
Gallomimiaseem to have no information about why i cannot launch steam. ubuntu 22.0400:51
=== realivanjx3 is now known as realivanjx
sarnoldtry running journalctl -f  in one terminal, start steam in another, watch the output, maybe you'll find something00:56
Gallomimiathanks for the suggestion. nothing interesting00:57
=== lflare is now known as Guest2269
Gallomimiathere's 4 lines of good news if i run the steam client from term. nothing in the journal01:21
Gallomimiaoops. i was wrong. it says the same 4 lines and then it says it consumed 2.356 seconds of CPU time01:22
Gallomimiawhich is not nearly enough!01:22
sarnold"I wanted to spend hours here"01:22
Gallomimiatakes more cpu time than that just to load up the front page01:22
Gallomimiaso, it quit cleanly?01:22
sarnoldyou'll probably have to ask them for help then :( if it doesn't emit anything to help you solve it yourself, it's hard to see what other options there are01:22
Gallomimiait's pretty strange tho, cause it worked yesterday01:22
Gallomimiai'll try a restart later01:23
Gallomimiaand i also have several other interesting problems that i need to diagnose. i had a theory before getting a new gpu that i had a problem with my kernel option amd iommu enable01:24
Gallomimiaand now it has all kinds of weird hangs and pauses when doing normal stuff. context switching extremely slow. unseeable alerts about devices at the very start of boot. etc01:24
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=== shokohsc1 is now known as shokohsc
stuart__Hello everyone. I was hoping someone could assist. I am using ubuntu terminal and need to apply a git patch to run make properly that currently isnt working due to a bug. i am not sure how to apply the patch. wondering if someone knows how I would? The issue in git i am trying to find is here:03:06
-ubottu:#ubuntu- Issue 6497 in Project-OSRM/osrm-backend "tbb/parallel_pipeline.h: No such file or directory" [Open]03:06
enigma9o7well i know how to do that one way, but dunno if its your favorite way.  first download the pull request as a patch https://patch-diff.githubusercontent.com/raw/Project-OSRM/osrm-backend/pull/6493.patch then from the folder you cloned, git apply /path/to/filename.patch03:11
Max-Pthere's literally the commands right in the last comment there03:11
enigma9o7yeah Max is right.  I didnt read to the bottom, that does the same kinda thing.03:12
stuart__yeah but when i try to apply it, it says which file to replace and seems to want to skip each one or specify03:13
stuart__i tried stipulating paths for each file as i enter them but still no go03:13
stuart__obviously noob and missing it03:13
stuart__ill just run it quickly again and paste back here what it's saying. i dont understand where and why it is asking what it is03:15
stuart__root@server1:/home/stuart# patch -p1 < patch-6497-fix-tbbparallelpipeline.patch03:16
stuart__can't find file to patch at input line 1703:16
stuart__Perhaps you used the wrong -p or --strip option?03:16
stuart__The text leading up to this was:03:16
stuart__|From c760cb2282e14ef0a7cb546677eedd92763beb56 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 200103:16
stuart__the final line "file to patch" is a prompt03:18
stuart__im guessing it wants me to specify for each file its trying to patch where that file is with full path and file name. but not sure exactly where that is if that is right03:18
Max-Pstuart__: you're supposed to run this from the root of the sources, you're in your home directory, and logged in as root at that...03:20
stuart__in the build directory or the CMakeFiles directory?03:21
Max-Pthe root directory of the sources03:22
stuart__hollllld on03:22
stuart__i think i got it. outside of the build dir derp03:22
stuart__oh wow. i need sleep. thank you all for your help. i really appreciate it.03:23
stuart__lets not talk about it haha03:23
=== kostkon_ is now known as kostkon
Muliganreally crazy deal with this machine04:53
Muliganor (2) of them more so04:53
Muliganunable to ping
Muliganbut can
Muliganplace another machine within the same /29 network, able to ping
Muliganso it's def NOT a routing issue as that's been verified04:54
Muliganbut I can ping damned near anything else04:54
rboxwhat does 'ip r' look like04:54
Muligandefault via the upstream router04:55
Muligandev eth0 proto static metric 10004:55
Muliganand then the /29 to dev 004:55
Muliganno other routes on this machine04:55
