
=== NotEickmeyer is now known as Eickmeyer
ItzSwirlzHi IRC Team! I just setup #ubuntucinnamon and #ubuntucinnamon-dev for Ubuntu Cinnamon on IRC. I've read Wiki pages and registered the channels to myself, is there anything else I can do to start the process of making it an official channel (adding ubottu/making it logged, etc.)?18:35
Unit193ItzSwirlz: To be in the namespace, you really want #ubuntu-cinnamon and likely to follow suit (findability, etc) with others #ubuntu-cinnamon-devel might make sense.  For the logging, you'll have to send a message to Canonical rt, but I can handle ubottu.21:50
EickmeyerUnit193: I disagree on behalf of #ubuntustudio. 22:51
EickmeyerAlso, the name of the .iso is ubuntucinnamon.22:51
Unit193"Follow suit" was -dev vs -devel. "to be in the namespace" is also valid.22:52
EickmeyerSo, it really doesn't matter. ItzSwirlz has already said he wants it to be one word.22:52
Unit193Ah, OK.  Well, then we'll just have to adjust the namespace.22:52
EickmeyerYes, I agree on -devel22:52
Eickmeyer#ubuntustudio should already be in the namespace.22:53
EickmeyerIf it's not, that's an oversight.22:54
Unit193But the channel we're talking about here is cinnamon, which isn't presently.22:54
EickmeyerI'm just saying that the separation of words shouldn't be a factor.22:54
Unit193ItzSwirlz: Sounds like you strongly prefer single word, so that's fine.  I'd strongly recommend -devel over -dev, but that's up to you.22:54
Unit193Eickmeyer: But it is, soo..22:55
EickmeyerIf it were, then we need to close #ubuntustudio and I will be very, very unhappy there.22:55
EickmeyerJust for the sake of uniformity.22:55
EickmeyerI'm also on the Ubuntu Cinnamon team, so that's part of why I'm chiming in.22:57

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