
de-factoi dont want to audospawn, i want to start it00:00
de-factoits dead00:00
leftyfbde-facto: ( pgrep pulseadio ; pulseaudio -k ; pgrep pulseaudio ) | nc termbin.com 999900:00
oerhekssystemctl --user restart pulseaudio.service && systemctl --user restart pulseaudio.socket && systemctl --user startus pulseaudio.socket ... but pulseaudio -k should do fine00:00
leftyfbde-facto: if it's not auto spawning, you have something wrong with your pulseaudio and/or your system.00:01
de-factoit is not autospawning, i want to start it00:02
leftyfbde-facto: what is the output please?00:02
de-factothat its dead00:03
leftyfbde-facto: termbin url please00:03
de-facto"E: [pulseaudio] main.c: Hintergrundprozess konnte nicht abgebrochen werden: Kein passender Prozess gefunden"00:04
de-factoit does not give a termbin for that00:04
de-factoits dead, believe me00:05
oerhekspulseaudio --check00:05
leftyfbde-facto: ( journalctl --user -u pulseaudio -S today ; pgrep pulseaudio ) | nc termbin.com 999900:06
de-factothe command that oerheks gave starts pulseaudio but just like pulseaudio --start it does not find the hdmi devices00:07
oerheksinteresting powersave on the hdmi devices can cause this behavior https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/pulseaudio/pulseaudio/-/issues/106600:10
oerheksand this, use pipewire? https://askubuntu.com/questions/1294939/ubuntu-20-04-missing-hdmi-sound-device-after-monitor-goes-to-sleep-mode00:10
-ubottu:#ubuntu- Issue 1066 in pulseaudio/pulseaudio "Pulseaudio HDMI output disappears on screen blank. Ubuntu 20.04" [Opened]00:10
de-factoany idea how i can bring back my hdmi pulseaudio sink?00:20
oerheksde-facto, what happens after replug hdmi? if it works, the hdmi device sleeps.00:21
oerheksalso, try pipewire?00:21
de-factoit does not sleep its my main monitor00:21
de-factomaybe i could try that yeah00:21
de-factoi just was hoping that i could use pulseaudio, i dont want to do anything fancy, just audio playback00:22
de-factois pipewire more stable than pulseaudio?00:23
arraybolt3de-facto: Depends on what release of Ubuntu you're using whether Pipewire is usable or not.00:25
arraybolt3(For audio.)00:25
de-factoim on 22.04 lts00:25
arraybolt3Yeah then don't use Pipewire for audio.00:26
arraybolt3It is not stable in 22.04, I don't believe.00:26
ice9 /sys/bus/usb/devices/usb3/power/wakeup is set to "disabled" however the wireless mouse still wakes up the laptop from sleep, any idea?00:38
jhutchinsice9: Why is this behavior not desired? Cats waking the system up at night?00:56
ice9jhutchins, yeah00:57
cluelessperson_I have an ALC4050 that ubuntu doesn't seem to see.01:14
VarroAnyone knows why my KDE keeps flickering from time to time?01:31
VarroIt most happens with Firefox open, but other monitor and windows flicker01:31
VarroSometimes the other screen even flickers upside down01:31
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WaVice9: cat /proc/acpi/wakeup | grep enabled | nc termbin.com 999901:33
VladTepesanyone know how to install nord  vpn for linux01:34
ice9WaV, https://termbin.com/a7qa01:34
alkpwnI'm not on KDE. But Firefox is a definate resourse hog.01:34
jhutchinscluelessperson_: What did you try to do?  How did you try to do it?  What did you expect to happen?  What happened instead?01:34
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jhutchinsVarro: Details of your video chipset and config?01:35
WaVice9: XHCI is the USB3 controller on your motherboard, which is probably why your mouse is still waking up the system01:36
ice9WaV, you are right, thanks. setting "echo "disabled" > /sys/bus/pci/devices/0000\:00\:14.0/power/wakeup" makes it permanent?01:38
WaVice9: No because the /sys filesystem is a virtual filesystem that is regenerated every time the system is booted.01:40
WaVice9: you can try a systemd service01:40
WaVice9: Also, This will disable all usb3 devices connected to your motherboard.01:40
WaVice9: Did you find that device to be the culprit?01:42
ice9WaV, yes01:42
leftyfbVarro: I added i915.enable_psr=0 to the "GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT=" line in /etc/default/grub, ran sudo update-grub # and rebooted. Solved the same issue I had01:42
WaVice9: https://pastebin.com/gtP44HCd01:43
WaVice9: sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/disable-xhci-wakeup.service ----- type what i pasted in this file then save/close && sudo systemctl daemon-reload && sudo systemctl enable disable-xhci-wakeup.service01:45
