENFILE, usually EMFILE (the per-process limit) is hit first18:02
FossilYeah it shouldnt be the issue indeed18:02
=== BrianG61UK__ is now known as BrianG61UK
FossilSome more info https://privatebin.net/?f42a03a907f176ea#sS6y4dm3KA1b6TdHV2XkreyQ5t1HiGrGtxTrWGCwwbS18:12
Fossilheh now it works without --link-dest18:16
FossilBut I want to link them so the move it instant18:18
u8353v[m]Can anyone suggest a software, even if it is paid, that can identify if our screen is being monitored?18:52
alkisgu8353v: if you use gnome/wayland, it shows a recording icon in the panel whenever's your screen is monitored19:26
dob1hi, any idea how to resolve errors like xdg-desktop-portal-kde[3163]: qrc:/AppChooserDialog.qml:12:1: module "org.kde.kirigami" is not installed,   xdg-desktop-portal-kde[3163]: qrc:/AppChooserDialog.qml:10:1: module "QtQuick.Controls" is not installed19:46
jhutchinsdob1: Just out of curiosity, did you try pasting the message into a web search engine?19:48
dob1jhutchins: yes19:48
jhutchinsdob1: And?19:48
dob1jhutchins: no luck19:48
jhutchinsdob1: The obvious answer is "install QtQuick.Controls19:48
dob1jhutchins: I tried to install qml-module-qtquick-controls and/or qml-module-qtquick-controls2   no luck19:49
jhutchinsdob1: What were you trying to do that generated those errors?19:51
dob1jhutchins: firefox when I try to open for example an attachment on gmail via xdg-open,  I am not using gnome but i3 as window manager19:52
jhutchinsdob1: There is #i320:30
=== MrA is now known as Ders
FKAShinobican freeipa be used with sshd?21:44
jhutchinsFKAShinobi: Yes.21:45
FKAShinobiHow about openvpn?21:47
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mybalzitchanyone have wayland crashing frequently when the display is locked after moving to 23.04 ?21:54
leftyfb!next | mybalzitch21:57
ubottumybalzitch: Lunar Lobster is the codename for Ubuntu 23.04. For technical support, see #ubuntu-next. For testing and QA feedback and help, see #ubuntu-quality.21:57
hellscapedmybalzitch: I'd recommend switching to X11 if thats the case.21:59
mybalzitchworked fine in 22.10, and it only seems to be when the display gets locked22:00
hellscapedI see22:00
hellscapedPersonally, I don't use Wayland anymore. It causes too many issues.22:01
leftyfbmybalzitch: please /join #next for support with unreleased versions of ubuntu22:01
mybalzitchI tried some things on my end, we'll see what happens22:01
leftyfbsorry #ubuntu-next22:01
mybalzitchleftyfb: I did, hellscaped asked me questions and I responded to them. I'll be sure to never mention it again.22:01
MononaTrying to install Ubuntu Studio on an old laptop. Got this message:22:27
MononaThis kernel requires an x86-64 CPU, but only detected an i686 CPU.22:27
MononaWhat version of Ubuntu would I need to go back to for this?22:27
Jeremy31Monona: Ones that aren't supported anymore.  I think 16.04 was the last LTS version that supported i686 and supported unded over 2 years ago22:29
leftyfb18.04 was the last, but it will be End of Life in 15 days22:29
leftyfbMonona: I wouldn't recommend Ubuntu on 32bit systemd any longer22:30
syphyrThe file list for this package is incorrect? IcedTeaPlugin.so has been removed? https://packages.ubuntu.com/bionic/amd64/icedtea-8-plugin/filelist22:35
Mononaleftyfb: Are there other flavors of linux you would recommend for 32bit systems?22:35
syphyrbecause the NPAPI support in browsers was already removed?22:35
leftyfbMonona: no. Maybe try asking in #linux22:36
syphyrI think the last line in .java-1.8.0-openjdk-amd64.jinfo from openjdk-8-jre-headless package should reflect that change so update-java-alternatives does not throw an error22:38
leftyfb!bug | syphyr22:39
ubottusyphyr: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its official !flavors, please report it using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.22:39
syphyrI can report a bug through irc w/o creating an account?22:42
syphyrwell, this is only a bug in Bionic, which is EOL. I doubt anyone cares that much.22:45
pyzozordhey, I just installed ubuntu 22, and I have two things:22:46
pyzozord1) this wayland thing seems less, stable, slower, and it is actually laggin my cursor. Can I make ubunu 22 use x11 instead?22:47
pyzozord2) it seems it is boot slower, even twice as slow. Is this possible? Can I do anything about it?22:47
syphyroh, nope, its still a bug in newer versions of ubuntu also22:50
nerdopolisIs there a list of Ubuntu specific patches that are applied to the kernel? I am looking at https://git.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-kernel/ubuntu/+source/linux/+git/lunar/tree/ but I don't see the usual debian/patches I came across a newish, some very odd issue involving chroot and overlayfs seemingly causing the kernel to lock an overlayfs mount, but trying a vanilla 6.2.0 to start to see what version it was introduced, and I can't22:52
nerdopolisreplicate the issue22:52
pyzozordsyphyr: were you answering to me?22:54
syphyrpyzozord, no22:57
u8353v[m]<alkisg> "u8353v: if you use gnome/wayland..." <- i am checking this for kde plasma.23:06
u8353v[m]but what about for detecting backdoors that monitor your screen activity?23:06
u8353v[m]what is the best software for this?23:06
syphyrleftyfb, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/openjdk-8/+bug/201639623:09
-ubottu:#ubuntu- Launchpad bug 2016396 in openjdk-8 (Ubuntu) "IcedTeaPlugin.so reference should be removed from .java-1.8.0-openjdk-amd64.jinfo" [Undecided, New]23:09
syphyrnerdopolis, git log --oneline --grep="sauce"23:19
nerdopolisdang, seems there is only 19, and none of them _look_ related. Now I am having doubts about where the issue is, but I did compile the mainline kernel with the config out of /boot only changing a few things like that  SYSTEM_TRUSTED_KEYS, I am drafting a bug though as the results I get vs the vanilla one vs the default one is very consistent...23:26
wildoxrandr --output VGA-1-1 --scale 1x123:27
wildodoesn't not set the scale to 1x1, tried logout and re login but nothing?23:27
wildomy primary monitor is 2880x1620 and secondary 1280x102423:27
wildoam I missing something23:27
wildoVGA-1-1 connected 1280x1024+2880+0 (normal left inverted right x axis y axis) 380mm x 305mm (this is the secondary monitor)23:28
wildoand primary: eDP-1-1 connected primary 2880x1620+0+0 (normal left inverted right x axis y axis) 340mm x 190mm23:28
wildohow do I make the primary scale to 200 and the secondary 10023:28
wildoI tried from settings but it sets both of them to 10023:29
ravageI don't think xorg supports that. I never even tried it with Wayland23:30
ravageBut i believe it should work there at least with fractional scaling23:30
=== sam__ is now known as HamboSambo
HamboSamboHi Team, I am wanting to setup a laptop with dual boot windows 11 and ubuntu, do i need to disable secure boot? if anyone can help i would appreciate it23:33
Akamni34HamboSambo, try to boot the live USB the way it is, and install it aside, it will tell you about it, or eventually Ubuntu won't boot then in that case you'll have to disable it.23:35

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