=== NotEickmeyer is now known as Eickmeyer [07:13] hi, how can i change the appearance of the mate theme so that the active window titlebar and inactive window titlebar would be different? [07:19] when i change the mate theme, all windows just become the same [07:19] and there's no difference in the active/inactive windows [09:13] akik, are you using the default Yaru-MATE-light theme in 22.04? In that, the colors are different for me (active/inactive title bar) [09:14] If you're using Yaru-MATE-light, and you still have issues, pastebin the output of: [09:14] gsettings list-recursively org.mate.interface | nc termbin.com 9999 [09:15] alkisg: yaru-mate-light is the same, just grey titlebars [09:16] But with a different tone, right? [09:16] alkisg: yes [09:16] OK, and you want a bigger difference? [09:16] alkisg: i want to easily see the active window [09:17] alkisg: the difference in these grey colors is barely noticeable [09:18] alkisg: here's gsettings output: https://termbin.com/08pg [09:18] akik, if you right click on the desktop and go to the themes dialog, you can select a theme with a bigger difference [09:19] E.g. the ones with "green" usually have a green active titlebar, and a grey inactive one [09:19] alkisg: do you mean change desktop background? [09:19] Yes, and then to the first tab of the dialog that will appear [09:20] alkisg: i chose yaru-prussiangreen, but it's the same [09:21] Choose another one then [09:21] E.g. TraditionalGreen [09:21] Or YaruGreen [09:21] alkisg: i don't have those [09:21] akik: are you on vanilla ubuntu mate 22.04? [09:22] alkisg: yes [09:22] maybe i need an additional package [09:22] What's the output of this command? dpkg -S /usr/share/themes [09:23] yaru-theme-unity, yaru-theme-gtk, marco-common, gnome-themes-extra-data, gnome-accessibility-themes, ubuntu-mate-themes, libgtk-3-common, libgtk2.0-common: /usr/share/themes [09:23] Indeed you're missing mate-themes, do apt install it [09:30] The following NEW packages will be installed: gtk2-engines mate-themes [09:31] ok now i have new themes [09:31] yes that fixed it! muchos gracias [09:31] i wonder why i didn't have those packages [09:31] 👍️ [09:31] No idea my installation is very old, from november 2021 [09:31] i only have ubuntu mate on this oldish laptop [09:32] it's booting in uefi mode [09:32] Vanilla 22.04, but started from alpha version [21:32] alkisg: i have another computer with ubuntu mate 22.04 here. it doesn't either have the mate-themes package installed [21:34] alkisg: both of these are straight 22.04 installs, so no upgrades [21:34] and installing mate-themes brought back the themes i need [21:35] so it's just the yaru themes that all don't different the active and inactive windows [21:35] differentiate