Tweakerthis may be a rediculous question, is ubuntu using grub2? i noticed the /boot/grub directory but not /boot/grub2. curious, before i reserch how to theme it since i found a very long documentation on it, and don't want to waste my time un necessarily.01:45
ice9WaV, "echo XHCI > /proc/acpi/wakeup"  won't replace the whole content of proc/acpi/wakeup ?01:45
oerheksTweaker, yes01:47
oerheks!info grub201:47
ubottugrub2 (2.06-2ubuntu12.1, kinetic): GRand Unified Bootloader, version 2 (dummy package). In component universe, is extra. Built by grub2. Size 3 kB / 12 kB. (Only available for any-i386, any-amd64, any-powerpc, any-ppc64, any-ppc64el, any-sparc, any-sparc64.)01:47
WaVice9: my fault; use >>01:47
WaVgood catch.01:47
Tweakeroerheks: thank you, appreciate it.01:48
ice9WaV, but how passing XHCI to that virtual fs toggles the state of the input?01:50
WaVice9: The kernel reads the file and updates the ACPI wakeup settings accordingly. Simply echoing "XHCI" should disable it. The file doesn't persist on reboot which is why we have to create a service to append XHCI every boot.01:52
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beltwaymudWhat's everyone sayin01:55
oerhekspolls say polls are useless01:56
beltwaymudSure are...\01:56
matsamanoerheks: well, the badly implemented polls say that, sure!01:57
beltwaymudthis is my first time using linux on a physical machine01:59
beltwaymudi installed Lubuntu onto a 10in Acer Aspire One bc I wanted a dedicated portable machine for coding and work\01:59
beltwaymudany apps you guys could recommend?02:00
jhutchinsbeltwaymud: https://www.makeuseof.com/best-linux-alternatives-to-popular-windows-apps/02:02
jhutchinsbeltwaymud: This is really a support & troubleshooting channel.02:03
shadowhawkis there an off-topic chat room?02:04
beltwaymudApologies, thanks for the pointers.02:04
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WaVshadowhawk: Yes there is. :) #ubuntu-offtopic02:05
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Sven_vBhi :) I just bootstrapped a fresh Ubuntu jammy, installed some basic tools like SSH, works. Now I tried to install the next bunch of packages but "E: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages." How would I go about fixing it? apt messages: https://paste.debian.net/plainh/c59be57002:42
de-factohmm hdmi audio sink did not come back, but without it pulseaudio works somewhat stable02:43
Sven_vBI did update apt package lists btw.02:43
de-factomaybe the problem is with the radeon driver?02:43
rboxSven_vB: you screwed up your sources pretty good02:44
Sven_vBrbox, so I guess I should disable some source lists?02:44
rboxyou sh9uld probably not create a broken system to begin with02:45
Sven_vBoh. yeah. I think I know what I broke. :D02:48
Sven_vBthanks for pointing me there!02:48
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alkisgHow can I find out the current screen resolution in ubuntu-server? There was a nice way to do it from /sys, but my google-fu is failing me...05:08
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Guest4I i'm on ubuntu 22.04, I have struglling with the lost of 'CTRL+V' for paste, anyone could help troubleshooting? please, appreciated!05:53
alkisgGuest4: where are you trying to paste, e.g. the terminal, libreoffice?07:28
cluelessperson_So I screwed up the nvidia driver install08:24
cluelessperson_gdm fails to start08:24
cluelessperson_and now the screen just flashes so I can't even get the console08:24
cluelessperson_so stupid08:24
lotuspsychjerecoverymode cluelessperson_08:25
lotuspsychjewith network and rootshell08:25
cluelessperson_grub completely ignores shift08:26
lotuspsychjetry ESC08:26
lotuspsychjebad nvidia install should also not influence grub08:26
cluelessperson_lotuspsychje, yeah, doesn't work08:28
cluelessperson_I have an encrypted install as well,08:28
cluelessperson_so who knows what it wants08:29
lotuspsychjeno console, no grub, try a !chroot ?08:30
alkisgOr try hitting esc harder, like 5 times per second, starting from power on08:31
cluelessperson_lotuspsychje, thanks08:46
cluelessperson_I fixed it after raging a bit08:46
cluelessperson_lotuspsychje, I can configure xorg to start on the amd gpu,  do you know how to configure gnome-shell to use the amd gpu as well?08:46
cluelessperson_lotuspsychje, okay, not entirely fixed, it sits there spamming some stupid nonsense error (I'll try to capture it next reboot)08:52
cluelessperson_but if I hold Ctrl+Alt+F2 it freaks out and boots gdm anyway08:52