Muliganwhen I run a traceroute, it gets out past our network, and then stops at one of the IPs that belong to google04:56
Muliganstops right afterwards anyhow04:56
Muligandifferent machine, same subnet, different IP, routes all the way through w/o dropping off04:56
Muligani'm not going to worry too much about it tonight04:57
Muliganthese machines are going to be forklifted out here soon04:57
Muliganthey're only recursive DNS servers04:58
Muliganhad to perform an emergency p2v as last week, one of their processors started choking up04:58
Muliganold dell R810 w/4 procs, and something like 64gb ram04:58
Muliganall for a DNS server that hosted maybe 20 domains, and does recursive lookups for something like 400 devices, if that04:59
k000The new version of Ubuntu will be release today?05:33
Max-PMuligan: is the /29 public? Any way you can add a new IP to the machine (as a secondary)?05:34
Max-Pif it's a public IP, I'd consider the possibility that Google is blocking you, which would make sense if they're recursive DNS servers05:35
ubottuYeees! Ubuntu 22.10 (Kinetic Kudu) is OUT! Download it at https://ubuntu.com/download05:37
MuliganMax-P, it is a public IP05:40
Muliganand I'm thinking that may be the case where it's being blocked05:41
Muligannot seeing it on any RBLs, but that's not saying that google has blocked it directly...05:44
ubottuPlease remember that our support channels are for technical support and not general chat. To countdown to !lunar release and then party once it happens, join #ubuntu-release-party. Thank you! :)05:44
MuliganI'll check to see whether or not if it's the IP itself, or the machine05:44
Max-Pthat's why I suggested assigning it a second IP temporarily, then do DNS lookup via that fresh IP05:45
Max-Pif it works, then yep, you're blocked05:45
Muliganunderstood, thanks for the input!05:45
ubottuUbuntu 23.04 (Lunar Lobster) will be the 38th release of Ubuntu, scheduled for release April 2023 (https://ubottu.com/y/ll). Join #ubuntu-next for support and questions.05:48
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ubottuUbuntu 23.04 (Lunar Lobster) will be the 38th release of Ubuntu, scheduled for release April 2023 (https://ubottu.com/y/ll). Join #ubuntu-next for support and questions.07:26
=== guiverc2 is now known as guiverc
ThaterHHi, I run windows but want to try linux, what ubuntu do the marjority of people use?07:50
zaggynlHi, what do you mean by 'what ubuntu'? The version number?07:51
ThaterHno the user interface07:51
ThaterHThere appears to be different types07:52
karthyubuntu is built by canonical right?07:52
zaggynlI think Gnome is default and thus most used07:53
alkisgkarthy:  The company behind it is canonical, but there's also a vast community of vulunteers involved07:53
zaggynlhttps://www.gamingonlinux.com/users/statistics/ shows some recent statistics07:55
zaggynlThis shows more than Ubuntu though07:55
alkisgIt shows Arch having more users than Ubuntu, so their statistics don't reflect the global ones, they must be focused in some small group07:58
alkisgLike, if you review the linux school usage in my city, it's 90% linux; that's certainly not the global one :)07:59
karthyis dubuntu debain09:31
=== kostkon__ is now known as kostkon
benl90Hello, could anyone please tell me, why I face this problem https://snipboard.io/gzbGco.jpg? I just reboot, and it stuck at that location for long time.09:38
oerheksbenl90, seems like btrfs is checking your filesystems?10:04
=== md is now known as Guest4788
benl90oerheks, But it long time, it's already 2 hours tbh10:26
benl90It's only 1mb/s when checking *I look into the disk reading speed. It will take more than 2 days to check :/10:27
benl90should I let it be?10:27
oerheksI have not much experience with btrfs, this sounds like due to a hard reset of your system? i would let it run..10:28
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://dpaste.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.10:32
ubottupastebinit is the command-line equivalent of !pastebin - Command output, or other text can be redirected to pastebinit, which then reports an URL containing the output - To use pastebinit, install the « pastebinit » package from a package manager - Simple usage: command | pastebinit10:32
olspookishmagushello, should I have installed Ubuntu 22.04 LTS on a thin client PC (Acer Veriton X270) and I want to give it some WiFi interface, should I expect a TP-Link TL-WN722N to work instantmagically or ... ?10:33
