
holmanbmeena: how does this look? https://github.com/canonical/cloud-init/pull/214316:57
-ubottu:#cloud-init- Pull 2143 in canonical/cloud-init "Fix linux-specific call on BSD." [Open]16:57
holmanbmeena: also thanks for the instructions, worked like a charm16:58
minimalhas any thought ever been given to cloud-init running using pyc files only?17:05
meenaholmanb: that exception has become background radiation; It was on my todo list, but i forgot it's something fixable, and not just part of nature17:08
meenaminimal: does that even work?17:09
meenaminimal: the problem might be that pyc is very very very platform specific17:09
holmanbmeena: Yeah it didn't seem high prior, but it looked like a quick fix so here we are :)17:10
minimalmeena: the pyc files are created for the platform when cloud-init is "built"17:15
meenaholmanb: I'm looking if i can fix mountinfo17:16
meenathe amount of stuff i run into because i can't upgrade my 14.0-CURRENT VMs…17:32
meenai need to get pkgbase.live up again17:33
meenathis is mount | grep tmp: on my Linux desktop: https://gist.github.com/igalic/fdaff6da508f030ecfde48ee2d9543d017:37
meenaand, wowie wow, i don't think I've kept up with linux for quite some time17:37
meenaholmanb: I'll try to fix the root cause of that noexec parsing, cuz, we do have have that flag18:15
meenamount has a --libxo!18:18
holmanbmeena: sounds good, however you prefer18:38
meenalooks like I should've shutdown my vm, before taking a snapshot… all the modifications I made to the image are lost18:53
meenai wish i had ZFS on this computer lol18:53
meenaso, how does the LXD DataSource work?18:55
meenado i need the LXD Agent for that?18:55
meenagiven the results I'm getting from Cloud-Init, I'd say: yes.19:07
meenai love yak shaving19:08
meenait's my favourite thing to do19:08
blackboxswmeena: for what it's worth for older versions of Ubuntu, we had to setup LXD profiles that automatically setup lxd-agent in some images https://github.com/canonical/pycloudlib/blob/main/pycloudlib/lxd/defaults.py#L920:46
blackboxswand yes DataSourceLXD requires the lxd-agent I think which sets up /dev/lxd/sock file20:46
=== esv_ is now known as esv
meenablackboxsw: https://github.com/lxc/lxd/issues/1160320:53
-ubottu:#cloud-init- Issue 11603 in lxc/lxd "compiling lxd-agent for FreeBSD" [Open]20:53
meenastgraber says it's easy20:53
meenaholmanb: all that temp_utils code is really confusing.22:08
meenaon what grounds does this happen:22:09
meenaIn [56]: temp_utils.get_tmp_ancestor(needs_exe=True)22:09
meenaOut[56]: '/var/tmp/cloud-init'22:09
meenaIn [57]: temp_utils.get_tmp_ancestor(needs_exe=False)22:09
meenaOut[57]: '/tmp'22:09
meenathat function is just reading random environment variables to make those decisions22:09
meenaneither on my Linux laptop, nor on my FreeBSD VMs is there any functional difference between /var/tmp and /tmp22:10
meenaaah, but there is, on Linux, if I run it as root22:11
meenatmpfs on /run type tmpfs (rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime,size=6572688k,mode=755,inode64)22:11
meenawe don't have a /run dir on FreeBSD. We only have /var/run, and it's not mounted as noexec.22:12
meenaalmost done…23:31
meenahttps://github.com/canonical/cloud-init/pull/2146 hrm… i based this on the wrong branch23:38
-ubottu:#cloud-init- Pull 2146 in canonical/cloud-init "FreeBSD fix parsing of mount and mount options" [Open]23:38
meenaeither way, that commit is safe. getting that regex was hard work lol23:38
meenatomorrow I'll extract the path parsing from parse_mount_info()23:38

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