mortwhat's up with the ddebs.ubuntu.com repos? During an `apt-get update` it takes multiple seconds for them to return HTTP headers and they frequently return a 503 error09:20
mortalso, different but related question: is Ubuntu now holding back security updates on their LTS for non-paying customers? `apt-get upgrade` is teasing me with "Get more security updates through Ubuntu Pro with 'esm-apps' enabled" and a big list of packages which presumably have security updates available for ubuntu pro customers09:21
mortare your users' security really the thing you want to be holding back as a paid feature?09:22
cluelessperson_Now my yubikey doesn't work10:00
cluelessperson_what the hell10:00
cluelessperson_it was working earlier10:00
cluelessperson_now it doesn't.10:00
cluelessperson_ssh-keygen -D /path/to/libykcs11.so10:00
ice303Hi. Does anyone use Wezterm?10:13
B1773rm4nIs it possible to defrag(mentation) a LUKS disk?10:13
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aliveB1773rm4n: You're not supposed to defrag10:18
B1773rm4nWhy that?10:18
aliveBecause file systems such as ext4 do not fragment files.10:19
aliveIf you're near-full on a disk, like 90% full, you should first increase your disk size and maybe only if that is not possible, consider defragmenting it.10:20
fruity_tomatoonly if for whatever insane reason you chose ntfs as your partition for linux10:20
aliveAlso it depends on your file system, not on luks10:20
B1773rm4nIt's ext410:20
B1773rm4nThanks for the fast and good answer10:22
aliveI remember back in windows98, the built in tool would have an amazing UI10:22
aliveDefragmenting was so cool. It would color code the blocks and show different operations etc10:22
aliveBut  even in windows, defragmenting is now obsoleted so far by Microsoft simply due  to the fact that it's no longer neccesary10:23
aliveWith SSD's, it doesn't even matter anymore if files are fragmented. It's all accessible at the same speed, with no seek time10:23
aliveB1773rm4n: If you must, use "e4defrag"10:24
B1773rm4nI just did10:24
B1773rm4nWith the -c option. Sadly it just says "Done" without any further output10:25
B1773rm4nIn fact it says " Done."10:25
aliveAmazing, that probably means your disk has no fragmentation :D10:25
B1773rm4nSadly not true. I let it run with -v (without -c) and it works quite some with output like this:10:27
B1773rm4n(852x480 x264 8bit AAC)[164C288D].mp4:        100%  extents: 4 -> 2   [ OK ]10:27
B1773rm4nI come to this topic because my LUKS disk said it's 100% full (8TB disk) but actually just 2TB were used10:30
B1773rm4nSurprisingly fsck had a lot of work to do. So after doing that, I'm trying to defrag now. Not sure if the used disk space issue is fixed yet10:31
aliveoh :O10:31
aliveI have no experience recovering from disk errors like that, sadly. It just doesn't happen for me.10:31
shidimaDont say that :)10:34
loswedsedI edited a pdf file with okular (I added some text box and text). How do I save the file + it's changes as a pdf but no recognizable text boxes?10:36
TomyWorkisn't okular a PDF *viewer*?10:44
grymaybe both10:45
TomyWorknot really10:45
TomyWorkat least not the version I have10:45
TomyWorkor any version I have ever used10:45
TomyWorkyou can make "reviews", whatever that is. I would call that annotating, not editing10:45
TomyWorkyeah it's an annotation feature10:47
TomyWorkoh, looks like they left10:48
TomyWorkanyway, those annotations dont show up unless you double-click on them10:50
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nwoobI am running  Ubuntu 22.04.2 LTS and facing issue with audio. Problem is there is if my earphone are connected from bootup then there is sound in earphones but when I remove them and plug again then there is no audio from earphone but there no issues in audio of speakers11:40
nwoobcould someone please help me11:40
hsiktas[m]Coming from macOS/Windows, I am now using Deja Dup as an alternative to Arq Backup or Backblaze for encrypted backups of my personal folders in the cloud. I am still looking for an alternative that creates incremental full system backups on local, external storage. (As an alternative to Time Machine or Macrium Backup) Any recommendations?11:48
hsiktas[m]I already tried timeshift from the Jammy repos but it is not very promising: https://github.com/linuxmint/timeshift/issues/17111:50
-ubottu:#ubuntu- Issue 171 in linuxmint/timeshift "No snapshot listed on Ubuntu 22.04" [Open]11:50
