
=== Lord_of_Life_ is now known as Lord_of_Life
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mmikowskiuser|16 easy test: type 'cd; df ./'01:12
mmikowskiif you see /dev/mapper/vgkubuntu-root or similar, you have an encrypted drive.01:13
mmikowskiif you see a real device like /dev/nvme0n1p3 or /dev/sda5, then your partition is likely unencrypted.01:14
mmikowskiThis, btw, is checking for the default Kubuntu LVM + Encryption setup. It is possible to have encryption directly on a partition too, but it also look different than a standard device.01:16
mmikowskiBut unless you did your own layout, I think the above should give you the answer you need.01:16
mmikowskiuser|16: You can run lsblk |grep -v ' loop ' to see attached disk partitions. The mount the partition like so: sudo mount /dev/nvme0n1p3 /mnt.01:29
mmikowskiYou can use this link, up to and including step 3. It might be helpful: https://kfocus.org/wf/recovery.html#bkm_use_chroot_to01:29
mackeralanyone experience a dissapering desktop effect when running multimonitors after the first screen timeout?02:23
mmikowskimackeral: you mean desktop effects reset, or something else?03:06
mackeralmmikowski: I have 3 monitors, but it does it with just two. Its starts up fine but after the first screen timeout, when I don't use the computer for 10 minutes, the wall paper on one monitor and its response to the mouse dissapear. I can drag windows to the wacked out montor and use it just fine, but if it doesn't have a panel I can't interact with it at all03:09
mmikowskiAh, I've definitely seen that.03:10
mmikowskiIt was worst in Plasma 5.25 and 5.26.03:10
mackeraloh no way03:10
mmikowski5.24.7 is fairly good.03:10
mackeralI thought it was just me03:10
mmikowski5.27.4 is pretty good too.03:10
mmikowskiWe considered upgrading kfocus to both (on approval of kubuntu, of course!)03:11
mmikowskiso we tested both extensively.03:11
mmikowskiThat was a blocking issue.03:11
mmikowskiWhat version of Kubuntu and plasma are you running? You can likely upgrade your way out of it.03:12
mackeralI'm runnig kubuntu 22.04 and kde 5.24.703:12
mackeralwhatever is default with kubuntu 22.0403:12
mmikowski5.24.7 is default if you have backports enabled.03:13
mmikowskiHowever, if you don't, I'm not certain that is the current plasma version.03:13
mmikowskiCan you check from the control center (if you haven't already) ?03:13
mmikowskiSystem Settings > About this system03:14
mackeralyea it is 5.24.703:14
mackeralI dunno about backports though03:14
mmikowskisudo add-apt-repository ppa:kubuntu-ppa/backports IIRC03:14
mmikowski^er, don't type IIRC :)03:14
mmikowskiGenerally, kubuntu runs better with backports IME.03:15
mmikowskiYou likely already have it enabled.03:15
mackeralyea it was pretty much just stick the usb drive in and hit OK03:15
mackeralno custom kernel03:16
mmikowskigrep . /etc/apt/sources.list.d/kubuntu-ppa-ubuntu-backports-jammy.list03:16
mmikowskithat'll show what you have.03:16
mackeralok thanks03:16
mmikowskiHey, no custom kernel is what you want!03:16
mackeralIm not familiar with ubuntu03:16
mmikowskiThe more custom, the more trouble.03:16
mackeralor systemd i think03:17
mmikowskiThe hwe kernel is the best generally. If you type uname -r, what do you see?03:17
mmikowskiAh, that's good. Hmm, you should be due for 5.19.0-42-generic shortly.03:18
mmikowskifwiw, if you see issues with sound over hdmi, it's because it was fixed in 5.19.0-42.03:19
mmikowskiso the screen issue may very well be hardware related.03:19
mmikowskiAre you running Wayland or X11?03:19
mmikowskiAMD, Intel, or Nvidia?03:19
mmikowskifwiw, I have experience with Intel and Nvidia. 5.24.7 has been fairly stable on both, but it can run into issues when the changing themes.03:20
mackeraldon't know about wayland. Intel grasphics and i think a amd03:20
mackeralintel motherboard and cpu03:20
mmikowskiAh, then likely Intel graphics.03:21
mmikowskiThat's actually mostly good news.03:21
mackeralbut I always seemed to have issues with sound over hdmi (on the monitor)03:21
