
daftykinsPHEW, what a day21:20
daftykinsso my old single-phase electric supply got cut and transferred to the new 3-phase today... unfortunately on getting home my neighbour text me to say he was without juice21:20
daftykinsturns out they goofed... there is now a hosepipe like cable going through my letterbox and into his, tapping power off the 'head' inside my front cupboard :)21:20
zxmpicouldn't you just give him a bucket of leccy like the olden days22:29
daftykinsah you know how it goes, you give them a bucket one day, they want 2 the next... and so on...22:31
penguin42daftykins: They gave you a full 3 phase?22:36
daftykinsoddly i looked closer at my pics and i see strips marked 0, 1, 2, 3 on the new line - fascinating how they splice, i watched the entire process22:41
daftykinsas they cut the sheath off the new they found a label too, says it was made by Pirelli in 197722:41
penguin42haha, so what are you going to do with a 3phase?22:42
daftykinsnothing! the upgrade was fully decided by them22:42
daftykinsi still have an old Wilex/Wylex porcelain fuse wire board on this place :) 22:43
daftykinsfascinating video of a chance rescue btw: https://youtu.be/3D9LK_MMzfY22:48
penguin42daftykins: Did they give you three meters or just wire one phase?23:00

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