
=== guiverc2 is now known as guiverc
dal2A few days ago I filed these bugs https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nautilus/+bug/2017452 and especially https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/pcmanfm-qt/+bug/2017464 I wonder what will become of them? In the meantime I should probably install another file manager such as Thunar02:47
-ubottu:#lubuntu- Launchpad bug 2017452 in nautilus (Ubuntu) "On run, nautilus opens two windows instead of one" [Undecided, New]02:47
-ubottu:#lubuntu- Launchpad bug 2017464 in pcmanfm-qt (Ubuntu) "in pcmanfm-qt, permission denied after successful decryption" [Undecided, New]02:47
guivercnautilus isn't managed by Lubuntu so would likely be read by a Ubuntu Desktop/GNOME dev ... who'd possibly need to re-create issue on a Ubuntu Desktop ISO/system (as filed against nautilus)02:53
guivercYou can use whatever file-manager you like; thunar will run too.02:53
* guiverc just typed `thunar` at a terminal; it opened up correctly.. (I knew I had it installed; my system has Xubuntu installed as a secondary desktop)02:54
dal2guiverc: Thanks. I saw something online about a script to force the system to default to Thunar so that pcmanfm-qt doesn't keep opening. That's probably what I need to figure out. I'm booting off clean Lubuntu 23.0402:55
guivercThe lubuntu bug report will sit until someone has time/capacity to explore it.. see if it can be re-created.  mantis isn't fully funcitonal yet; a new LXQt was released which will get probably packaged for mantis02:55
guivercs/mantis/mantic ^   (my fingers haven't learnt the new 'release' name yet!)02:56
dal2guiverc: Yeah not everyone has an encrypted HDD sitting aroun...02:56

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