
=== guiverc2 is now known as guiverc
Guest75452hi, I'm having trouble when closing my laptop screen, I want it to go into suspend and locking the session, but I only get the suspend part which is a security risk... also I can't get to configure the "Ctrl-L" or "Win-L"  to lock my gnome session. This might be related.11:34
Guest75452At some point I had to use `gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.lockdown disable-lock-screen 'false'` but this hack isn't working anymore ...11:35
KGB-0mutter ubuntu/master f85acbe Gunnar Hjalmarsson debian/changelog * Upload 44.0-2ubuntu6 to mantic * https://deb.li/33RM416:30
KGB-0mutter signed tags 89f3843 Gunnar Hjalmarsson ubuntu/44.0-2ubuntu6 * mutter Debian release 44.0-2ubuntu6 * https://deb.li/iOoRD16:31
GunnarHjginggs: "Build-Conflicts" proved to be sufficient to make the builder in experimental install the right package. Thanks!21:19

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