olspookishmagusthis is the output of when I connect it: https://paste.debian.net/plainh/e832e5cf10:33
olspookishmaguspossibly related thread? https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=27743210:36
=== sam__ is now known as Sambohambo
ravageolspookishmagus: if it is a USB device find the details about it via "lsusb"10:42
ravageolspookishmagus: it is much easier to looks for a specific USB id to find a driver than a model name10:43
benl90oerheks, it's the cloud-init image from ubuntu, so it by default using btrfs :/ I can do nothing about it sadly. aaa10:45
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=== Guest6031 is now known as SamboMambo
SamboMamboIm using Ubuntu after using Windows since windows 3.1110:56
gryand yet you discovered irc only today?10:57
SamboMamboI've used IRC on and off10:58
grysounds like it is working fine for you today; would you like to share a story in #ubuntu-offtopic?10:59
ubottuUbuntu 23.04 (Lunar Lobster) will be the 38th release of Ubuntu, scheduled for release April 2023 (https://ubottu.com/y/ll). Join #ubuntu-next for support and questions.11:08
ubottuPlease remember that our support channels are for technical support and not general chat. To countdown to !lunar release and then party once it happens, join #ubuntu-release-party. Thank you! :)11:12
oerheksk000, no need to repeat that ubottu factoid11:12
benl90Is there really no way to by pass btrfs check on ubuntu? It takes soo long.. sadd.... *sob sob sob11:16
oerheksas it is a cloud image, ask your cloud provider?11:20
oerheksmaybe there is an admin panel to fix things11:20
benl90It's on premis... not on cloud, but I use cloud init image, that's from Ubuntu cloud11:23
benl90oerheks, It's on qemu/kvm...11:23
benl90I only have problem with ubuntu cloud init image, not from other distro that's EL based :/, which makes me frustated... I can't go directly to EL based, because a lot of sysadmin here is using *buntu/debian based :/11:24
akashikgood morning11:52
akashikgood morning11:52
JoeBkwhen is 23.04 being released?12:07
Guest87today :-)12:12
BluesKajHi all12:15
benl90Really? Is it not possible to by pass btrfs from checking on boot?12:17
=== leftyfb_ is now known as leftyfb
matrixy1what time is the lobster ready?12:43
leftyfbmatrixy1: there is never a set time12:44
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leftyfbmatrixy1: /join #ubuntu-release-party12:44
BluesKajthe gnomes are still busy at their KBs12:46
yossarianukIs this the final release ?  https://releases.ubuntu.com/23.04/  ?12:59
JoeBk_yossarianuk, I doen's say beta anymore so it must be.13:00
yossarianukgroovy !13:00
ravageyossarianuk: im sure it is. please try to to download before the official release announcement. also see  #ubuntu-release-party . if you need to get it now help the community and use the tracker: https://torrent.ubuntu.com/tracker_index13:00
=== JoeBk_ is now known as JoeBk
DumbLDoorHi All! I am trying to install Ubuntu 23.04 from windows. Where can I find wubi?13:02
ubottuWubi was a way to install Ubuntu from within Windows, but it is no longer supported in recent versions of Ubuntu and Windows, and was never well maintained even for Ubuntu 12.04. Do not use Wubi. See !install for other options for installing Ubuntu.13:02
DumbLDoorTy Ubottu13:02
leftyfb!wsl | DumbLDoor13:03
ubottuDumbLDoor: Windows 10 and newer have a feature called "Windows Subsystem for Linux", which allows it to run Ubuntu (and other Linux distro) userspace programs without porting/recompliation. For installation instructions, see https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/commandline/wsl/install_guide13:03
DumbLDoor !install13:03
ubottuUbuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - See also !automate13:03
yossarianukI would avoid WSL13:03
yossarianukand run real Linux..13:03
leftyfbyossarianuk: lets not13:03
yossarianukjust burn iso to usb stick and install it13:03
leftyfbyossarianuk: that doesn't work for everyone for various reasons13:04
DumbLDoori have a 4 GB stick and an 8 GB card w/reader which surprisingly does not work.13:04
JoeBkI use Ventoy: https://www.ventoy.net/en/index.html13:04
leftyfbDumbLDoor: feel free to install Ubuntu direct or using WSL. Up to you.13:05
JoeBkthe torrent is up and working well.13:05
DumbLDoorI will try WSL - ty13:06
yossarianukwsl = slower linux though, filesystem, etc - it's doing Linux down IMO - but each to their own .13:06
JoeBkyou can install ubuntu on an external drive unlike Windows.13:07
