
=== TomTom_ is now known as TomTom
=== TomTom is now known as Tomtom
IrcsomeBot<Omar> On my laptop Kde connect does not run on the background when i close it can i change this?08:37
yossarianukhi - I have a USB ethernet adapter and I cannot get it to work as a bridge using network manager - i have added a bridge via network manager ui and cli - and it just doesn't get ip address on the bridge09:14
yossarianukhowever if I use the ip command its fine09:14
yossarianuki.e this method fails -> https://www.tecmint.com/create-network-bridge-in-ubuntu/09:15
yossarianukand this method works -> https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/613188/bridging-built-in-ethernet-with-usb-ethernet-adapter-in-debian  (first answer)09:16
yossarianukusing nmcli - when i put br0 to up I see 'br0: connecting (getting IP configuration) to br0'09:17
yossarianukbut it never gets ip info09:17
yossarianukany hints ?09:17
yossarianuk(i could ask in #ubuntu also i guess as this is not Kubuntu specific)09:25
skramerIsn't it possible to change the background of the analog clock? Readability was much better when it was black on white. Now being white on black it's very hardd to read.11:00
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BluesKajHi all12:29
=== kuks is now known as Kuks
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=== SkyKuker is now known as kuks
user|83Discover times out and doesn't connect to org.freedesktop.packagekit15:17
iomari891greetings, I just upgraded to 23.04 but I notice on wayland on my login menu.17:26
kubuntuHi all, I am having some difficulty with getting Kubuntu running on a system with a SSD.  It seems to fail in terms of managing the NVMe SSD.  I have been running 20.04 and when I tried to upgrade to 22.04, the system refused to boot.  Since then, I have been trying to do a fresh install on the SSD using a 22.04 live usb and a 23.04 but with no success.  Both fail in exactly the same way.  Does anyone here have any insight17:39
kubuntuinto what I am doing wrong and how I can get it right?17:39
kubuntuOne of the error messages I get is: fsyncing/closing /dev/nvme0n1p1: no data available17:41
=== kubuntu is now known as john_in_Californ
=== john_in_Californ is now known as John_in_Calif
John_in_CalifHi all, I am having some difficulty with getting Kubuntu running on a system with a SSD.  It seems to fail in terms of managing the NVMe SSD.  I have been running 20.04 and when I tried to upgrade to 22.04, the system refused to boot.  Since then, I have been trying to do a fresh install on the SSD using a 22.04 live usb and a 23.04 but with no success.  Both fail in exactly the same way.17:48
John_in_CalifDoes anyone here have any insight into what I am doing wrong and how I can get it right?17:49
John_in_CalifOne of the error messages I get is: fsyncing/closing /dev/nvme0n1p1: no data available17:49
John_in_CalifOh well.  I thought I would try.  I may be back later.  Bye all.18:00
linuxHi, Can you recommend me a solution moving files over wifi between Kubuntu and Android? I used to use Sendanywhere but afte years of using it without any problems it started not connecting to my laptop. Now I tried Warpinator and KDE Connect. After I added rules to firewall I even turned firewall off and restarted applications it doesn't want to connect 8 times out of ten.19:21
IrcsomeBot<n_holo> sftp, filezilla19:44
ElliriaI used the Wifi File Transfer app made by SmarterDroid for a while and just don't back up my tablet any more because I no longer keep things on it.19:47
ElliriaI'm just checking my notes and see that I also used the Droid Over Wifi app by Dmitri Lapushkin and that one doesn't have ads, but just asks you to support the author from time to time.19:49
John_in_CalifHi, I am having a bit of trouble installing Kubuntu 22.04.2 LTS on my Asus laptop.  I have an 128 GB SSD and a 1Tb hard disk.  For years, I have been running Kubuntu and I recently tried to upgrade to 22.04.2. LTS with the OS installed on the SSD and I use the hard drive for data.  My attempt to upgrade has left the SSD unbootable and my attempts to do a fresh install from a USB drive have been unsuccessful as well,21:53
John_in_Califeach time failing when attempting to format the SSD.21:53
John_in_CalifDoes anyone have any ideas what I might be doing wrong or more importantly, what I can do to overcome this problem?  Clearly, I am missing  something because I don't think my configuation is that unique and as I said above, I have been using it successfully for years before now.21:54
John_in_CalifThis is the first error message I get every time"21:55
John_in_CalifError fsyncing/closing /dev/nvme0np1: No data available21:56
John_in_Califfollowed in succession by:21:57
John_in_CalifError fsyncing/closing /dev/nvme0np2: No data available21:57
John_in_CalifError fsyncing/closing /dev/nvme0n1: No data available21:57
John_in_CalifThen after a few more error messages, I get this omnious sounding message:21:58
John_in_Califubiquity.components.partman_commit failed with exit code 141. Further information may be found in /var/log/syslog. Do you want to try running this step again before continuing? If you do not, your installation may fail entirely or may be broken.21:58
tomreynJohn_in_Calif: this may actually be a dead, or mostly dead, nvme21:58
John_in_CalifDead in what sense.  I can mount it manually and access it.  The data there seems to be intact, although I haven't tried reconstructing the EFI partition  manually yet.21:59
tomreynin the sense of decaying hardware22:00
tomreyni would backup what you can22:00
John_in_CalifEverything  was backed up prior to my attempting to upgrade the system.22:00
John_in_CalifBut that is always good advice.22:00
tomreynokay then make sure the nvme is properly seated on the mainboard22:01
tomreynand then, from the installer / live media, inspect the nvme error log22:02
tomreynas well as the system log (journalctl -b   or   dmesg)22:02
John_in_CalifI didn't look at the system log but I did check the nvme log and didn't see anything  untword.22:03
tomreynthen if you're convinced the nvme is still good and you want to try installing to it again, before you do so, use wipefs to wipe all file system structrues off it22:03
John_in_Califdmesg: read kernel buffer failed: Operation not permitted22:04
John_in_CalifI am not convinced that it is good, I just can't see any obvious errors.22:05
John_in_CalifBut if you think that is the most  likely problem, I do have another SSD that is basically new that I can drop in and see if that solves the issue.22:06
tomreynyou'd need to   sudo dmesg   to overcome the above message22:07
tomreynsomething else you can try is to look for and apply a firmware upgrade for the nvme22:08
John_in_Califtomreyn, I think you may be on to something here.  I see lots of this message:22:08
John_in_Califnvme0n1: I/O Cmd(0x0) @ LBA 18446744073709551615, 0 blocks, I/O Error (sct 0x1 / sc 0x82)22:08
John_in_CalifFor both partitions.22:08
tomreynright, those are likely hardware errors22:09
John_in_CalifI am going to shut things down and throw in the new SSD.22:09
John_in_CalifThanks for your help.22:09
tomreynyou're welcome22:09
John_in_CalifBy the way, for what it is worth, now I am convinced.22:10
John_in_CalifAnd thanks again.22:10
tomreynsee you22:10
=== william is now known as Willy--

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