
Unit193Well crap, seems final freeze, so if something is seeded it's boned.  https://packages.qa.debian.org/s/sgt-puzzles/news/20230417T000358Z.html seems kinda like it'd be good to have. :300:56
jbichaUnit193: you're a Xubuntu developer right? since it's only seeded in Xubuntu, you could still get that upload in before release if you're willing to respin the Xubuntu ISOs01:06
Unit193Figured the rule was "if it's seeded, that's a nogo."01:41
jbichaif that were 100% enforced, then there wouldn't be any ISO respins because we wouldn't fix any bugs after Final Freeze 😉01:56
nkshirsa_sil2100, eric will bump up the lunar dev version i think this week to be 4.5-1ubuntu110:53
nkshirsa_the debian sos package is way behind, its on 4.2 still i believe10:53
nkshirsa_4.0.2 even10:54
sil2100nkshirsa_: ok, thanks! Yeah, in such cases, when debian is lagging (and there's no such version in Debian), remember to use VERSION-0ubuntu110:59
sil21000 meaning 'not-in-debian' and ubuntu1 meaning 'first version in ubuntu'10:59
sil2100In general ubuntu0 is reserved only for cases like ubuntu0.1 or ubuntu0.22.04 etc.11:00
ubottubdmurray, kanashiro, rbasak, seb128, sil2100, teward, utkarsh2102: DMB ping19:00
tewardpoor timing for me needing a biobreak :P19:01
tewardthere but via phone so slow19:01

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