[00:01] Same issue with desktop. The lights on the keyboard also freeze/stop moving, with kind of makes me wonder if the firmware freezes [00:28] also rip big buck bunny [00:28] (re: rip big buck bunny) I think that's been a known bug for a while? [00:29] yeah confirmed bug nvm === chris14_ is now known as chris14 [01:44] -queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Builds: Ubuntu Server Subiquity riscv64 [Lunar Final] has been updated (20230417) [01:52] -queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: livecd-rootfs (lunar-proposed/main) [2.831 => 2.832] (desktop-core, i386-whitelist) [01:54] -queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: accepted livecd-rootfs [source] (lunar-proposed) [2.832] [07:45] hello, just found in sync-blacklist telegram-desktop is repeated twice :) [08:39] -queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New sync: livecd-rootfs (lunar-release/primary) [2.828] [08:41] -queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted livecd-rootfs [sync] (lunar-release) [2.828] [10:00] vorlon: LP: #2016703 :/ — do you want it to be fixed in Lunar, or it can wait until next series? [10:00] -ubottu:#ubuntu-release- Launchpad bug 2016703 in qtbase-opensource-src (Ubuntu) "qbusmacros.h fails to compile: wrong case on case-sensitive include" [Undecided, New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/2016703 [10:05] It's a one-line fix in sync.profile so not hard to fix, just wondering. But if fixing I would do it via Debian and also sync fix for a11y in root applications. [10:47] -queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Builds: Ubuntu WSL [Lunar Final] (4731214232) has been added [11:26] Ubuntu Cinnamon testcases complete. No ~ubuntucinnamon-release team exists yet, so here is my official approval for it to be marked as release (in other words: can someone mark it ready) [12:32] -queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Builds: Ubuntu Cinnamon Desktop amd64 [Lunar Final] has been marked as ready [12:45] -queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: openstack-trove (lunar-proposed/universe) [2:19.0.0-0ubuntu4 => 2:19.0.0-0ubuntu5] (openstack) [13:40] -queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: tepl (lunar-proposed/universe) [6.4.0-7build1 => 6.4.0-7ubuntu1] (no packageset) [14:15] -queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: ubuntu-release-upgrader (lunar-proposed/main) [1:23.04.5 => 1:23.04.6] (core) [14:28] -queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: cloudkitty (lunar-proposed/universe) [17.0.0-2 => 17.0.0-3] (no packageset) (sync) [14:28] -queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: openstack-pkg-tools (lunar-proposed/universe) [119ubuntu1 => 123ubuntu1] (i386-whitelist, openstack) [14:29] -queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: accepted cloudkitty [sync] (lunar-proposed) [17.0.0-3] === cpaelzer_ is now known as cpaelzer [14:32] hello release team, I've uploaded a few last minute changes to lunar unapproved. openstack-pkg-tools is a merge from debian to pick up this fix: https://salsa.debian.org/openstack-team/debian/openstack-pkg-tools/-/commit/ef6da658 . I've also synced freezer-api and cloudkitty which are the only 2 packages that need that fix. and the openstack-trove upload is just an autopkgtest fix. thanks and sorry for the last minute changes. [14:32] -ubottu:#ubuntu-release- Commit ef6da65 in openstack-team/debian/openstack-pkg-tools "Fix init template to support uwsgi with Python 3.11 and up." [14:40] -queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: gnome-boxes (lunar-proposed/universe) [44.1-1ubuntu2 => 44.1-1ubuntu3] (desktop-extra) [14:41] -queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: accepted openstack-trove [source] (lunar-proposed) [2:19.0.0-0ubuntu5] [14:43] ^ gnome-boxes is not on any release media [14:45] coreycb: would you rebuild the openstack-pkg-tools source package with -v119ubuntu1 please? [14:48] ginggs: sure np. I've never seen that before. what's the v stand for? [14:49] ginggs: assuming that means s/v/0 for me [14:50] coreycb: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/Merging#Get_your_work_uploaded [14:51] "be sure to include all debian changes in your upload. (debuild -S -sa -vX.YubuntuZ)" [14:52] ah, right, that. sorry I thought you were talking about changing the version in the changelog. [14:52] -vX.YubuntuZ includes all the changelog entries since version X.YubuntuZ in the .changes file [14:56] -queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: openstack-pkg-tools (lunar-proposed/universe) [119ubuntu1 => 123ubuntu1] (i386-whitelist, openstack) [14:57] ginggs: done [14:59] coreycb: thanks, rejecting the previous upload [15:00] -queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: rejected openstack-pkg-tools [source] (lunar-proposed) [123ubuntu1] [15:02] sil2100, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/walinuxagent/+bug/2016012 [15:02] -ubottu:#ubuntu-release- Launchpad bug 2016012 in walinuxagent (Ubuntu) "udev rule causing boot delay when rsyslog is