yossarianuki fear people whill try WSL as their first linux install and think 'linux is slow'13:07
leftyfbyossarianuk: do you have a support question?13:07
matrixy1wsl --install13:07
matrixy1the command to install it13:07
DumbLDooryup, ty matrixy113:08
yossarianukleftyfb: my question was answered13:08
leftyfboerheks: it's not released yet13:09
leftyfboerheks: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-announce/13:09
DumbLDoorthanks a lot, oerheks13:09
DumbLDoorty all, cya later13:09
C13I'm new here hehe13:29
C13Do you know how I can find channels?13:30
ubottuAlis is an IRC service to help you find channels. For help on using it, see «/msg Alis help list» or ask in #libera - Example usage: «/msg Alis list http»13:30
oerhekselse see the docs of your irc client13:30
C13Oh, thanks :)13:30
=== bad_1 is now known as badbodh
akikwhy doesn't the snap lxd "systemctl enable snap.lxd.system" command work until i add WantedBy=multi-user.target in its service file?13:49
akikor is there some other way to enable it to start on boot?13:50
=== shokohsc6 is now known as shokohsc
akiki had a typo there "systemctl enable snap.lxd.daemon"13:52
oerheksoh, good spot13:53
akikno i mean why doesn't it work13:54
leftyfbakik: lxd starts on boot just fine by default. As do the containers13:54
akiki have to add [Install]\nWantedBy=multi-user.target13:54
akikotherwise ""systemctl enable snap.lxd.daemon" doesn't work13:54
leftyfbthat should not be necessary13:54
akikyou can try on 22.0413:54
leftyfbI've been running 22.04 for a year now with lxd and containers13:55
leftyfbon multiple machines13:55
ravagenever had to fix anything manually here too13:55
ravagejust worked13:55
leftyfb5 to be exact. Desktop and server13:55
akikleftyfb: how did you enable it to start on boot?13:56
leftyfbakik: sudo snap install lxd ; sudo lxd init13:56
akikleftyfb: that doesn't enable it to start on boot13:56
leftyfbit does for me and all my machines13:56
akikthat just makes it run13:56
leftyfbnot only does it make it run on boot, but the containers that I create also start on boot by default13:57
akiki just tried it on 22.04 and it doesn't work that way13:57
akik"sudo lxc list" starts it up somehow13:58
leftyfbyou don't need sudo for the lxc client13:59
akiksocket activation maybe13:59
leftyfbakik: https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/fbq5rgvhw9/13:59
leftyfblook at line 513:59
akikleftyfb: but you said it starts for you on boot?14:01
leftyfbthe containers do14:01
leftyfbthat's all that matters14:01
leftyfbI guess the lxd daemon, which is just used to manage the containers is socket-based so it only starts as needed14:01
leftyfbwhich I'm completely fine with14:02
yossarianukhas anyone benchmarked (gaming) 23.04 compared to 22.10 yet ?14:17
oerheksyossarianuk, no, but i just read a test, https://www.phoronix.com/review/ubuntu-2304-laptops14:18
dustiso is 4,9gb and dvd rw is 4,7gb14:55
leftyfbdust: the latest 22.10 image is 3.8G14:57
ravagethe legacy image is still 3.6G15:03
leftyfb23.04 is not released yet15:03
leftyfb!next | dust15:03
ubottudust: Lunar Lobster is the codename for Ubuntu 23.04. For technical support, see #ubuntu-next. For testing and QA feedback and help, see #ubuntu-quality.15:03
dustleftyfb, it is released and i already dl it... thats the reason i know the size of 23.04...15:07
leftyfbdust: 23.04 is not released yet15:07
leftyfbThat's nice. There's been no announcement from Canonical/Ubuntu, the download page still shows 22.04 and 22.10. And that image was uploaded 2 days ago.15:08
leftyfbdust: please go to #ubuntu-next for support with 23.04 until it is released15:09
JoeBkis anyone able to install 23.04?  It just hangs for me.  Maybe server is saturated.15:09
leftyfb!next | JoeBk15:10
ubottuJoeBk: Lunar Lobster is the codename for Ubuntu 23.04. For technical support, see #ubuntu-next. For testing and QA feedback and help, see #ubuntu-quality.15:10
JoeBkthat doesn't answer my question.15:10
leftyfbJoeBk: We do not support unreleased versions of ubuntu here. Please /join #ubuntu-next for unreleased versions of ubuntu15:11
dustits released15:27
leftyfbthe page has changed, no announcement yet15:30
dusthttps://ubuntu.com/about Ubuntu is an ancient African word meaning 'humanity to others'.15:31
lunaand Phoronix and Distrowatch being early again as always :P15:42
jhutchinsSo nobody is allowed to talk about 22.04 until the announcement is official?15:47
