[15:45] Bug #2017147 opened: spurious dns entries for dhdcp leases in interface set with same mac address; entry won't cleanup when lease expired [16:15] Bug #2017155 opened: "Different channel detected" error with an air-gapped deployment [19:43] Bug #2016908 opened: udev fails to make prctl() syscall with apparmor=0 (as used by maas by default) [19:43] Bug #2017168 opened: Columns in "Controllers" tab disappear depending on window size [19:55] Bug #2016908 changed: udev fails to make prctl() syscall with apparmor=0 (as used by maas by default) [19:55] Bug #2017168 changed: Columns in "Controllers" tab disappear depending on window size [20:01] Bug #2016908 opened: udev fails to make prctl() syscall with apparmor=0 (as used by maas by default) [20:01] Bug #2017168 opened: Columns in "Controllers" tab disappear depending on window size