B1773rm4nalive: https://askubuntu.com/questions/221079/how-to-defrag-an-ext4-filesystem#comment881088_62096611:59
B1773rm4nJust found that11:59
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aliveB1773rm4n: Thanks, t hat's one of the top links i got too when googling the issue.12:05
aliveB1773rm4n: I think your issue is not (de)fragmentation, but a filesystem error. You are not going to fix your filesystem by defragging it.12:05
aliveB1773rm4n: Just as a basic first step, have you tried rebooting the system in question? Sometimes files are not unlinked by processes if they have had a file descriptor open for them but crashed. This can make "disk usage" appear wrong12:06
aliveB1773rm4n: Also, have you tried "du -h -d -x /"12:07
alive"man du" to see what it does. It basically counts the usage of the files in the / filesystem12:07
nwoobdid someone replied for my issue. I got disconnected12:07
badbodhhsiktas[m]: i am using timeshift on ubuntu since 18.04. it works just fine, with two caveats, 1 - if you have btrfs root, and use btrfs method of snapshot it breaks if partition gets corrupt for any reason (btrfs has low fault tolerance compared to ext4) and your backups are useless now. rsync is a better method which brings us to caveat 2 - rsync method has the ability to create backup is separate partition r external drive. which is handy in case your12:07
badbodhroot partition gets corrupt somehow. but rsync method doesn't back up /snap folder which contains some snap executables. you need to re-install the snaps, or manually backup the /snap/bin folder (no need to backup mount points of snap images)12:07
alivenwoob: Try installing "pavucontrol"12:08
badbodhi know there are a lot of words up there, take you time to learn up. timeshift is pretty good. alternatively, you can use clonezilla that creates full disk/partition backup from a live session.12:09
badbodhtimeshift is the closest thing to "system restore" feature of windows. while clonezilla is more robust, and different, method to backup your system12:09
badbodhnwoob: speakers as in in-built speakers or external speakers connected by 3.5mm jack?12:12
nwoobalive: it's already installed12:12
badbodhi am assuming your earphones are also 3.5 mm12:12
nwoobbadbodh: yes in-built speakers12:12
nwoobearphone are 3.5mm yes12:12
nwoobI tried the solutions from here https://askubuntu.com/questions/132440/headphone-jack-not-working12:13
badbodhwhen you plug your earphones back, after removing, just go to sound settings and change the output device to appropriate one. see if that helps12:13
nwoobchanging analog-output-headphones.conf, but didn't work12:13
badbodhnwoob: that's a 10 year old post. it may not be relevant any more. don;t apply solutions unless they mention the cause of their problem12:15
nwoobI see only Analog output amplifier in output devices12:15
nwoobin sound settings and pulse audio12:15
nwoobI clicked on test and no sound12:15
badbodhrun "lspci|nc termbin.com 9999" it will give you a link, paste the link here12:16
badbodhmeanwhile, undo the changes you made to the configs12:17
badbodhnwoob: after undoing the changes, plug in your headphone and do a reboot. if your headphone is working, open sound settings or pavucontrol tell us which audio devices you see now, that way we know what's missing.12:19
badbodhi hope you made a backup of config files you changed12:20
nwoobyes, restored the bak file. I'll reboot and reconnect here12:21
nwoobok I rebooted12:24
nwoobIt is working now because I rebooted but it will stop working once I unplug and plug my earphones12:24
badbodhyour earphones are working again? check what audio devices you got in the list12:24
nwoobso output is still "Analog Output / Amplifier - Built-in Audio"12:25
nwooboutput device12:25
BluesKajHi all12:25
nwoobWhat should I do now?12:27
badbodhnwoob: the way i see it, your sound card is not just old. it's ancient. it needs a windows 98 or xp driver to work around its quirks.12:29
badbodhright now there won't be a permanent fix, but one thing to try is killing your pulseaudio and restarting it altogether. it's a dirty way, but maybe it will help12:29
badbodhif your earphone stops working, do "pulseaudio --kill" followed by "pulseaudio --start". see if that helps12:30
nwoobhow can my sound card be ancient. this is new laptop12:30
nwoobbut I'm running ubuntu in Vmware12:31
badbodhwelp, then it could be a vmware issue. should have mentioned that up front12:31
badbodhfolks here run ubuntu on bare metal, windows runs on vm :)12:31
