[02:07] good morning === B1773rm4n8 is now known as B1773rm4n [08:56] morning [08:57] morning [08:57] :) [08:57] hey marcoagpinto [19:41] heya marcoagpinto :) [20:13] sarnold :) [20:13] hello [20:13] :) [20:13] I have been busy with open-source development [20:14] it is what I do :) the path... the way... [20:14] marcoagpinto: cool :) it feels like it's been ages since I've seen you around [20:15] most of my time is dedicated to LanguageTool [20:16] oo cool [20:18] [20:14:23] <@Master_of_Chaos> "if God ever gave me a chance to live again, I would not take it without you" [20:18] a Brazilian song [20:18] :) [20:37] aww :) [22:33] marcoagpinto: you've been killing vast quantitied of cola whilst you've been gone though, right? [22:35] right [22:35] I couldn't wait for midnight, I am drinking another bottle [22:35] 25 minutes until midnight [22:47] xD [22:47] *quantities [22:50] Look at this tick I opened: https://github.com/languagetool-org/languagetool/issues/8012 [22:50] -ubottu:#ubuntu-discuss- Issue 8012 in languagetool-org/languagetool "[LO add-on] Latest nightly ate 24 GB RAM - 2023-03-10" [Open] [22:50] the bug was solved but the today's nightly brings it back [22:50] I closed LibreOffice at 15 GB of RAM usage [22:51] it just keeps eating more and more RAM until it crashes the computer [22:52] o0 [22:52] unstable builds? [22:53] no one complains, except me :) [22:53] it is strange... either no one is using them or I am different [22:53] I keep finding bugs [22:55] marcoagpinto: hah it sounds like your thesis is an ideal bugcatcher :) [22:56] yes, the thesis [22:56] lol [22:56] :p [22:56] of course I use the nightlies on the thesis [22:56] I develop grammar rules and test them on the thesis [22:56] so, I download nightlies all the time [22:57] no one more does that [22:57] and the dictionaries... May is LibreOffice's commit month for 7.6 release [22:58] I have been working hard on the British one [22:59] I have been checking words by words adding plurals, possessives and derivates: -al -ally etc. [22:59] word by word* === guiverc2 is now known as guiverc