[00:04] Oh the irony .. https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/I8Go6IGK/image.png [00:05] hehe [00:27] had to add an extension to firefox on one of my systems. it had taken to starting up less than full screen and all the usual methods command line, about:config options no longer worked. had to find an extension that maximises window when firefox launches [00:27] wht they would remove command line option i have no idea [10:50] Asda substitutions are crazy; they're sending me a Swede instead of a bag of parsnips [10:57] you would have preferred a danish :-P [10:59] hell yes [11:02] just be happy you weren't sent a patriotic turnip :-P [13:28] you'd need something blue to make it patriotic [19:07] just a tiny union jack on a cocktail stick stuck in the turnip at this point :-P [19:43] ah, coronation turnip