nwoobyes, apologies12:31
nwoobI had to run it on vm as this is office laptop12:32
badbodhMultimedia audio controller: Intel Corporation 82801AA AC'97 <--- sounds like something from 199712:32
badbodhso your vmware is pretending to be an ancient pc12:32
badbodhit's a vmware issue, maybe ask them12:32
nwoobok thanks for help :)12:33
badbodhuntil then, try the --kill ans --start as a workaround12:33
kostkonthose are mid-2000s specs, but it's a vm okay that explains it, phew12:33
badbodhshould at least get your job done12:33
badbodhkostkon: for a moment there i felt proud. another soul reviving an old fossil of a pc with almighty penguin. alas12:35
kostkonbadbodh, heh :)12:35
nwoobi'll be reviving a little old thinkpad t480 as my primary laptop once I get it.12:39
nwoobnot that old, 2013-14 model12:39
badbodhrun ubuntu on bare metal, works way better. but maybe not use default ubuntu, gnome is heavy12:41
badbodhxubuntu or mate ubuntu will be a good call. is there a cinnamon spin yet?12:41
luna_badbodh: there is12:41
badbodhcool, try cinnamon then. modern, but lighter12:42
nwoobi'll definitely run linux on baremetal. I don't use windows. it's office laptop and i cannot dualboot so working on vm12:42
nwoobstill a noob on linux but learning12:43
nwoobI want to run docker, kubernetes and do programming on my primary laptop. So cinnamon wont have any issues with that right?12:44
furyrunning a Kubernetes cluster? as long as you're careful about how many pods you run given your memory12:58
minnowcan I prevent snaps from installing other snaps? chromium snap seems to install cups snap automatically and I don't like this13:00
nwoobcan i delete snapshots accumulated in my vmware without any issues . It's currently 40gb13:01
leftyfbnwoob: that would be a question for vmware, nothing to do with ubuntu13:11
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leftyfbvishnu: please don't do that14:13
backthenI have a laptop with some iGPU hardware issue. I purposely set Windows to disable this driver. But every once in a while after the Windows boot logo it would freeze, and I have to re-disable the driver. My question is, if I use Ubuntu, does Ubuntu deal with bad hardware like this better?14:36
backthenok. The igpu issue is strange. Whenever it happens, I have to turn off the laptop and leave it off for at least a day before Windows can reboot. I just wonder if Ubuntu will result in similar behavior.14:43
leftyfbbackthen: that sounds like a heat issue14:44
backthenleftyfb: hmm. Does heat dissipation take that long?14:46
leftyfbshouldn't take more than a couple hours14:46
leftyfbeven a capacitor discharge should be quicker than a day14:46
backthenI just try booting it with a Ubuntu usb drive and selected 'Try ubuntu'. Thereafter the screen is just blank and probably froze again14:48
JoBbZhi, I recently upgraded my system from ubuntu20 LTS to ubuntu22 LTS with an in-place upgrade, and it came up nonfunctional as apparently even simple bridged network configurations no longer work. This was my very simple configuration for /etc/network/interfaces, and note that /etc/network/interfaces.d is empty https://dpaste.org/EPBbx14:53
JoBbZFor now, I've disabled bridged networking but now my applications that make use of it are non functional14:54
leftyfbJoBbZ: Ubuntu 22.04 uses netplan14:54
JoBbZI don't want or need netplan, nor do I use it14:54
leftyfbJoBbZ: https://netplan.io/examples#configuring-network-bridges14:54
leftyfbJoBbZ: ifupdown is deprecated14:54
JoBbZdeprecated implies it should still function14:55
=== Rahoul1787 is now known as Rahoul178
jhutchinsbackthen: There's really only one way to find out.  It doesn't cost anything (except some time).15:02
jhutchinsbackthen: Sorry, a little lag on the scroll buffer here.  It sounds like you have a serious hardware failure.  This is a laptop?15:03
jhutchinsYeah, laptop.15:03
jhutchinsbackthen: If you can remove the back cover you might be able to clean the accumulated dust and debris from the cooling path, and re-seat any plug-in modules like the drive.15:04
backthenjhutchins: I'll try when I get the tools to open the laptop. For now, can Ubuntu simply ignore the hardware and just use a software driver?15:07
JoBbZleftyfb: Hm, there are a ton of files in /etc/network/if-up.d, such as bind9 (since I run my own DNS), openvpn (I use for specifical tunnels), etc.  Is there no update process for these from Ubunut?15:11
jhutchinsbackthen: No.  It doesn't work like that.  The hardware has to work for linux to work with it.15:12