mmikowskiSee above - should be fixed in 5.19.0-42.03:21
mmikowskiYou might be able to update your kernel now, reboot, and have it fixed.03:22
mackeralhow you update your kernel?03:23
mmikowskisudo apt update full-upgrade03:23
mackeralah ok03:23
mmikowskithat should do it; however, because of staged releases it might not upgrade yet.  Or use Discover from the menu or plasma-discover from the CLI.03:24
mackeralyea supposedly system is up to date from discover03:24
mmikowskioh boy, yeah, 42 isn't out yet.03:25
mackeralbut Im not sure if that is just for applictatiopn03:25
mmikowskione sec ...03:25
mackeralso backports opens up the ubuntu repository to kubuntu?03:26
mmikowskiah, 5.19.0-42 is NOT out yet.03:27
mackeralsrry, not sure how specialized this all is03:27
mackeralah well,. at least the screen times out03:28
mmikowskiWhoops, I misread that. To fix, you need to rollback to 5.19.0-32.03:28
mackeralfor a while it seemed to do that, or faIL TO DO THAT RATHER, ALSO03:28
mmikowskiThat is, to fix sound over HDMI, as there is a regression there that affects at least some systems (kfocus too).03:29
mackeralanyone use kfocus to simply enlarge everything by 10%?03:29
mmikowskiBackports provides backported fixes.03:30
mackeralOh ok03:30
mmikowskiYou can use KDE to set global scale.03:30
mackeraloh interesting03:30
mmikowskiSystem Settings > Displays03:30
mackeralah 'Change will come after restart'03:32
mackeralcool mmikowski thanks for the info!03:32
mmikowskiSo my advice is to 1. sudo add-apt-repository ppa:kubuntu-ppa 2. sudo apt full-upgrade 3. Reboot. Then see if issues continue.03:32
mackeralI gave up on sound over HDMI03:33
mmikowskiIt's almost certainly the kernel.03:33
mmikowskiok mackeral, best of luck. I hope that was helpful.03:34
mackeralI got a mutlipartioned drive ready, I guess the smart thing would be a parralel install...03:34
mmikowskiI gotta get back to my night job.03:34
mackeralVery helpful. Thank you very much03:34
mmikowskiIf you're going to reinstall on intel, kfocus takes stock kubuntu and curates the kernel etc. So you might want to try that. If interested, you can download at https://kfocus.org/try.03:35
mmikowskiThe kernel there is held back to 5.19.0-32, so sound over hdmi /should/ work.03:35
mmikowskiAmong other things.03:35
mmikowskikk mackeral, best of luck!03:36
IrcsomeBot<Damian> Hi guys, I wouldn't write, if I wasn't desperate at this point. I am a Linux-beginner and want to use Ulauncher on Kubuntu. The hotkey works perfectly and after pressing enter the desired program is selected/activated. Unfortunately the launcher doesn't focus on the window of the selected program (it remains in the background). Firefox for example even opens a new window/tab in the background when selected via Ulauncher (which is pretty annoyi06:55
mmikowskiDamian: Why Ulauncher? What does it give you that you don't get with the standard Plasma launcher?07:05
mmikowskifwiw, many apps these days open tabs in running processes instead of creating a whole new instance. You can get around this often with command line arguments. Even then, though, they will often attach to the running process to share resources.07:06
IrcsomeBot<Damian> Thank you for the swift answer! I read about Ulauncher while looking for a program comparable to Quicksilver (a program launcher I use on MacOS) and it seemed promising. But maybe the plasma launcher will do the job as well. I was so focused on Ulauncher that I maybe lost sight of possible alternatives. I will give it a try!07:25
mmikowskiDamian: I think the Plasma launcher will probably do everything you need. I use alt+space quick launcher all the time, and it is very handy. If you want a full screen launcher, the plasma launcher can do that too - just right click on it and select "Show Alternatives"07:33
diogenes_Vx15Damian, if you want something similar to what you are used to then install kupfer and synapse and see which of the two suits you better.07:34
