
=== guiverc2 is now known as guiverc
H2onvetyBug in kernel: Can not install 23.04 with Intel Atom CPU, see https://askubuntu.com/questions/1464926/not-able-to-boot-kubuntu-23-04-with-kernel-6-2-and-intel-atom-cpu13:29
ograH2onvety, report it then ...13:29
ogra(with proper logs attached preferably, so that devs can track it down)13:30
H2onvetyalready did. You can participate with link in https://askubuntu.com/questions/1464926/not-able-to-boot-kubuntu-23-04-with-kernel-6-2-and-intel-atom-cpu13:30
ograyou did ? 13:30
ogracan you give the bug number ? 13:30
ogragreat 13:32

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