JoBbZleftyfb: I get the same problem using netplan - network is toast once the bridged network is configured15:17
JoBbZalso seems to require systemd processes that conflict with running your own DNS server15:18
wwwiI want to install all available php 8 modules, how do I do that?15:19
leftyfbJoBbZ: yep, I mask the systemd-resolved.service15:19
leftyfbwwwi: don't15:19
wwwileftyfb, why not?15:19
leftyfbwwwi: because a case where that is needed and recommended doesn't exist15:19
leftyfbJoBbZ: do you have bridge-utils installed?15:20
wwwileftyfb, I want to learn the command15:20
wwwiwhat would that be?15:20
leftyfbwwwi: sudo apt install <package1> <package2> <package3> ......15:20
wwwileftyfb, I want to do it automatically15:21
wwwinot by installing them one by one15:21
JoBbZleftyfb: yes15:21
leftyfbwwwi: sorry, but we do not share potentially catastrophic commands here.15:22
leftyfbJoBbZ: what does this give you? sudo netplan try15:23
wwwileftyfb, ok15:23
JoBbZleftyfb: one sec, I just masked systemd-networkd and rebooting15:23
JoBbZleftyfb: it fails spectacularly with systemd-networkd being masked, because it says it cannot bring up the network15:28
leftyfbdon't mask systemd-networkd15:29
leftyfbJoBbZ: it sounds like you have broken the standard way networking is setup in modern releases of ubuntu out of personal preference.15:30
JoBbZleftyfb: You said you masked it to deal with running ones own DNS, so I tried that, is all15:30
JoBbZother than that, no15:30
leftyfbJoBbZ: no, I said to mask systemd-resolved.service15:31
JoBbZah, ok, I grabbed the wrong service15:31
JoBbZand no, I've done nothing special here for what worked on past releases15:31
JoBbZit's specifically ubuntu22 that's an issue15:32
JoBbZsudo netplan try just asks if I want to accept settings (with no further info)15:37
JoBbZand I hit enter to accept, and have a nonfunctional system but br0 is listed as an interface again15:37
JoBbZroute shows the correct info for my gateway, but I can't ping it15:37
leftyfbJoBbZ: can you pastebin your netplan yaml?15:37
leftyfbJoBbZ: also, make sure you only have 1 .yaml in /etc/netplan/15:37
JoBbZleftyb: https://dpaste.org/w0ggz15:39
JoBbZand that's the only file in there15:39
JoBbZhave to step away for a few to run to the store15:39
jhutchinsDoes the "server" install have this feature as well?15:43
leftyfbjhutchins: ?15:44
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leftyfbJoBbZ: you didn't specify a route/gateway15:45
jhutchinsleftyfb: The netplan requirement?15:45
leftyfbjhutchins: all modern versions of ubuntu use netplan in some way. On desktop, netplan just refers to Network Manager for the renderer15:47
leftyfbJoBbZ: oh, you're setting dhcp yet hardcoding your nameservers?15:48
Linux^Hi I have deleted ssl keys now cerbot is not working what can I do?15:59
JoBbZleftyfb: yes, I don't want to use my ISP nameserver16:02
leftyfbJoBbZ: set it on your router/dhcp server?16:03
JoBbZleftyfb: I run my own DNS for internal routing16:03
JoBbZleftyfb: I can't really point my router at the DNS running on this system because it breaks all my other systems in the house if it's down16:03
JoBbZthe DNS is running *on this system* :)16:03
JoBbZand I use it for internal bits it's doing, I don't want the other systems using the router to use it for DNS16:04
JoBbZare you saying that Ubuntu has broken things so badly you can no longer configure what DNS to use?16:04
leftyfbnope, just pointing some things out to be sure it's intended16:05
JoBbZyes, very intended16:05
jhutchinsLinux^: Bad nic.  The best solution I've found is to remove CertBot and reinstall, do the initial set-up again.16:06
Linux^no it doesnt wor haha nginx will not work16:07
Linux^I have found a solution to use --force option from chatgpt lol16:07
leftyfbJoBbZ: try this: https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/WHzNJ7JZ5g/16:08
JoBbZleftyfb: testing16:11
JoBbZleftyfb: same issue, no network16:11
leftyfbJoBbZ: and it works without a bridge?16:12
JoBbZIf I use a backup of my old interfaces file that only used ens3 and no bridge, yes16:12
JoBbZno clue if it works w/ netplan or not16:12
leftyfbtry with netplan16:12
leftyfbstart with the basics16:13
JoBbZalso a major pain because this is a headless system and I have to use VNC to connect to it when it has no network16:13
leftyfbVNC? over ... ILO/IPMI?16:14
JoBbZSo this is the interfaces file that works: https://dpaste.org/Xh5Fk will adjust it for netplan and start from there16:15
