
=== amiga is now known as Tweaker
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edlltWhy are my messages failing to get sent02:09
arraybolt3edllt: On IRC?02:10
arraybolt3Could just be your IRC client acting wonky.02:11
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IrcsomeBot<wu_ma> 👋, Excuse me, how should I change the default desktop environment?08:52
IrcsomeBot<wu_ma> I want to use 'plasma-awesome. desktop' by default.08:53
hateballYou should be able to pick your desired DE on the login screen, and it should remember what you last used08:54
IrcsomeBot<wu_ma> I want to use 'plasma-awesome.desktop' by default.08:55
IrcsomeBot<wu_ma> It doesn't remember, it always starts plasma instead of plasma-awesome08:56
IrcsomeBot<wu_ma> I don't know why this is happening.08:57
hateballHmmmm then I don't really know what could be wrong08:57
IrcsomeBot<wu_ma> Should there be a configuration file for setting the default desktop environment?09:02
alkisgwu_ma, /etc/sddm.conf09:25
Keksimus2Hello, where located file sound/pci/hda/patch_realtek.c ? i cant find this)09:27
alkisgKeksimus2: https://github.com/torvalds/linux/blob/master/sound/pci/hda/patch_realtek.c09:36
alkisgIt's in the source code of the kernel. To get it in your pc, you'd need to get the kernel source code.09:36
Keksimus2alkisg: Thanks09:37
BluesKajHi all12:25
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danielboston38trying to launch firefox today and i got an error youve lauched an older version of firefox13:01
danielboston38i did have both the snap version and firefox-next installed so i went ahead and removed both13:01
danielboston38i reinstalled the snap version however im still getting that error13:02
danielboston38if the snap is out of date theres not much13:02
BluesKajI'm using the non-snap version without issue... https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2022/04/how-to-install-firefox-deb-apt-ubuntu-22-0413:11
danielboston38@BluesKaj im using 22.10 will that still work?13:22
danielboston38i fixed it by removing the profile from firefox-next not sure why purge didn't remove it13:25
BluesKajdanielboston38, it'll work fine, firefos isn't particularly 'buntu version dependent and it should update/upgrade by default whn you update your packages13:29
BluesKajfirefox even13:30
danielboston38nah ill use firefos :P13:30
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* BayouGuru is about to install Kubuntu 22.04LTS on an IBM ThinkPad E450. Is there anything I should know beforehand other than how awesome Kubuntu is? :)15:42
IrcsomeBot<wu_ma> Thanks😘 (re @IrcsomeBot: <alkisg> wu_ma, /etc/sddm.conf)16:28
IrcsomeBot<wu_ma> Thanks👍 (re @IrcsomeBot: <alkisg> wu_ma, /etc/sddm.conf)16:28
mparilloBayouGuru: You may want to see if you have software RAID in your BIOS (I have heard that it can cause issues). Second, you may want to test your WiFi using the "Try18:20
mparillo" option before you commit to an installation.18:20
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experimental_Xis there anyone available that can tell me what __common_interrupt and blacklist mean on a black screen?21:37
experimental_Xbecause those suddenly appeared after my system locked up and froze, and then I was taken back to the login screen21:38
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