not installed" [Undecided, New] [15:08] -queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: accepted openstack-pkg-tools [source] (lunar-proposed) [123ubuntu1] [15:09] -queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: swtpm (jammy-proposed/main) [0.6.3-0ubuntu3 => 0.6.3-0ubuntu3.1] (no packageset) [15:10] -queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: accepted gnome-boxes [source] (lunar-proposed) [44.1-1ubuntu3] [15:12] ginggs: thanks [15:16] seb128: Did you want tepl accepted before release? [15:17] bdmurray, would be nice, it's unseeded and in universe and only adding translations [15:19] ginggs indicates it is seeded for some flavors [15:19] ubuntu-budgie and ubuntucinnamon [15:21] ah ok, so let's SRU [15:21] it's not worth a respin [15:22] feel free to reject and I will add a bug reference and reupload [15:23] and I need to drop from IRC for a while [15:23] bbl [15:25] -queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: rejected tepl [source] (lunar-proposed) [6.4.0-7ubuntu1] [16:50] -queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Builds: Ubuntu Base amd64 [Lunar Final] has been marked as ready [16:50] -queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Builds: Ubuntu Base arm64 [Lunar Final] has been marked as ready [16:50] -queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Builds: Ubuntu Base armhf [Lunar Final] has been marked as ready [16:50] -queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Builds: Ubuntu Base ppc64el [Lunar Final] has been marked as ready [16:50] -queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Builds: Ubuntu Base riscv64 [Lunar Final] has been marked as ready [16:50] -queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Builds: Ubuntu Base s390x [Lunar Final] has been marked as ready [16:56] -queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Builds: Ubuntu Server Subiquity amd64 [Lunar Final] has been marked as ready [16:56] -queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Builds: Ubuntu Server Subiquity arm64 [Lunar Final] has been marked as ready [16:56] -queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Builds: Ubuntu Server Subiquity ppc64el [Lunar Final] has been marked as ready [16:56] -queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Builds: Ubuntu Server Subiquity riscv64 [Lunar Final] has been marked as ready [16:56] -queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Builds: Ubuntu Server Subiquity s390x [Lunar Final] has been marked as ready [17:38] rbasak: hey, do you happen to know why https://git.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/accountsservice/ has not the applied branches around? [17:41] (Some of them do exist, they're just severely outdated...) [18:03] speaking of which, copying this from the flavors channel (since it would be more appropriate here, as suggested by arraybolt3): https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/indicator-messages/+bug/2015962 is currently holding Ubuntu Unity back [18:03] -ubottu:#ubuntu-release- Launchpad bug 2015962 in accountsservice (Ubuntu) "indicator-messages-service crashed with SIGSEGV in g_type_check_instance() from g_signal_handlers_disconnect_matched() from act_user_manager_finalize() from g_object_unref() from im_accounts_service_dispose()" [High, In Progress] [18:07] rs2009: What do you mean by "holding back"? Do you consider it a release blocker? If so why? [18:19] bdmurray: It causes a crash on every log-in, even when booting the live ISO. We've decided to wait for the issue to be resolved upstream, and in the event that it isn't resolved in the next 2 days or so, we'll be removing indicator-messages from unity-services's Recommends. [18:20] rs2009: well, I would say removing indicator-messages is the right way to go so late in the cycle [18:21] 2 days or so is too late for release [18:21] Things should really be good tomorrow [18:21] s/good/solid/ [18:21] In 2 days we need to have images ready for release, and I'd say we'd need a fix for this today to get realistically enough testing for this to be a go for release [18:21] sil2100: Is that recommended for all flavors that seed indicator-messages? I think Cinnamon does that. [18:21] I think cinnamon removed it from their seeds [18:21] er, I think Cinnamon seeds that. [18:22] Ah, makes sense. [18:23] hmmm [18:23] Ok, actually, I need to double check that, since I remember that being the case but maybe I'm wrong [18:28] Ah, no, I got confused, nvm [18:28] Anyway, yeah, I'd recommend removing that from the Recommends ASAP [18:28] rs2009: ^ [18:32] -queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: walinuxagent (lunar-proposed/main) [2.2.46-0ubuntu6 => 2.2.46-0ubuntu7] (core, ubuntu-cloud) [18:33] -queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: accepted walinuxagent [source] (lunar-proposed) [2.2.46-0ubuntu7] [18:35] sil2100: alrightey, I'll relay that to mitya57 [18:35] rs2009: thank you! \o/ [18:35] sil2100: yw, and ty! :) [18:36] So, as per the tracking document on discourse: we will be re-spinning Ubuntu Desktop images (only) to fix