
xu-irc46wI use xbuntu 20.0407:30
xu-irc46wI have problem07:30
xu-irc46wMy Xubuntu 20.04 LTS is stuck in a login loop, can't login through shell doesn't work07:37
xu-irc46whelp me plase.07:39
smr1que tal??08:23
SatyaI am facing challenge while installing Scratchbox in my ubuntu latest version . Its not getting install. can any once support on this.09:33
Satyaits showing package not found.09:33
Satyaeditied  /etc/apt/sources.list file and added required line to get scratchbox. but still its not getiing downloaded. No signed version found is Error message showing. who can help me in this case .. Scratchbox team need to check up to my knowledge . please check and let me know what need to be done to get Scratchbox to install .. in my pc.09:35
Satyamy doubt is that ubuntu is still supporting Scratchbox in their environment09:37
Satyanear about 12 years back I used it , its good environment by Scratchbox in ubuntu .. for cross compiling ..09:38
alejandrocmWhat languages ​​are allowed in this chat?21:51
gnrp"allowed"... English is the language in here. There are language-specific channels also21:52
alejandrocmWhat is the channel for Spanish language?21:53
ubottuEn la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.21:53
gnrpno clue, but the bot knows the answer^^21:54
alejandrocm /join #ubuntu-es21:54
gnrpno space in the beginning21:54
alejandrocmThank you very much, my level of English is low.21:55
alejandrocmI am new using Xubuntu and linux :D21:55
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