lunawriting Ubuntu 23.04 and flavours is released just becouse its at the Canonical London datacenter, that are still mirroring the file out for another 2,5-3,5 hours but when people download the file from the London DC that does the mirroring job it slows down the actual release and make it take 6-9 hours or 9-13 hours instead of 3 hours total always happends15:47
lunaits nice when the Linux news sites slows down the mirroring process (and it always happens)15:48
badbodhhi, in ubuntu livepatch settings i have ESM and livepatch enabled. apart from that there are two more - FIPS and USG. something to do with hardening. are those useful for normal desktop?15:58
oerheksUSG can be interesting, https://ubuntu.com/security/certifications/docs/usg15:59
oerheksESM is only helpful after 5year LTS ..15:59
badbodhi see. checking out USG, any steps i need to do for enabling? "pro status" doesn't show USG item in the list16:01
badbodhnvm, found this https://ubuntu.com/security/certifications/docs/disa-stig/installation16:02
oerhekssudo apt install usg  && sudo ua enable usg16:02
badbodhok, not available for 22.0416:09
badbodhthe link above is for 20.0416:09
jhutchinsluna: I take it you've never managed a public download server.16:10
lunajhutchins: nope16:11
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jhutchinsluna: The load on the servers and their data link goes way up when there's a release.  Rather than refuse connections, the transfer rate slows down as the bandwidth is shared among more and more connections.16:12
jhutchinsWe're lucky it doesn't crash as soon as the announcement hits.16:12
jhutchins(For "lucky" read "lots of people's hard work".)16:12
jhutchinsluna: If you wait a few hours after it starts to peak, the torrent feeds shold be seeded and thost might be faster than the direct feeds from the mirrors.16:13
lunadownloading with QBitorrent seems to work better then KTorrent and only takes 2 hours instead of 2 days now16:13
jhutchinsluna: Right, because lots of people are participating.16:13
jhutchinsluna: Which torrent client works best for you is up to you to decide.16:14
lunajhutchins: yeah16:14
ravagetransmission has always been most reliable for me16:14
=== root is now known as Guest9171
akikwas the ubuntu torrent tracker fixed?16:20
akiki'd think that would help a lot16:21
badbodhthey all use different backends. qbit and deluge use libtorrent, ktorrent has libktorrent, transmission has its own thing16:21
ravageweeks ago16:21
badbodhso their performance will vary user to user16:22
akikravage: it's not fixed yet. i started 5 ubuntu iso torrents, and only one of them is downloading properly16:24
ravageall my torrents work just fine16:25
ravageand you can also see the torrets on the tracker16:25
akikravage: and the other 4 just show one seed which is the tracker ip16:25
ravageakik: https://i.imgur.com/Wn27JLa.png16:27
ravagedownloaded the live-server iso with 30 megs/s16:27
akikravage: start them all at the same time and see how it goes16:28
ravagei did16:28
akikravage: i mean start the download from 016:28
=== oehman_ is now known as oehman
ravageseeding them all16:28
ravageno problems16:28
akikravage: i mean start the download from 016:28
ravagewhy would i do that again?16:29
akikravage: you'll see the problem that way16:29
ravagei dont see the point really. i downloded all of them earlier to my server. with full speed16:29
akiki'm just a messenger16:30
akiki started 5 ubuntu torrents from 0 and only one of them is downloading properly16:31
oerheksi started @ 15:08, first iso @ 15:43 and last one 17:5216:31
akik4 others only have 1 seed, the tracker itself16:31
oerheks7 isos16:31
akikthe same day i noticed this problem i downloaded 4 fedora isos with 0 problems16:32
akikat the same time16:32
ravagehttps://i.imgur.com/RP88FSv.png started 30 seconds ago16:32
ravageif you have problerms with a lot of connections maybe check your network16:32
akikravage: i said download multiple torrents at the same time16:32
akiksure yea16:33
oerheksif torrents do not speed up, reset your modem ?16:33
ravagethere is no plausible reason why it should not work with multiple running downloads16:33
akikit's in a azure dc16:33
ravageexcept a network bottleneck16:33
oerheksmaybe a torrent policy; pay more?16:34
akiki just told you i had zero problems downloading 4 fedora isos at the same time16:35
ravageand you still seem to be the only person here with speed problems16:35
akikso somebody tested starting the download from 0 with multiple torrents at the same time?16:36
