=== guiverc2 is now known as guiverc [12:49] Hi all [12:55] Heyo BluesKaj [13:04] hey ahoneybun[m] [22:17] mmikowski, arraybolt3: Just tried the new kfocus-power-bin in package-testing. No dice. Same result as before. [22:23] Hi Eickmeyer: Sorry to hear that. Hmmf, I didn't test it outside of KDE, I just made sure it worked on my normal desktop. [22:24] Is it the same output as before, or something new? [22:24] Same output as before. [22:24] I'll also double check the package, I might have missed something. [22:24] It's beta for a reason! :) (tm) [22:25] 👍️ [22:26] haha, I was thinking I might have missed the kfocus-power-bin package, but judging by the fixed window title, I don't think so. [22:26] But there might be a merge snafu so that Aaron's fixes didn't get in place, so gimme a few ... [22:27] Take your time. [22:27] btw, I missed it a long time ago, but we finally patched the crashy button error on ubiquity. [22:28] I saw the emails. I might be able to reformat it as an SRU if that patch is formatted as a debdiff, which it doesn't look like it is. [22:29] It would have to include changelog entries and what-not. [22:29] I also couldn't sponsor the upload since it's a package in main. [22:31] * Eickmeyer afk for a while [23:39] mmikowski: I can confirm that the Discover update indicator has come back \o/ [23:39] Noticed it for the first time just now. [23:39] (er, I mean, clicked it just now, I noticed it a bit earlier.)