leftyfbJoBbZ: actually, it might be best to just set your nameservers in /etc/resolv.conf as opposed to netplan if you're using DHCP16:17
leftyfbI think with systemd-resolvconf masked it might not override it16:17
JoBbZyeah, I can tell it doesn't because with nothing configuring it in /etc/network/interfaces (or in netplan) it uses my local DNS16:18
JoBbZok have it working with a basic netplan config16:18
JoBbZi.e., I have network with this: https://dpaste.org/S9YTo16:19
leftyfbJoBbZ: try https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/n56k5P3J76/16:20
JoBbZI assume networkd is just the default renderer, so it isn't required to specify it?16:22
JoBbZok.  No network with that config16:22
leftyfbsomething aint right16:23
JoBbZifconfig -a shows the correct IP assigned to br0 (
JoBbZso it must be talking to DHCP when it comes up16:24
leftyfbsudo brctl show16:24
leftyfbit almost sounds like you don't have the correct netmask, but you're getting from DHCP so it should be fine16:25
JoBbZone sec, having to figure out if I can enable copy & paste via VNC16:26
leftyfbJoBbZ: a screenshot would be fine. Or output it to a file, get your network back up with the basic config and then copy/paste from that file16:28
leftyfbJoBbZ: do you have a firewall running on this machine?16:31
leftyfbmaybe you have a rules that specifies the interface and it's not br0?16:32
JoBbZagain, this all worked prior to upgrading, and only the default ubuntu firewall, which specifically is configured to do things like allow ssh in, etc16:33
JoBbZiv'e not done anything outside of that with it16:33
leftyfbJoBbZ: you could also try specifying macaddress: as another param of the bridge interface. Use the MAC for ens316:33
leftyfbJoBbZ: ubuntu does not have a firewall enabled by default16:34
leftyfbif you have one, I would try disabling it just to check. Re-enabled it right after checking16:35
leftyfbI have bridging with netplan working on several 22.04 servers, though they all have static ip's. Some with bonding interfaces as well. And I have hundreds of 20.04 servers with bridging in the same way16:37
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JoBbZleftyfb: ufw is enabled, but it was before upgrade too17:23
JoBbZand only thing I've done with that is like ufw allow ssh17:23
JoBbZso unless ubuntu changed ufw so that it breaks the network device, which I highly doubt...17:23
leftyfbJoBbZ: try to disable it just to eliminate it as a possibility17:23
JoBbZleftyfb: my system has a static IP from the router (just to note) :)17:41
leftyfbJoBbZ: why bother with DHCP on the server-side if you're just dynamically assigning the same ip anyway?17:42
jhutchinsGood grief.  Network management 101.17:43
jhutchinsDHCP is about configuration, not just ip addresses.17:44
jhutchinsAlso gives a single point of reference for all network addresses.17:44
hsiktas[m]Macbook 2012 with Ubuntu 22.04: Sometimes it does not wake from standby immediately. Pressing buttons or opening the lid does not do anything. But after hitting some buttons it sometimes wake up.17:44
jhutchinshsiktas[m]: Time it without pressing buttons.17:45
hsiktas[m]with no Powertop tuning17:45
hsiktas[m]it did not wake on any button17:47
hsiktas[m]but the display woke up after hitting ctrl + alt + F1 for TTY117:48
hsiktas[m]and I am now back in the login screen17:48
JoBbZugh hit the reboot key on my computer with my chair arm pft17:48
JoBbZleftyfb: so for the macaddress with b40, something like https://dpaste.org/aU3w4 ? or kill the interfaces line as well?17:49
leftyfbyou need the interfaces line. That should work17:50
leftyfbI've never had to set the mac for a bridge, but I saw someone online with a similar issue to you which did that and it resolved the issue. Though I don't personally understand why it would17:51
JoBbZok, thanks I'll give it a shot17:53
JoBbZI see netplan has a channel, I can give that a try if this doesn't work17:59
JoBbZleftyfb: that did it!!17:59
JoBbZnever ended up disabling ufw either :P18:00
JoBbZleftyfb: tyvm!18:01
leftyfbyeah, I'm curious why it's needed. Again, I'm running a few servers with 22.04 but with static. And hundreds of 20.04 in the same way. None have the macaddress: set and all work18:01
=== PeasfulTown is now known as peas
UnivrslSuprBoxleftyfb: any chance multiple machines have the same /etc/machine-id contents? I think that's used to generate something related to MAC addresses18:25
leftyfbsmall possibilty, sure18:26