rfmI did that about 40 minutes ago, all finished some time back (4 isos)16:36
akiki can test with those 4 fedora torrents now16:37
akikyes as i said, all 4 fedora torrents started downloading properly16:40
akikbut hey don't trust me, i'm just a messenger16:40
akiknow downloading them at 30MiB/s16:41
akiklol 5016:41
akikso sure you can dream that the ubuntu torrent tracker is working just fine16:42
u8353v[m]Administrator: I was banned from16:42
u8353v[m]Ubuntu - #ubuntu:matrix.org16:42
u8353v[m] * Administrator: I was banned from16:43
u8353v[m]Ubuntu - #ubuntu:matrix.org16:43
u8353v[m]by @Agyieus16:43
u8353v[m]Can you please ask him to re-add me there as the problem is because of the ;lower tolerance compared to the ubuntu channel pertaining to my country.16:43
oerheksmatrix is known for connection problems on #libera, get used to it16:43
oerheksyou are on #ubuntu u8353v[m]16:44
ravageoerheks: when. and did you maybe post an image as your first message?16:44
u8353v[m]ravage: exactly! 🙂16:44
leftyfbu8353v[m]: you want #ubuntu-irc or #ubuntu-ops. Not here16:45
u8353v[m]This is something my country ubuntu group never complained about but the admin told me the flavors ubuntu channel has lower tolerance.16:45
u8353v[m]A mistake i won't ever do again!16:45
u8353v[m]leftyfb: this one #ubuntu:matrix.org16:46
leftyfbu8353v[m]: sorry, we can't help with that here16:46
lunathis is the support channel for the OS however not Matrix ops16:46
* u8353v[m] uploaded an image: (126KiB) < https://libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/v3/download/matrix.org/gEzBYLVtEBCNFThdnKehTFsD/image.png >16:47
u8353v[m]leftyfb: oh ok. I tought some of you could be a member there16:47
ravageu8353v[m]: try to join again. maybe try a "hi" first this time16:48
lunaand bam Ubuntu 23.04 is offically out: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-announce/2023-April/000289.html16:48
mybalzitchand as always wait for 23.04.0116:49
u8353v[m]luna: you have to do a fresh install or you can upgrade?16:49
lunau8353v[m]: you can upgrade i would think16:50
oerheksupgrade path is not out yet16:50
mybalzitchI went from 22.10 to 23.04 without intervention.16:50
oerheksone can with the -d option, but i would wait16:50
leftyfbmybalzitch: there won't be a 23.04.1. It's a non-LTS and will only be supported for 9 months16:50
oerheksmybalzitch, oh? normally it is a few days later16:51
mybalzitchoh right, only even years are LTS?16:51
leftyfbmybalzitch: Ubuntu does not upgrade on it's own without you telling it to16:51
mybalzitchleftyfb: I mean without having to mess aaround in addition to do-release-upgrade -d16:51
u8353v[m]mybalzitch: is this ok?16:53
* u8353v[m] uploaded an image: (12KiB) < https://libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/v3/download/matrix.org/HqPFQTSGhxIyzXcfOlpXqzam/image.png >16:53
=== arun is now known as aruncs
u8353v[m]To install the LTS, and then the LTS when available?16:53
u8353v[m]Or better wait for LTS to be available?16:53
leftyfbu8353v[m]: please use pastebin if you can16:53
mybalzitchlts version won't be out until 202416:53
ravageu8353v[m]: "u8353v was unbanned"16:54
leftyfbu8353v[m]: u8353v[m] what are you trying to do exactly?16:54
lunaoerheks: ah i see good to know16:55
lunayeah next LTS is 24.04 in April next year16:56
u8353v[m]upgrade from 22.10 to 23.0416:56
u8353v[m]leftyfb: upgrade from 22.10 to 23.0416:56
oerheksu8353v[m], yes? that is exactly what i wrote16:57
u8353v[m]ravage: ravage: Thanks a lot! 👋16:57
oerheksone can boot the iso and choose to upgrade current install16:57
lunaoerheks: cool thanks for the good info16:58
u8353v[m]oerheks: you're going to wait until next year for the LTS?17:00
u8353v[m]why not update now and then again with the LTS?17:00
u8353v[m]Asking because i've never done this before. Still recent with linux!17:00
zulumikaHi all.  Using the default file manager, is there a way to sort files and folders so that names with 'underscores' are displayed at the top of the list?17:01
lunaflashing it on the Ubuntu USB stick i got from Philipp Kewisch at this years FOSDEM now17:05
tomreynzulumika: i'd be surprised if you could change the display order beyond ascending and descending alphabetical order and the other columns. you can always do such using shell scripting, though17:08
lolokyou would have to make and set a custom locale17:10
zulumikaok, thank you.17:14
=== Furna_away is now known as Furna
