[14:55] alkisg: o/ [14:55] Oh. Matrix said "1 user here" :D [14:56] Weird. [14:57] Don't know if you know, but there is a direct #edubuntu:matrix.org room. [14:58] (that way you're not going through the bridge) [14:58] aaronprisk: 👋 [14:59] Didn't know; coming there... [14:59] Perfect! [14:59] Better! :) [14:59] Yep. That makes it less "bridgy", even thoug it's still bridged. [15:00] alkisg: I understand you're still developing LTSP? [15:00] 👋 Hello! [15:01] Eickmeyer: yes, I'm developing LTSP, we're using it in 1000+ greek schools here, along with ubuntu mate [15:02] Eickmeyer[m]: Didn't know that either! [15:03] It's a good time to modify the /topic! :D [15:03] Excellent! I'm thinking of doing a minimal install mode next release that has everything, but with the client. [15:03] We're also developing/using epoptes.org [15:03] Yes! epoptes! That's the word I was looking for! [15:04] Epoptes is fantastic. A lot of schools that I work with have been using it for their Linux deployments. [15:04] And there's a nice tool for user management for schools, it's in greek only; we once internationalized it and uploaded it to debian experimental as "ltsp-manager", but at that exact time we suffered a year of no sponsoring, and neglected it, and it didn't get traction [15:05] alkisg: No official email yet from the release team, so can't push the buttons yet. [15:05] Ah, sorry, I didn't notice, I already downloaded all the isos :D [15:05] alkisg: I'd love to take a look at that. I can sponsor to Ubuntu. [15:05] I'mma see if I can fix the Wikipedia page. [15:06] arraybolt3[m]: Even the Ubuntu Studio Wikipedia page is a hot mess. [15:06] Eickmeyer: it's worth it to do a "greek school installation" in a VM once; it takes 10 minutes per school to have everything ready: https://ts.sch.gr/wiki/linux/ltsp/ [15:07] Yikes, my greek is very rusty. [15:07] But unfortunately the UI of that apps is greek only for now [15:07] Google translate to the rescue :) [15:07] :) [15:08] I had to learn some Koine Greek in college, but never enough to be fluent. [15:13] OK so MediaWiki is just about impossible to edit :P [15:13] * alkisg clicks "Δοκιμάστε το Edubuntu" ((Try Edubuntu) :)) [15:14] OK so maybe not just about impossible but WikiText is horrible and the visual editor isn't fully featured yet. [15:14] Eickmeyer: do you have a link to Edubuntu 23.04 release notes? [15:14] arraybolt3[m]: Sadly, that tracks. [15:14] * arraybolt3[m] has other stuff that needs attention, be back to catch up [15:15] aaronprisk[m]: Not yet, I'll have that once we post the release announcement because it'll be combined. [15:15] Amy's at work, but she's logged-in on my comptuter. [15:18] > * <@alkis:matrix.org> clicks "Δοκιμάστε το Edubuntu" ((Try Edubuntu) :)) [15:18] I think you'll lke it. Sadly, the new tools (Edubuntu Installer and Edubuntu Menu Administration) aren't translated (yet). [15:18] Nor are the application folders. [15:20] To be honest, gnome is the most unsuitable DE for greek schools, so we stopped testing it, and it broke even more. E.g. if I select "Greek" in the initial screen, I cannot even type English anymore to type the username at the installer... [15:20] That sounds like a Ubiquity bug. [15:20] It's the im-config/ibus invasion [15:21] I reported it like 10 times in the last 10 years,then I lost interest [15:21] The main reason we stopped using gnome after 12.04 was because of the 3d requirement, about 80% of the school computers couldn't run it reliably [15:21] (opengl) [15:21] (The Edubuntu installer should work on other flavors?) [15:21] So you could make Edubuntu MATE if you wanted. [15:21] alkisg: I'm curious, why did you choose MATE over XFCE? [15:21] Yes. edubuntu-installer does. So, Ubuntu MATE + edubuntu-installer should solve that problem for you. [15:22] aaronprisk: because of stability, mate = the work of professional developers that developed gnome, then mass-renamed by open source contributors, [15:22] while xfce = the work of open source contributors. Sad as it is to admit it, big, fully paid teams get better results [15:23] > <@alkis:matrix.org> aaronprisk: because of stability, mate = the work of professional developers that developed gnome, then mass-renamed by open source contributors, [15:23] > while xfce = the work of open source contributors. Sad as it is to admit it, big, fully paid teams get better results [15:23] Got it. Thank you for sharing your perspective! [15:23] :) [15:24] Eickmeyer: most apps for schools are KDE based, MATE is getting a bit neglected currently; so for maybe 26.04 we might switch to kubuntu... we'll see [15:24] alkisg: Be warned, by then Plasma Desktop 6 will be a thing. [15:26] I don't know what that's going to look like, but hopefully the transition from 5 to 6 will go smoothly. Plasma 5.27, which just released, is the last version of Plasma 5 (and is an LTS release). [15:26] * Eickmeyer[m] has to go take my son to school [15:26] Cheers :) [16:36] * Eickmeyer[m] starts pushing buttons for release [16:41] aaronprisk: release notes/announcement: https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/edubuntu-23-04-released/35281 === Eickmeyer changed the topic of #edubuntu to: Edubuntu Development and Discussion | 23.04 is out! [17:18] Download and Release notes links are both live: [17:18] https://edubuntu.org/ [17:18] aaronprisk: Thanks! [17:22] Happy to help! Please pass along my congratulations to Amy on the big revival release! [17:27] I'll pass the word along!