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JoBbZinteresting, but shouldn't be the case in my instance18:32
leftyfbJoBbZ: you could check by comparing the contents of /etc/machine-id on all your machines talking to the same DHCP server18:34
JoBbZI don't think that exists on the windows systems, rokus, etc talking to it... looking at other linux based servers, they have different machine IDs as well18:40
JoBbZfor example, my fileserver has ffc2b0b0595f4cbeb6cb1dc37d1dd74d and this system has 82bda4723b60326800fca28e572b9c6b18:40
JoBbZin any case, thanks for all the help, and glad it's working again... an odd mystery tho18:41
ubottuluigi: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».18:51
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wwwihow do I install PHP 8.2 if I currently have PHP 8.1?20:42
jhutchinswwwi: 8.1 is the latest in Ubuntu.  You'd have to go to a third party PPA like sury.20:44
athoswwwi: The transition to PHP8.2 will happen during the mm cycle (and will be available in ubuntu 23.10)20:44
wwwibut if I want to install PHP 8.2 now, how do I do it? Do I have to unistall PHP 8.1?20:45
matsamanif you find 8.2 via a PPA, the package manager should tell you if there's a conflict20:45
oerheksTHere is ppa:ondrej/php but not supported by us20:46
oerhekselse; build it yourself?20:47
matsamanreplacing PHP with something else is also a fine choice =D20:51
SlartibartPHP wants libsodium.so.23.3.0, which exists in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/. However, it seems to be loading /usr/local/lib/libsodium.so.23.1.0 instead? (My 1st time looking into this) I realise this'll probably lead into package jungle. Is there a standard procedure for solving things like this?21:12
matsamanis it producing an error?21:13
jhutchinsSlartibart: Which PHP?21:23
SlartibartSorry. Yes, I tried installing php-cli and some extensions. It's 2:8.1+92ubuntu1, so PHP 8.121:27
leftyfbSlartibart: anything in /usr/local/lib is because you built from source. It's not from standard Ubuntu packages21:29
SlartibartAh. Yes, I've done that before, now I'm trying to move to dist versions. Thanks, I didn't know that. So should I simply remove the 23.1 file then?21:32
leftyfbSlartibart: you should remove whatever it is you built that gave you the file. Remove it properly according to it's documentation. Don't just go deleting files21:33
SlartibartHow do I know which files were created building PHP from source =-s?21:35
SlartibartIs there a make uninstall?21:35
Slartibart..or something21:36
leftyfbSlartibart: follow the instructions provided with the source you downloaded21:36
pydevhello is there a particular reason a user cant run a command but it can open the file as well ?22:23
pydev-rwxr-xr-x 1 my_user www-data  236 Apr 17 21:45 gunicorn22:23
pydevi can read the source of gunicorn22:23
pydevbut i cant run it22:23
arraybolt3By "can't run", what error do you get when you try?22:24
pydevrunuser -u my_user -- /var/www/mywebsite.com/.env/bin/gunicorn22:24
arraybolt3(It looks like that file is world-executable.)22:24
pydevrunuser: failed to execute /var/www/mywebsite.com/.env/bin/gunicorn: Permission denied22:24
pydevif i change that command with "cat" i can see the source22:25
arraybolt3What happens if you log in as the user you're trying to run the command with and then try again?22:25
pydevwhy can i not execute that command via "my_user"22:25
pydevi cant because22:25
arraybolt3I don't know, that's what I'm trying to help find out.22:25
pydevone moment22:25
pydev33 is www-data22:25
arraybolt3Lemme try something...22:26
pydevnever had such problem ...i mean rwx should mean that i can execute that command22:26
pydevthe user is the one i have created..strange22:26
arraybolt3Might be the permissions of the directory that are the problem?22:27
arraybolt3I dunno, if you can read it, it seems like you should be able to execute it too.22:27
arraybolt3I don't know for sure though.22:27
pydevok now i did su -s /bin/bash my_user22:28
pydev........./bin/python: bad interpreter: Permission denied22:29
arraybolt3So it can't even execute Python, that's really weird.22:30
arraybolt3And that error shows up immediately after trying to "su" to the other user?22:30
pydevno when i try to run "python"22:33
pydevi found the problem i think22:33
pydevpython -> /root/.pyenv/versions/3.11.0/bin/python <22:33
pydevthat user can run python because it is poiting to /root22:33
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