akiknow even the ubuntu torrent trackers disappeared from the seeders17:17
luna there we go now we have Ubuntu 23.04 :)17:18
oerheksuh oh, what have we done?17:18
matrixy1the installer just quits on 23.0417:29
matrixy1it starts and then quits17:30
tomreynprobably a broken iso / installer17:30
matrixy1i downloaded from the browser17:30
matrixy14.6 gb iso17:31
ubottuTo verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows17:31
matrixy1ok ill do that17:31
tomreynif you use balena etcher to write the iso to the installer media, it also checks that the data written there is correct.17:32
tomreyn(you can do the same with other tools, it's just easy to use)17:33
LucasBRHey, some brazilian here?17:34
tomreyndo you only accept ubuntu support from brazilians then?17:35
matrixy1says its ok17:35
leftyfb!br | LucasBR17:35
ubottuLucasBR: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigada.17:35
matrixy1i used dd17:35
LucasBRno, my english is soso17:35
LucasBRtks lefty17:35
tomreyntry #ubuntu-br or -pt then17:35
matrixy1theres a legacy installer for 23.0417:36
LucasBRi tried, i will wait for someone in the chat, thanks !!17:36
tomreynmatrixy1: dd doesn't verify the data written17:36
matrixy1i did sha256sum17:36
tomreynagainst the iso or the usb stick?17:37
matrixy1ill just try the legacy installer17:37
matrixy1just iso17:37
akikwhat is a legacy installer?17:37
tomreynhow much ram do you have?17:37
tomreynhmm that should work17:37
matrixy1theres a download option for 23.04 with the old installer17:37
tomreynakik: the legacy installer would be based on ubiquity17:37
akiktomreyn: where's that installer?17:38
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akikwhy would you need that?17:39
tomreynin case the newer one doesn't work or you want to keep using your old automation, i assume17:39
tomreynmaybe the release notes hint on it17:40
oerheksAlso netboot is back, just not for amd6417:40
ioriainteresting: https://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-mini-iso/daily-live/current/17:56
ioriafor amd6417:56
akikthat's even smaller than the debian one17:57
oerheksshould fit on a 128mb sdcard 🤣17:58
=== Hagbart is now known as Habart
=== Habart is now known as Hagbart
jhutchinsThat what, a little more than ten floppies?19:01
linsuxis ubuntu rolling release19:32
akikcdimage.ubuntu.com has a really good internet connection19:33
akiklinsux: no19:33
akiklinsux: you want arch19:34
=== LabMonkey is now known as Mechanismus
=== Rahoul1784 is now known as Rahoul178
Max-Pthere's rolling rhino but it's a little buggy20:08
jhutchinsMax-P: By definition a rolling release IS buggy.20:10
=== gschanuel5 is now known as gschanuel
Max-PIt's not as buggy when it's designed for it, been using Arch for a decade and it's been pretty reliable. My Ubuntu VM with the devel repos, sometimes things do break. Which is fine, it's not meant to be installed and used long term20:15
=== Dileo is now known as Dilwor
=== Dilwor is now known as Dileo
=== JoeBk_ is now known as JoeBk
gratcongrats to the devs for the new release!20:25
semitoneshey I'm trying to get my grub to boot the last entry selected. I have GRUB_SAVEDEFAULT=true and GRUB_DEFAULT=saved and I ran sudo update-grub, yet it still defaults to the first option. Any ideas for how to troubleshoot?20:32
semitonesI have used these pages as reference: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 and https://www.gnu.org/software/grub/manual/grub/grub.html#Simple-configuration20:34
JoeBksemitones, that's what I have and it works for me.20:35
semitonesi'm going to look at the grub.cfg and see if I see anything weird20:35
JoeBkI wonder if the order of the lines is a problem20:36
semitonesthat's a good idea20:36
JoeBkGRUB_DEFAULT=saved is the first one on mine20:36
semitonesI have "GRUB_DEFAULT=saved" first and "GRUB_SAVEDEFAULT" second, then all the other options20:37
semitonesit is respecting the GRUB_TIMEOUT I set to 3, but it did not respect the "GRUB_TIMEOUT_STYLE=hidden" and did countdown instead20:37
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu to: Official Ubuntu Support Channel | IRC Guidelines: https://ubottu.com/y/gl | #ubuntu supports Ubuntu and official flavors; versions 18.04, 20.04, 22.04, 22.10, 23.04 | Unofficial derivatives: Use your distro's support channel, not here | IRC info: https://ubottu.com/y/irc | Pastes to https://paste.ubuntu.com/ | Download: https://ubottu.com/y/dl
invitadohow are you guys?20:40
