
=== webchat29 is now known as xxlixx
=== webchat29 is now known as XXliXX11
=== VIA5 is now known as V1A
V1Ahi im VIA04:42
V1Aim having some massive poblems to get the system to boot after updating04:42
V1Aits 100% related to GPU drivers04:43
V1Aamdgpu and amdgpu where starting to cause the errors, i managed to purge all the packages and tried aurorepairs etc04:44
V|A..that mustav been the wrong key04:46
V|Ai dont know how to access /backup my data or fix it so it boots, backup would be perffect04:47
V|Abecause im planning to fullly reinstallif anyone read(s) this, please pm VIA thats usually my name i should be on04:48
V|Aanother machine04:49
=== hachi is now known as mitsubachi
mitsubachiHello folks. I reported a bug on launchpad and a bot marked it as a duplicate of a private bug... and then helpfully told me to look at the other bug for more information, workarounds, or to fill in anything.11:00
mitsubachiHow does that concept work? How can I read the private bug that mine is a duplicate of.11:00
=== tomg_ is now known as tomg
xu-help67whow do I make a new account if I have no password for this device20:46
gnrpxu-irc89w: hi22:41
xu-irc89wYou're using a XFCE?22:41
xu-irc89wyou know if have a telegram group of XFCE22:42
gnrpI'm not aware of any22:42

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