some nasty racey issues in manual partitioning [18:36] Once the new images are in I'd ask for some testing of those from everyone to make sure we didn't break any of the other cases by accident [18:37] Big thanks to ogayot, dbungert and jpnurmi for their effort here! [18:37] Okay, I will upload https://code.launchpad.net/~rs2009/unity/+git/unity/+merge/441187 now. [18:39] mitya57: tysm, as always! [18:44] rs2009, sil2100, we believe we have a fix for indicator-messages and I was coming back to the computer to upload those changes from Trevinho if you would prefer to go that way [18:44] hmmmm [18:45] So, I think I would prefer not to pull that in [18:46] The main reason is that this is seeded right now in Unity, Cinnamon and Xubuntu [18:46] Cinnamon was already happy with the images, so I wouldn't want to invalidate their testing and reasiness [18:46] *readiness [18:46] And Xubuntu didn't mention any issues with this as well [18:47] -queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: unity (lunar-proposed/universe) [7.7.0+23.04.20230222.2-0ubuntu1 => 7.7.0+23.04.20230222.2-0ubuntu2] (no packageset) [18:47] I uploaded unity before reading what seb128 wrote, so feel free to either accept it or reject and accept indicator-messages fix instead. [18:47] Oh, so that's a 'unity' rebuild entirely? hm [18:48] What's the issue with indicator-messages? [18:48] It's crashin apparently? [18:49] bluesabre, segfaults at logout in Lunar, https://github.com/AyatanaIndicators/ayatana-indicator-messages/pull/35 [18:49] -ubottu:#ubuntu-release- Pull 35 in AyatanaIndicators/ayatana-indicator-messages "account-service: Do not unref UserManager owned user" [Open] [18:51] rs2009: is this the case for Ubuntu Unity as well? Is this only a crash on logout? [18:53] sil2100, the issue is that when things crash on logout you get apport in your face at the next login [18:53] so people get greeted at login by a crash report every time [18:54] Not great experience [18:55] I'll have to move to my hotel room in a bit - since this affects Xubuntu, Cinnamon and Unity, I'd appreciate if you could give me a sign what you think is the best way to go [18:55] aka bluesabre, rs2009 and ItsSwirls (who's not here) [18:55] I know cinnamon asked to be marked as ready, so apparently they're not really affected or don't really consider this a blocker [18:56] bluesabre: did you notice the crash for Xubuntu? [18:56] I don't think I'd seen it before, working on reproducing now. [18:56] Thank you o/ [18:57] Since I might just accept the unity one in that case [18:57] (if by some chance it's not visible for you) [18:57] it's bug #2015962 [18:57] -ubottu:#ubuntu-release- Bug 2015962 in accountsservice (Ubuntu) "indicator-messages-service crashed with SIGSEGV in g_type_check_instance() from g_signal_handlers_disconnect_matched() from act_user_manager_finalize() from g_object_unref() from im_accounts_service_dispose()" [High, In Progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/2015962 [18:58] Ok, I need to suspend for a bit but I'll read the IRC logs from irclogs when I'm back [18:58] which is the top report on https://errors.ubuntu.com/?release=Ubuntu%2023.04&period=day [18:59] o/ [19:05] bluesabre, is xubuntu loading indicator-messages by default? [19:07] -queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: indicator-messages (lunar-proposed/universe) [13.10.1+18.10.20180918-0ubuntu3 => 13.10.1+18.10.20180918-0ubuntu4] (ubuntu-desktop) [19:08] I don't think we are, actually. [19:08] It's installed, but not running. Does Thunderbird still support it? [19:09] Anyway, that probably means Xubuntu is fine with the package update, but can go without a respin. [19:10] ^ upload of what we believe to be the fix if you want to consider that option [19:14] I'm happy with the upload if Cinnamon/Unity are. [19:49] bluesabre: if it's accepted into release, Xubuntu would need a respin since the ISOs need to match the archive [19:51] jbicha: Ah, I thought it would just be one of those day zero updates. A respin is fine. [19:51] yes, it could be handled as an SRU if the bug is not so serious that it needs to be fixed before installation [19:53] -queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Builds: Edubuntu Desktop amd64 [Lunar Final] has been marked as ready [19:53] -queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Builds: Ubuntu Studio DVD amd64 [Lunar Final] has been marked as ready [19:53] * Eickmeyer might take a nap after that marathon [20:03] -queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: tepl (lunar-proposed/universe) [6.4.0-7build1 => 6.4.0-7ubuntu1] (no packageset) [20:30] Hey! [20:30] So, any decision on the indicator-messages? [20:30] I see in the logs that Xubuntu doesn't actually experience the crash? [20:30] In that case I'll accept the unity upload instead, not to invalidate cinnamon [20:31] And we'll get this as an zero-day sru perhaps? [20:32] bluesabre, rs2009 ^ [20:33] @sil2100: Yes, Xubuntu has it installed, but not running by default. So no Xubuntu user will experience the bug without some extra work. [20:35] hm [20:36] Ok, I see