=== esv_ is now known as esv === esv_ is now known as esv [13:52] meena: possibly [13:53] meena: how did upstreaming the lxd fixes into freebsd go? did those land? [13:53] meena: I may be trying to figure out how to use freebsd on lxd soon, if so [13:54] holmanb: yes. it boots, but so far, the virtio thing remains unfixed [13:55] The virtio issue is what causes high cpu usage? [13:55] I have cpus to spare for now, I guess [13:56] you'll need one to burn, until you disable the virtio_random module [13:57] heh [13:58] Do you have notes you'd be willing to share on how you got you got it set up on lxd? [13:59] I can figure it out if not [14:00] meena: also, is there anything in particular about pr/2127 that you see needing rebase? [14:04] holmanb: download a qcow image: https://download.freebsd.org/releases/VM-IMAGES/13.2-RELEASE/amd64/Latest/FreeBSD-13.2-RELEASE-amd64.qcow2.xz (13.2 has my fix, so no need to go bleeding edge, but, 14.0 is just around the corner) [14:05] import the image into lxd [14:05] launch, lxd console into it, then login as root with no password [14:07] sysrc devmatch_blacklist="virtio_random.ko" [14:07] and reboot [14:08] this still has no cloud-init installed, of course ;) [14:08] pkg install net/cloud-init-devel [14:12] Perfect, thanks [14:38] https://download.freebsd.org/releases/CI-IMAGES/13.2-RELEASE/amd64/Latest/FreeBSD-13.2-RELEASE-amd64-BASIC-CI.raw.xz this might be better. it already has ssh enabled [20:14] * meena is downloading both rn [20:15] maybe I could build a packer recipie for how to create an LXD image for FreeBSD? [20:26] holmanb: oh, you need to convert the images to qcow2 first [20:28] meena: that's easy assuming you have qemu-img installed: "qemu-img convert file.raw file.qcow2" [21:05] minimal: i do [21:07] hrm, the CI images don't boot [21:58] i dunno what's going on, but it's not booting for me: https://gist.github.com/c00792c3f9d74cd8b2cd9822e8233865 [22:17] boots now, but cloud-init is waiting for OpenStack to answer… [22:37] trying to get lxd-agent compiling on FreeBSD: https://github.com/lxc/lxd/issues/11603 [22:37] -ubottu:#cloud-init- Issue 11603 in lxc/lxd "compiling lxd-agent for FreeBSD" [Open] [23:07] meena: your earlier problem was that Secure Boot was enabled? [23:08] minimal: yeah [23:08] I guess once we get images built and signed officially it's no problem, but it's another stumbling stone in bootstrapping [23:09] meena: "cloud-init is waiting for OpenStack to answer" - have you tried creating your image with a reduced set of datasources specified in /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg ? [23:09] i.e. only LXD [23:10] absolutely not. [23:10] I'm mostly just stumbling around blindfolded [23:10] (will i need lxd-agent running for that to work?) [23:11] I guess i could've found out by trying what minimal suggested [23:12] tomorrow, then. [23:12] in /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg (or create a file in /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg.d/) add "datasource_list: LXD" [23:12] then when c-i starts it will only try to use the LXD DataSource, rather than going through the default set of multiple DSes in order [23:13] I wouldn't expect you to need lxd-agent for that to work [23:15] I've been meaning to figure out how to create LXD images of Alpine myself