krytarikinvitado: General chat is in #ubuntu-offtopic20:41
invitadothis sheet is dead bra20:42
semitoneslooking at grub.cfg, it looks like 30_os-prober always sets the timeout style to menu, and has an "if timeout = 0, then set timeout = 10' function20:42
semitonesJoeBk, interesting: if I choose to boot Windows, it saves that one. But if I choose ubuntu(generic) over ubuntu(lowlatency) it returns to lowlatency next time.20:48
JoeBksemitones, I have no clue.  I've never had a problem with it.20:49
semitonesmaybe I will do an askubuntu20:50
Eickmeyersemitones: The package 'ubuntustudio-lowlatency-settings' forces the prioritization of the lowlatency kernel over the generic kernel, so you might be seeing that. If you uninstall that, it'll fix that, but you'll also lose "threadirqs" and other lowlatency optimizations.20:50
semitonesThat would explain this behavior. Does it make sense to boot into low-latency kernel only when I'm doing audio work, and use generic when I prefer stability?20:52
Eickmeyersemitones: Not really, only if you want to save power.20:52
EickmeyerThe only real tradeoff is energy savings vs latency.20:52
semitonesok, thanks. I suppose I do want to save power since it is a laptop. Will it respect GRUB_DEFAULT=1 (instead of saved)?20:53
EickmeyerNever tried it. You can try it and see what happens.20:54
EickmeyerI just manually switch back and forth, giving myself plenty of time to switch to the generic kernel when on battery.20:55
semitonesThat makes sense. No, with GRUB_DEFAULT=1 it still pre-selects lowlatency20:55
EickmeyerProbably because that's the first entry in the submenu.20:56
semitonesI thought it started at 0 according to the documentation. I'll try 220:56
semitones2 chooses the 3rd option. I'll try "1" again and this time make sure I update-grub20:57
semitonesGRUB_DEFAULT=1 works as expected (chooses the 2nd option). Thanks for your help troubleshooting this Eickmeyer !21:08
Eickmeyersemitones: You're welcome!21:09
=== shokohsc8 is now known as shokohsc
DumbLDoori tried to make a bootable usb using rufus and https://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/23.04/release/22:25
DumbLDoorHowever, on trying to boot, it gives me a pointer out of range exception22:26
jhutchinsDumbLDoor: Did you verify the checksum of the downloaded file?22:26
DumbLDoorjhutchins - rufus would fail if the ISO were to be corrupt22:27
jhutchinsDumbLDoor: No, not necessarily.  It doesn't have access to the official checksums.22:28
enycDumbLDoor: I thought rufus etc is not such a goodo or needed idea22:29
enycDumbLDoor: better just using win32diskimager or etcher or similar to JUST write the image to USB as ubuntu images are ALREADY hybrid multibootable images!22:29
jhutchinsAFTER you cerify the checksum.22:30
DumbLDoorenyc - do you mean just copy the iso to USB stick?22:30
enycDumbLDoor: no, i mean proper image-writing tool to write it directly,  NOT copying .iso  as a *file* to stick filesystem  and *NOT* modifying it like rufus etc can do22:31
sarnolddoes rufus have a simple 'dd' mode?22:33
enycsarnold: it may do but as per ubuntu instructions, etcher easier to use less likely to dowrong thing etc22:33
DumbLDoorsarnold- it has dd  and iso22:34
DumbLDoori think iso is prefered22:34
enycDumbLDoor: do try  dd mode writing to spare stick (will overwrite all data etc...)22:34
DumbLDoorenyc - sure, ty22:35
DumbLDoorSHA256 matches.. just checked22:38
=== linuxman1 is now known as linuxman
DumbLDoorHello! Etcher image didn't work either, the OS does not load.23:14
oehman_try gpt instead of mbr on the usb stick23:25
oehman_i did mine in startup creator23:25
EickmeyerFWIW, the .iso images are so large these days that they are likely to point-out flaws in your average USB stick. I'd try another one.23:26
EickmeyerDumbLDoor: ^23:26
=== docmax_ is now known as docmax
DumbLDoorty Oehman and eickmeyer..  I tried burning the 3.6 GB ISO to a DVD and I have a coaster now23:35
EickmeyerDumbLDoor: It's working for thousands of other people... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯23:36
oehman_i did mine on usb23:37
oehman_sure that you are not using legacy23:38
=== optaneeliteadmin is now known as sceldingtonsquee
akiksarnold: rufus dd write mode can be activated by pressing alt-i once after starting it23:48
sarnoldakik: aha, thanks :)23:51
akiksarnold: it says something like "iso support disabled" at the bottom then23:54
sarnoldakik: handy :)23:55

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