IrcsomeBot<Damian> Just tried it. The plasma launcher basically does what I was looking for. For now I will stick to it and see whether it offers what I am used to on MacOS/Quicksilver. I will also consider the recommended alternatives. Thank you both very much and have a great day!07:51
IrcsomeBot<Yash> Not able to find wifi option. Please help : https://irc-attachments.kde.org/5e2c945d/file_65468.jpg10:46
diogenes_Vx15_Yash, is this a real or virtual machine?10:47
IrcsomeBot<Yash> It is a real machine10:56
IrcsomeBot<Yash> I face frequent issues regarding wifi 😔10:57
IrcsomeBot<Yash> This is the only thing which disappoints after switching from windows10:58
diogenes_Vx15_Yash, run in terminal: sudo rfkill list | nc termbin.com 999911:01
diogenes_Vx15_share the url11:01
IrcsomeBot<Yash> Okay11:02
IrcsomeBot<Yash> https://termbin.com/k1b411:02
diogenes_Vx15_Yash, do you dual boot with windows?11:04
IrcsomeBot<Yash> yes11:04
IrcsomeBot<Yash> windows 1111:04
IrcsomeBot<Yash> and Kubuntu version is LTS 22.0411:04
diogenes_Vx15_Yash, then load the windows, see if you get wifi wirking there and then, IMPORTANT reboot into Linux, it's important to reboot and not to shutdown windows and then boot into Linux but only reboot from windows into Linux.11:05
IrcsomeBot<Yash> I tried that11:06
IrcsomeBot<Yash> in windows as well the wifi is not working11:06
diogenes_Vx15_try it now and after that we can try and troubleshoot it further on.11:06
IrcsomeBot<Yash> okay11:06
IrcsomeBot<Yash> yup11:06
diogenes_Vx15_dod you just say that it doesn't work under windows too?11:07
IrcsomeBot<Yash> yes11:07
IrcsomeBot<Yash> it doesnt work there as well11:07
diogenes_Vx15_doesn't it ring a bell?11:07
IrcsomeBot<Yash> hmm??11:07
IrcsomeBot<Yash> It stopped working suddenly11:08
diogenes_Vx15_it's kind of a hint that the wireless device itself is either damaged or not supported?11:08
IrcsomeBot<Yash> at 2 PM I was using wifi11:08
IrcsomeBot<Yash> then there was an issue from my service provider's end11:09
diogenes_Vx15_well yesterday i was using my old PC and today it died.11:09
IrcsomeBot<Yash> I agree11:09
diogenes_Vx15_everything has a period of activity.11:09
IrcsomeBot<Yash> But you know it is brand new laptop11:09
IrcsomeBot<Yash> and11:09
IrcsomeBot<Yash> I faced the similar issue earlier11:09
IrcsomeBot<Yash> and it got fixed automatically11:10
IrcsomeBot<Yash> 6 months old (re @Yash: But you know it is brand new laptop)11:10
IrcsomeBot<Yash> 2 weeks before (re @Yash: I faced the similar issue earlier)11:10
diogenes_Vx15_Yash, for your information, "new" in todays terms means worse, less reloable, poorly designed and designed to break after a certain period of time and if it doesn't work on windws the go back to the store and claim the flaw.11:11
IrcsomeBot<Yash> https://termbin.com/7r11111:12
IrcsomeBot<Yash> can you please check this link as well11:12
IrcsomeBot<Yash> Agree! Will contact to customer care 😄 (re @IrcsomeBot: <diogenes_Vx15_> Yash, for your information, "new" in todays terms means worse, less reloable, poorly designed and designed to break after a certain period of time and if it doesn't work on windws the go back to the store and claim the flaw.)11:13
diogenes_Vx15_Yash, and besides, the link you provided also doesn't show your wifi so go to the store as soon as possible.11:14
IrcsomeBot<Yash> Okay!11:16
IrcsomeBot<Yash> Thanks11:16
IrcsomeBot<Yash> 😄11:16
IrcsomeBot<Yash> Hi! Are you still there? (re @IrcsomeBot: <diogenes_Vx15_> Yash, and besides, the link you provided also doesn't show your wifi so go to the store as soon as possible.)11:32
IrcsomeBot<Yash> it has started working again after a reboot11:32
IrcsomeBot<Yash> I dont know why it stops randomly11:33
diogenes_Vx15_Yash, then you have to decide, either endure those random disconnections or get it back to the store and replace with a new one or at least to service it because that's not a normal behsvior.11:34
