
=== user_ is now known as user__
=== user__ is now known as Riddle100
RoeyI have an external monitor connected.. it's 4k, but in Display Settings, I don't see a 4k resolution option!03:29
Roeytrying to figure out why03:29
Roeyxdpyinfo saysi t supports 4k03:29
arraybolt3What exactly do you mean by "4k resolution option"?03:31
arraybolt3Are you not able to get the system to recognize the full monitor resolution?03:32
arraybolt3Or are you trying to enable display scaling so that stuff isn't the size of atoms on your screen?03:32
Roeyarraybolt3: oh hey03:36
Roeyso like,03:36
Roeyin Display Settings03:36
Roeyunder "Resolution"03:37
Roeyit shows like... 1600x90003:38
RoeyI would hope that they cpu can suppor this03:39
RoeyIt can, when i connect it via hdmi fromthe laptop to the screen03:39
Roeybut if I connect it through thunderbolt to the dell thunderbolt dock and from ther evia thunderbolt to the monitor,03:39
Roeyit gives me this weird behavior.03:39
arraybolt3Oh. Sadly I have no experience with those, and last time we tried to troubleshoot something with that we gave up :P so I don't think I can be much help there.03:50
arraybolt3(with Thunderbolt docks, I mean)03:50
=== guiverc2 is now known as guiverc
Roeyarraybolt3: I figgered it out.  This laptop's usb-c port is not thunderbolt3.04:14
Roey:P woof.04:14
Roeyit's not any thunderbolt, just usb-c.04:14
Roeyand I thought it was, silly me.04:14
Roeykind of wanna get  new laptop just to make things work.04:14
=== TheCAThomas1 is now known as TheCAThomas
arraybolt3Roey: LOL, well now everything makes sense.05:11
arraybolt3Roey: If you actually need a new laptop, these guys make good ones with Kubuntu preinstalled: https://kfocus.org/05:12
IrcsomeBot<pebble777> Does Kubuntu 23.04 support dynamic triple buffering patch?06:29
IrcsomeBot<pebble777> or this has to be only for Gnome version of Ubuntu?06:29
koffeinfriedhofpebble777: https://invent.kde.org/plasma/kwin/-/issues/12407:37
-ubottu:#kubuntu- Issue 124 in plasma/kwin "Triple buffering" [Opened]07:37
=== Tomtom is now known as TomTom
iomari891greetings: xscreensaver not locking under wayland08:48
koffeinfriedhofiomari891: Sounds logical as Xscreensaver locks X not W ;)09:06
iomari891koffeinfriedhof: Thanks. never thought of that thanks.09:42
Roeyarraybolt3: thanks!11:54
Roeywow, gosh, dell 4k laptops are so expensive aren't they..11:54
IrcsomeBot<Ariel2411> xtyr11:59
IrcsomeBot<Ariel2411> Otyr11:59
IrcsomeBot<Ariel2411> Ovyr12:00
IrcsomeBot<Ariel2411> OVYR12:01
IrcsomeBot<Ariel2411> Dvyr12:01
IrcsomeBot<Ariel2411> Xvyr12:02
IrcsomeBot<Ariel2411> OWA112:03
IrcsomeBot<Ariel2411> 0WA112:03
IrcsomeBot<LOBOLATELEPHONY> how can i Reinstalling Kubuntu 23.04  via Terminal?12:36
IrcsomeBot<LOBOLATELEPHONY> looks like my install was broken?12:37
BluesKajHi all12:49
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=== jollyRogerssTaga is now known as tagalearning
skramermmikowsi: Regarding the kfocus.org link you sent me recently... Can we talk about?14:45
mmikowskiskramer: sure, what's the question?16:33
skramermmikowsi: What could I do from here in Germany, I want to work with you guys?16:38
skramermmikowski: Running Linux excusively since 1994, KDE since I dunno and Kubuntu since 12.10 I guess16:43
mmikowskiskramer: I'll send you a pm, ok?16:44
skramermmikowsi: Ok.16:44
obsitoshey there! could someone help me? i have update my OS to lunar lobster and my wifi doesn't work anymore. the in the result of the lshw i found the device, but nmcli doesn't show it16:49
arraybolt3obsitos: I might be able to help. What brand of card is it?16:53
obsitosit's an Intel AX20016:53
arraybolt3Hrm... ok one moment16:53
arraybolt3Please run "lspci -k | nc termbin.com 9999" in a terminal and share the link that outputs. (Please don't just run "lspci -k" and then try to paste the full output here.)16:54
arraybolt3That will let me see some of the devices in your system and what driver each one is using.16:54
arraybolt3Interesting. The driver isn't loading, but it's there.16:56
arraybolt3Try running "sudo modprobe iwlwifi".16:56
obsitosempty result16:56
arraybolt3Good. Do you see WiFi networks now?16:56
arraybolt3Hmm. "sudo dmesg | nc termbin.com 9999" so I can see the kernel log to see what happens when you try to load the driver.16:57
arraybolt3OK, found the failure message, looking it up...16:58
obsitosbtw this termbin thing is brilliant. i didn't know before this is exists16:59
arraybolt3obsitos: You don't happen to have Windows as a dual-boot on this system, do you?17:00
obsitosit's a dual boot system, yeah17:00
arraybolt3And yeah, I also really like Termbin.17:00
obsitosi have a windows 10 as well17:01
arraybolt3obsitos: That might explain it. Is it Windows 8 or newer?17:01
obsitosnewer, win1017:01
arraybolt3OK. There's a feature in Windows 8 and higher called "Fast Startup" that can cause this problem when you boot into Linux. Basically when you shut down Windows, it saves info about the hardware that it can load next time it boots. Something about this confuses Linux and can result in hardware issues.17:01
arraybolt3Thankfully, you can turn Fast Startup off and it can fix these kinds of things.17:02
arraybolt3Try booting into Windows, then disable fast startup, shut down, and boot back into Linux and see if it works.17:02
obsitosi thought i switched off the fast startup years ago, but i'll check it17:03
arraybolt3That's the solution I see on the Internet for the error your card is having, so hopefully it will work.17:03
arraybolt3(The exact error, if you're interested, is "[    4.605432] iwlwifi: probe of 0000:06:00.0 failed with error -110")17:04
arraybolt3(From the dmesg log.)17:04
obsitosi saw this in the dmesg log i just doesn't know what it means17:04
obsitosand i didn't found the meaning17:04
obsitosbut now i have to restart my pc. i will come back and i'll tell you the result :)17:05
obsitosarraybolt3: it's working17:12
obsitosthank you!17:12
arraybolt3obsitos: Glad to help!17:13
=== ralph is now known as ralph_
IrcsomeBot<O_OSP_BCF_OFFI> Could I install Kubuntu's Plasma Desktop builds on both Ubuntu Core & Server, respectively?22:32
IrcsomeBot<O_OSP_BCF_OFFI> https://ubuntu.com/core22:32
IrcsomeBot<O_OSP_BCF_OFFI> https://ubuntu.com/download/server22:32
user|50No server is specified22:43
user|50No server is specified no suitable video mode found no video mode activated.22:44

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