[11:22] Bug #2017986 opened: [latest/edge] MAAS fails to configure node network and issues IPs from incorrect subnet when relaying [11:25] Bug #2017986 changed: [latest/edge] MAAS fails to configure node network and issues IPs from incorrect subnet when relaying [11:28] Bug #2017986 opened: [latest/edge] MAAS fails to configure node network and issues IPs from incorrect subnet when relaying [13:25] Bug #2017986 changed: [latest/edge - DHCP Snippets] MAAS fails to configure node network and failing to issue leases [13:31] Bug #2017986 opened: [latest/edge - DHCP Snippets] MAAS fails to configure node network and failing to issue leases [13:34] Bug #2017986 changed: [latest/edge - DHCP Snippets] MAAS fails to configure node network and failing to issue leases