IrcsomeBot<Yash> Agree! Will have to visit the store (re @IrcsomeBot: <diogenes_Vx15_> Yash, then you have to decide, either endure those random disconnections or get it back to the store and replace with a new one or at least to service it because that's not a normal behsvior.)11:34
diogenes_Vx15_Yash,a nd i'd suggest you go there with windows only starting up, otherwise they might claim something like warranty void.11:37
user|16thank you very much mmikowski !  sorry for the delay i was sleeping  . . . hihi11:43
user|16yes it looks like my old home directory in the hard drive was not encrypted.11:45
user|16still how can i acces my old directory to recover some files now that i am booted with a live dvd?11:45
user|16when typing ls -alF is shows that the owner is root root.  is that why it shows a lock and cannot see the files inside?11:47
user|16hopefully after recovering some files i will start a clean installation of Kubuntu 23.0411:49
user|16as mentioned before my upgrade from 22.10 to 23.04 failed and i cannot boot from the hard drive11:50
user|16genii was helping me yesterday, but i don't know if he is still on line . . .11:53
BluesKajHi all12:39
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IrcsomeBot<milesdredd> hello , i want to install sway wm to my kubuntu ... any help , btw i m following a web page for the same13:30
BluesKaj@milesdredd, sway can be installed with apt in the konsole or your GUI package manager/Discovery13:50
IrcsomeBot<milesdredd> discovery ?? discover? (re @IrcsomeBot: <BluesKaj> @milesdredd, sway can be installed with apt in the konsole or your GUI package manager/Discovery)13:51
BluesKajoops Discover even13:52
BluesKajI don't use Discover, but some users like using a GUI vs the terminal13:53
IrcsomeBot<milesdredd> i like cli moree13:54
BluesKajthen use it, they're all based on dpkg anyway13:54
IrcsomeBot<milesdredd> i have an error while installing it . i m following a web page for this13:56
IrcsomeBot<milesdredd> but i got error13:56
BluesKajwhat's the error?13:56
IrcsomeBot<milesdredd> https://i.imgur.com/QSNV8vI.png13:57
IrcsomeBot<milesdredd> i cant able to build this13:57
BluesKajhave you upgraded your packages lately?13:58
IrcsomeBot<milesdredd> updated all dependency (re @IrcsomeBot: <BluesKaj> have you upgraded your packages lately?)14:00
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IrcsomeBot<milesdredd> rn14:01
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BluesKajcompiling isn't working using ninja,  try,  sudo apt install sway14:11
IrcsomeBot<milesdredd> okay14:18
IrcsomeBot<milesdredd> thanksssss (re @IrcsomeBot: <BluesKaj> compiling isn't working using ninja,  try,  sudo apt install sway)14:20
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BluesKajno need to repost my suggestion14:23
IrcsomeBot<Anarchotaoist> This is what I have been using for over 5 years - but what is the difference between the root and non-root versions? Why choose one over the other? The root version does not respect user theme. (re @IrcsomeBot: <mmikowski> user|22, if you return, try backintime-qt)14:23
user|35I installed Kubuntu 23.04 on a new Samsung SSD. After the installation everything works fine but I decided to look at driver manager in the kde system settings app. Get into additional drivers. Saw that if I'm not wrong do not use the device was selected instead of using dkms source for Broadcom STA Wireless Driver from broadcom-sta-dkms15:56
user|35(proprietary). I selected it and appyl changes. After that restarted the computer and the wireless was broken.15:56
diogenes_Vx15user|35, i guess you should have asked before applying )16:04
alkisguser|35: and why don't you just uninstall that package?16:13
user|8My Acer Predator Helios 300 has an NVIDIA graphics card which causes my kubuntu os to crash. How do I fix this?18:03
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marcopolo1can someone help me real quick23:51
marcopolo1this is what i get when i download from teams https://imgbb.com/23:52

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