
blahdeblahakik: You can check that for yourself here: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+mirror/estpak00:41
akikblahdeblah: i can't really explain it, i changed from ftp.estpak.ee to fi.archive.ubuntu.com and it started working then00:43
akikblahdeblah: do you want me to gather some logs for it?00:50
blahdeblahakik: I don't work on the mirrors, so I wouldn't be able to do anything with your logs.  If it persists, email RT per the topic.01:05
akikok i got the log saved01:06
akikwhat's RT?01:06
blahdeblahRequest Tracker01:06
akikok thanks01:07
akikok got a reply and the mirror was removed from the list02:29

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