
-SwissBot:#ubuntu-news- ::OMG!Ubuntu:: Canonical Bringing Livepatch Support to HWE Kernels @ https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2023/04/ubuntu-livepatch-hwe-kernels (by Joey Sneddon)00:39
guivercelucidates  -- i think Bashing-om is trying to teach me new words 02:51
* guiverc probably should haev said "us" instead of me?02:52
Bashing-omguiverc: Hey - :D coming up with these thoughtfull words is tuff :)02:53
* guiverc gave up using 'big' words long ago... I never used them enough to recall precisely how they were spelt, so had to keep grabbing the dictionary to check... I'm too lazy02:54
guivercbut :)02:54
Bashing-omguiverc: One big word to take the place of 5 small ones ? When I can not organize myself to come up with the 5 proper ones :(02:56
guivercthe way it was used; even without looking-up/knowing the meaning; it was clear as 'day' anyway...  so was well done in my opinion !02:57
Bashing-omguiverc: Not much to say in that particular summary of the article - Just the facts, Mam :D02:59
* guiverc noted the lxqt 1.3 released email b/c of subscriptions.. I didn't even 'peek' at it; too late for lunar/23.04 anyway... We'll get plenty of 'why isn't this included' soon enough & be told what we don't have...03:03
Bashing-omguiverc: I will be very pleased if some of our happenstance slack is picked up  >> being told what we don't have.. :D03:13
Bashing-omUWN: Issue783 up for review and final edits: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Issue783 :D20:49
krytarikBashing-om: Both of the Ubuntu Budgie posts should be promoted to the Planet section, because they appeared on it.21:08
Bashing-omkrytarik: Did not notice for some reason - will move !21:10
krytarikAnd what I said last week about scheduled LoCo events appearing in the LoCo News section without an actual post about them, also applies to the FLISoL event this week.21:11
Bashing-omkrytarik: Will pull the FLISoL summary also.21:13
-SwissBot:#ubuntu-news- ::Planet:: Ubuntu Podcast from the UK LoCo: Linux Matters is coming… @ https://ubuntupodcast.org/2023/04/16/linux-matters-is-coming/21:14
krytarikAnd the FAI summary gives a bit the impression of being an advertisement of a third-party service, plus the quoting is odd there - I'd suggest move it bullet-pointed to Other News like we do with various hardware supporting Ubuntu.21:19
Bashing-omkrytarik: Agreed - will move FAI.21:23
Bashing-omUWN: Next edits :D21:32
guivercEickmeyer, you likely have seen it, there was one article I liked re: edubuntu as I recall 23:53
Eickmeyerguiverc: I saw it. The administrative utilities are really the best part, but everybody likes to highlight the included apps, which are many. :P23:54
guivercyou'd probably need a school.teacher/educator to review it to discover admin utils.. not average blogger23:55
EickmeyerTrue. Amy will be writing the release announcement for Thursday.23:56
Bashing-om\o/ ^23:57

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