
luna and Phoronix and Distrowatch being early again as always :P15:45
lunawriting Ubuntu 23.04 and flavours is released just becouse its at the Canonical London datacenter, that are still mirroring the file out for another 2,5-3,5 hours but when people download the file from the London DC that does the mirroring job it slows down the actual release and make it take 6-9 hours or 9-13 hours instead of 3 hours total always happends15:47
lunaits nice when the Linux news sites slows down the mirroring process (and it always happens)15:48
ravagethe links are already on ubuntu.com so nobody should be surprised about downloads at this point16:04
lunaravage: yeah but was not when i posted but now they are, are those okay to use?16:06
ravageim sure you will not break the infrastructure with your download16:06
ravagetorrents are always the nicer way of course16:07
lunadownloading with QBitorrent seems to work better then KTorrent and only takes 2 hours instead of 2 days now16:13
BergeHTTP downloads should be fine16:13
Bergeluna: Where are you at?16:13
lunaBerge: Sweden, Stockholm16:14
Bergeluna: http://se.releases.ubuntu.com/23.04/ should be plenty fast for you16:14
Bergeoh, wait, it's not ACC right now?16:14
BergeTry http://no.releases.ubuntu.com/23.04/16:14
lunaBerge: still being mirrored so got told to use the torrent16:15
Bergeluna: I run no.releases.ubuntu.com, and it should be up to date16:15
lunaoh o16:16
lunatorrent får duga ;)16:16
lunamen takk ändå16:16
Bergeyeah, just curious16:16
BergeIs 2.4 MiB/s saturating your bandwidth?16:17
Bergemaswan: https://www.accum.se/help/faq/index.html.en#acc.umu.se oh wow16:17
lunaBerge: well its my wifi on an old laptop running Slackware my desktop is most likely better connected to the internet but having migrane and headaches so laying in bed and not in a rush16:18
Bergeluna: ouch, feel better soon!16:18
Bergemaswan: I should probably update my ftp.acc.umu.se-references around16:18
maswanBerge: mirror.accum.se is the new canonical name, but there's not a big urgency on that part. the emails on the other hand are already gone.16:38
maswanoh, I wonder why se isn't pointed at us at the moment16:38
lunaand bam Ubuntu 23.04 is offically out: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-announce/2023-April/000289.html16:48
lunaflashing it on the Ubuntu USB stick i got from Philipp Kewisch at this years FOSDEM now17:05
luna there we go now we have Ubuntu 23.04 :)17:18
Bergemaswan: Such a weird move from UMU17:18
BergeEspeically for such an institution as the ACC17:19
maswanBerge: I've gotten "wow, UmU is such a cool place compared to KTH, for all the services run under acc.umu.se"20:49
maswanBerge: from a postdoc at KTH for instance20:49
maswananyway, the mirror name will be around for several years to come, probably 5-1020:49

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