a potential complication [20:36] unity riscv64 build takes 6 hours [20:39] Does anyone have contact with ItsSwirlz? [20:48] sil2100: I'll give him a ping, he's probably just off school. [20:49] Eickmeyer: thanks [20:49] Since if he's fine with a re-test of cinnamon for this, I'll go ahead and get the real fix in then [20:50] He's on the bus on his way home, he says he'll be here in a bit. [20:50] * AlsoItzSwirlz rawrs [20:50] sil2100: ^ [20:50] hi [20:50] Hello hello! [20:51] AlsoItzSwirlz: so we have such a situation: Ubuntu Unity is haunted by a crash of indicator-messages in their images [20:51] We have a fix in the queue for that, but since the package is seeded in Xubuntu, Cinnamon and Unity, this would need a respin of your flavor as well [20:52] im okay with a rebuild [20:52] We have a 'workaround' in unity itself by just dropping the recommends for indicator-messages, which would mean only a respin of unity, but the build will take a while as riscv64 for the unity package takes 6 hours [20:52] Ok! [20:52] AlsoItzSwirlz: thank you! [20:52] Let me accept that and unblock [20:52] seb128: I assume this fix was tested in a real scenario? [20:53] Trevinho: ^ [20:53] sorry about not being here by the way, i did just reinstall my ubuntu desktop raspi [20:54] sil2100: yes [20:54] -queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: accepted indicator-messages [source] (lunar-proposed) [13.10.1+18.10.20180918-0ubuntu4] [20:54] sil2100: there's a test case in http://dpaste.com//FELSTPDSB [20:55] sil2100: well, remvoing the unref there is like how the fix does for indicator-messages [21:07] -queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Builds: Ubuntu Desktop amd64 [Lunar Final] has been updated (20230418) [21:13] Trevinho: probably a bug. Thank you for the report. I've added this to https://bugs.launchpad.net/git-ubuntu/+bug/1999073 [21:13] -ubottu:#ubuntu-release- Launchpad bug 1999073 in git-ubuntu "applied branches missing in samba package" [High, New] [21:14] Trevinho: for prioritising, is this going to be a recurring pain for you, or just passing through? [21:24] sil2100, sorry I was in evening mode, just catching up a bit before bed, the crash tops error reports and the reports are not only from unity but also cinnamon so I think trying to restrict the respin to unity isn't especially right [21:25] but seems like you decided on accepting and respinning so +1 from me [21:44] wth with https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/indicator-messages/13.10.1+18.10.20180918-0ubuntu4 ? [21:47] so the binaries uploads have been rejected because ayatana-indicator-messages is building some of those binaries with the same names [21:54] Hey archive admins; last thursday, chromium browser was published to bionic-security, but the automated process that copies packages to bionic-updates did not happen: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/chromium-browser/+publishinghistory [21:54] Can someone please fix this? THanks! [21:57] -queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: ayatana-indicator-messages (lunar-proposed/main) [22.9.0-1 => 22.9.0-1ubuntu1] (ubuntu-desktop) [21:57] Hrm, this also seems to be the case for firefox published ~18 hours ago, for both bionic and focal: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/firefox [21:58] (will also poke in ~launchpad) [21:59] sbeattie, I'm not aware of that part of the archive admin work, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ArchiveAdministration#Copying_security_uploads_to_updates seems to be wrong though [22:00] it states that 'Note that copy-report --safe is run from a cron job as the ubuntu-archive user on people.canonical.com' but I get a 'unknown user: ubuntu-archive' on that machine [22:02] seb128: ah, that seems to have moved to a different host in PS5... and it seems I'm getting cronmail from it that is throwing a python backtrace. Fun! [22:05] vorlon, ^ is that a consequence of the snakefruit migration? [22:05] sbeattie, could you share details about the instance/backtrace? [22:07] sbeattie, unping, I figured it out [22:19] Removed Edubuntu as ready, apparently we've got some mutter issues along with Desktop. [22:19] -queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Builds: Edubuntu Desktop amd64 [Lunar Final] has been updated (20230417) [23:17] so the most awkward question I've asked yet: what package to file a bug against for WSL [23:17] I don't even know if I can ubuntu-bug within WSL [23:19] ItzSwirlz: Depends on what's wrong with it. [23:19] neofetch specifically says I'm running on a Windows 10 host, but I'm on 11. But I'm pretty sure neofetch pulls from other system files, so I'm pretty sure it's a WSL thing [23:21] ItzSwirlz: OR neofetch just doesn't know the difference. [23:21] I'm plowing through the script right now [23:23] Yep. It's windows. It runs "wmic.exe os get Version" and it returns a form of 10.foo [23:23] So not a bug on our end. [23:24] The version its showing might actually be the build I installed Windows originally with, I'll have to check my dvd downstairs. But yeah, not us