
daftykinslucyllewy: hmm well you learn something every day, turns out my dentist pal's got some weird wordpress multisite shenanigans going on so that explains why there was another site in the root of his hosting and yet his practice website lived under a subdirectory with the number 7 o015:35
daftykinshe mentioned i'd killed the other one whilst sorting out the malware xD so it transpires it was never his main site after all but his personal one that got pwned xD 15:35
daftykinsat least i backed it up so i can still restore that, if i can get my head around the shared hosting o015:35
penguin42daftykins: Do you scrape malware off dentists computers or drill it out?20:55
daftykinsi was fascinated last week when he came downstairs from a patient and said he went to drill in an implant, only for the whole thing to disappear into a sinus20:56
daftykinsit sounded like the stuff of nightmares20:56
zxmpibeing a dentist is choosing a career with a lot of goop21:43

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